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NY Times: Hillary Needed Khizr Khan to Bring 'Emotion' to Her Campaign

Hillary Clinton is trying furiously to remind voters of all the controversies and disagreements Donald Trump has found himself in in the past year. In a Clinton-approved ad that aired on ABC Monday night, viewers again heard Trump's "locker room talk," the women who have accused him of sexual assault, as well as years-old sound bites in which he admitted his distrust of women in the workforce - all with the intent to paint Trump as unfit for the presidency.


The Clinton camp is also wanting to bring the Khans back into the spotlight. The Khans, you'll remember, are the Gold Star parents of a young man who died fighting for the U.S. The family, who is Muslim, challenged Trump's plan to put a temporary stop to Muslim immigration at the Democratic National Convention by holding up a copy of the Constitution. It was certainly one of if not the most memorable moment of the DNC. The Clinton camp knows that and it's why this week Khizr Khan stepped out onto the campaign trail with the Democratic nominee. 

At a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, Khan asked several different minority groups whether they think they'd be welcome in Donald Trump's America.

“Would anyone who is not like you have a place in your America?” an animated Mr. Khan concluded.

The crowd now yelled in unison, some thrusting fits and Clinton-Kaine signs in the air: “No!”

“Well, thankfully, Mr. Trump, this isn’t your America,” Mr. Khan said.

His presence, The New York Times noted, again overshadowed the Democratic nominee. Although Clinton has tried to convince voters she is the bright alternative to Trump's "dark" campaign, she needed a surrogate to really drive the point home. 


But it took Mr. Khan, who delivered a showstopper of a speech in July at the Democratic National Convention when he pulled a copy of the Constitution out of his jacket pocket and waved it as he talked about Mr. Trump, to bring an emotional core to the message. 

Certainly, Mrs. Clinton has had trouble drawing the same crowds as Donald Trump. Last weekend, she had Jay Z and Beyoncé join her on stage in Cleveland, and she still just barely drew an audience that matched the Republican nominee's in Hershey, PA, who campaigned sans star power.

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