Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) had been rumored to be one of Donald Trump’s most viable choices for vice president. She is senator for an important swing state and having a woman on the ticket could be optics and demographics gold. On Wednesday, however, she sure made it seem like she had other plans in mind.
“I made that very clear to him that I’m focused on Iowa. I feel that I have a lot more to do in the United States Senate. And Iowa is where my heart is,” Ernst said Wednesday. “I’m just getting started here. I have a great partner with Chuck Grassley, we’ve been able to accomplish a lot. And I think that President Trump will need some great assistance in the United States Senate and I can provide that.”
Ernst plans on acting more like an "advocate" for the GOP nominee, she said.
Trump has been very complimentary of Ernst’s work in the Senate as of late, stating on Twitter she had done a “great job” for Iowa.
Ernst's apparent decision to leave the VP spot open for someone else comes after Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) withdrew his own name, noting there were people “far more qualified” than he to serve that post.
All of these developments serve as fire for the Newt Gingrich rumors.
As Guy reported, Trump may announce his running mate as soon as next week.
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