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Susan Collins Decides Against Gubernatorial Run

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), speaking at the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce's Business Breakfast in Rockport, ME, said that she will not be running for governor in 2018. Speculation regarding a potential Collins gubernatorial run had swirled for months. 


In a lengthy speech that touched on her history in the Senate and her concerns about the Affordable Care Act and its various repeal efforts, Colling highlighted her commitment to reaching across the political aisle and working with members of the other party. She spoke of how she's proud of her time in the Senate, and how she felt as though she was able to represent Maine well. 

She then addressed the "elephant in the room," and said that she feels as though she will be best able to serve the people of Maine by remaining in the Senate, which was met with a standing ovation from the crowd. 


Collins was first elected to the Senate in 1996, and was easily re-elected in 2014. She is up for re-election in 2020. While many people feel that she would easily win a general election, there are substantial questions regarding her ability to survive a crowded Republican primary. 

Collins previously ran for governor in 1994, losing to now-Sen. Augus King (I-ME).

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