There's Another Embarrassing Update on Biden's Aid for Terrorists Pier
Bill Maher Pinpoints the One Issue That's Going to Get Dems 'F**ked on...
MSNBC's Morning Joe Segment About Biden's Strong G7 Summit Gets Demolished by European...
Apparently, New York Magazine Thinks All Black People Look Alike
The Biden Admin Is Still Withholding a Mandated Report on Iranian Sanctions
$895-Billion House Defense Bill Signals End of Biden Administration Woke Daycare for Milit...
State Department's Top Hostage Negotiator Reacts to Indictment of WSJ Journalist
CNN Bullies Ticketmaster Into Canceling Tucker Carlson Tour
Senate Republicans Block Bill Protecting IVF
Nearly Half of Americans Have Little Faith Biden Will Make It Through First...
Democrat's Law Directly Linked to Increase In Fentanyl Deaths
How This Republican Is Protecting the Integrity of the 2024 Election
CNN Releases New Rules for Trump, Biden Debate
Biden Importing Venezuelan Gangs Into U.S.
Will Trump Be the First Republican to Win This Vote Since 1988?

Best of the Blogs

Katy Grimes tells an interesting story about attempted cost-cutting measures in her Sacramento community.  Apparently, she does not care whether the Parks and Recreation workers are unionized.

Charleston James offers an in-depth analysis of the Sonia Sotomayor nomination, ranging from her qualifications to her judicial philosophy to her past rulings.

How will Sotomayor's nomination effect the stability of the court?

Brian Peters provides background on the North Korea situation, and asks: what does North Korea have to lose in a potential war?

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