On Monday, Donald Trump offered a vastly different response to the Orlando terror attack than that of his Democratic counterpart in Manchester, New Hampshire. While Clinton failed to utter the words “radical Islam” in her remarks, Trump used the phrase several times.
“This is a very dark moment in America’s history,” Trump said. “It’s a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation.”
The presumptive GOP nominee, who refused to use the Orlando shooter’s name observed a moment of silence for the victims of Sunday’s massacre, before tearing into the ideology that he says is “anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-American.”
The correct response to combating radical Islam, he insisted, is to strengthen our relaxed immigration system.
“They’re pouring in and we don’t know what we’re doing,” he said.
The president, he explained, can determine if a class of people should be suspended from entering our borders.
“It’s as he or she deems appropriate – hopefully it’s 'he' in this case,” Trump said.
“I will suspend immigration from areas where there is a proven record of terrorism,” he pledged.
Trump said as president he will also oversee an improved intelligence gathering system, as well as better cooperation between government, local and state officials and our allies.
The GOP nominee then offered his poor review of Clinton’s foreign policy agenda. Instead of condemning radical Islamic terrorism in Cleveland on Monday, she focused largely on the need to ban assault weapons. Her refusal to use the words “radical Islam” proves she lacks the temperament to oversee our national security, Trump said.
“She has no clue what radical Islam is."
Her continued reluctance to name the enemy displays “true weakness” around the world, he added, and her "catastrophic" immigration plan will “threaten society and our entire way of life."
“When it comes to radical Islamic terrorism, ignorance is not bliss – it’s deadly.”
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