Students enrolled in the "Sex, Health, and AIDS" class at the University of Arizona (UA) were assigned to create a "Condom Olympics" event for credit this semester. The "olympics" is part of UA's annual Sex Talk Week and Sexual Health Resource Fair. Events of the Condom Olympics include a condom-wrapped egg toss and a scavenger hunt.
From Campus Reform:
“Students can also see and make condom art and join a condom scavenger hunt,” the article continues.
Professor William Simmons told the newspaper that he does not like term papers or exams and prefers an “action learning assignment.”
“Hopefully this will get students comfortable knowing what condoms are,” he said.
“Sex, Health, and AIDS” is a three-credit undergraduate course which “sets out to explore this social and disease phenomenon from a number of perspectives,” according to the description on the official course listing website.
This just seems a little ridiculous. While sex education is generally fine, it seems a bit absurd to do a "condom-wrapped egg toss" for credit. If a student is intelligent enough to be admitted to a university, one would hope they would also have a basic understanding of how condoms work--without the university intervening.
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