On Monday, actress Lena Dunham joined the growing number of celebrities who have pledged to move to Canada if Donald Trump is elected. In a phone interview on Tuesday on Fox & Friends, Trump said that he's completely fine with Dunham moving, and even added that it'd be a "great thing" for the country if the celebrities threatening to leave actually left.
Watch the exchange here:
.@realDonaldTrump: If me winning means Rosie O'Donnell moves to Canada, I'd be doing a great service to our country!https://t.co/foxt712Ko1
— FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) April 26, 2016
“She’s a B actor and has no mojo,” Trump said. “I heard Whoopi Goldberg said that, too. That would be a great, great thing for our country if she got out."
Dunham is an unabashed supporter of Hillary Clinton.
Can't say Trump is entirely wrong about this one...
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