Matt wrote earlier about USA Today's rather strange inclusion of a "chainsaw bayonet" as a possible modification for an AR-15. While those are apparently real, they're by no means a common or mainstream thing, and one certainly wasn't used in the shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
To mock USA Today for their shoddy attempt at stoking hysteria about strange gun modifications, people on Twitter wasted no time in coming up with some other "possible modifications" of an AR-15.
They were pretty funny:
Toaster pastry grip #possiblemodifications
— PossibleTodification (@tryanmax) November 8, 2017
Honey Badger Bayonet #PossibleModifications
— Nate Paschall™ (@NatePaschall) November 8, 2017
@USATODAY I made the deadliest modification. Guaranteed to kill over 100 million people.#PossibleModifications
— The Prime Memeister (@EDFoddguy) November 8, 2017
while supplies last #possiblemodifications
— PossibleTodification (@tryanmax) November 8, 2017
It's absolutely terrifying that there are no laws against this! A gun like this can break the wheel! #PossibleModifications
— Rogue Wilson Fisk (@BluishCheckMark) November 9, 2017
Okay, last one I swear.
— The Prime Memeister (@EDFoddguy) November 9, 2017
Just replace every part with another chainsaw, and an extra, slightly smaller #ChainsawBayonet for good taste.#PossibleModifications
Other possible modifications.
— Charles Overture (@CharlesOverture) November 8, 2017
The Rootin’ Tootin’ Double Six Shooter #PossibleModifications
— Chris Stigall (@ChrisStigall) November 8, 2017
And of course, an Alex Jones reference:
They have #PossibleModifications for the AR-15 that shoot out chemicals that TURN THE FRICKIN' FROGS GAY!
— Sp????ky til Xmas (@IncredCanemian) November 9, 2017
Thankfully Second Amendment-types have a sense of humor.
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