Two young Michigan teens have been dubbed a “modern-day Romeo and Juliet” when they apparently ran away together over a week ago. Fourteen-year-old Braxton Wood, of Mt. Pleasant, and his girlfriend, 13-year-old Jayden Thomas of Clare, were last seen on August 26, and it is believed that Wood stole his family’s Ford Explorer and drove north to Thomas’ home.
The two were due to begin high school this week at different schools, which may have been the catalyst for their disappearance. Their parents had also expressed a concern that their relationship had become “way too serious.”
“The day that she left, I said I no longer support this relationship,” said Thomas’ mother, Kelly Drinkwine.
Their parents appeared this morning on Good Morning America, and expressed concern for the safety of their children and bewilderment as to where they might be. Their car was last spotted a week ago on Mackinaw Bridge, and police do not have many other leads on their location.
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The couple reportedly had less than $100 between them, and they did not have a full tank of gas. It is believed that they are still in the state. While the parallels to Romeo and Juliet may be obvious, one can only hope that this story has a much happier ending.
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