In her first recorded statement since Donald Trump was inaugurated, Hillary Clinton wants people to know that "the future is female." In a video played at the MAKERS Conference (a women's leadership conference in California), Clinton cited the massive turnout at the various women's marches as proof that women are motivated and galvanized.
I mean, sure. But it's kind of odd that the most high-profile female failure in the history of basically ever is the one tasked with reassuring women that they're the future. Clinton has never won a competitive election. As much as she was praised as the future or as the inevitable president (even calling herself as such), it turned out that she just wasn't all that likeable.
"Future" is something that the left should certainly be concerned about, regardless of which gender it apparently belongs to. As Matt wrote the Democrats are kinda screwed as a result of the losses accrued during the Obama era.
If the future actually is female, it's probably going to be a female that's more ideologically aligned to Elise Stefanik, Mia Love or Nikki Haley than Hillary Clinton or Tulsi Gabbard.
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