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Americans Still Overwhelmingly Oppose Sanctuary Cities

At Fox News' "First 100 Days" town hall on immigration Tuesday night, "angel mom" Laura Wilkerson offered an emotional explanation of how her child was murdered at the hands of an illegal immigrant. It's ridiculous, she said, that her son's killer had not been deported long before his crime.


"Nobody gets sanctuary from the law," she said.

New surveys indicate that Americans are sympathetic to her story and the story of too many parents who have lost their children in the midst of relaxed immigration laws in many major cities. The latest Harvard–Harris Poll, for instance, found overwhelming opposition to sanctuary cities.

The Harvard–Harris Poll survey found strong support for an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, with 77 percent saying they support comprehensive immigration reform against only 23 percent who oppose.

“While there is broad support for comprehensive immigration reform, there is overwhelming opposition to sanctuary cities,” said Harvard–Harris co-director Mark Penn. “The public wants honest immigrants treated fairly and those who commit crimes deported and that's very clear from the data.”

The White House has tweeted the survey as proof that they have wide support for cracking down on sanctuary cities. If localities continue to ignore the law and refuse to comply with immigration enforcement officials, Trump plans to withhold federal funds from them.

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