We already knew that Sarah Hall Ingram -- the IRS official now in charge of ObamaCare -- attempted to counsel The White House about a lawsuit brought by religious organizations opposed to the odious ObamaCare abortifacient/contraceptive mandate. . . . and that she revealed confidential taxpayer information in the course of doing so.
Today, we learn that Ingram also had meetings at The White House a whopping 155 times.
Just to recap, this is in addition to the 118 times former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman visited between 2010 and 2011, compared to the one time between 2003 and 2007 his predecessor visited the Bush White House. Recall also that Shulman is married to a lefty campaign finance reformer -- and at his White House meetings was Stephanie Cutter, who went on to become a top Obama campaign official.
We know that Shulman and Ingram were never in the same meetings, but:
Exit Questions
(1) Did Ingram ever attend any meeting with Stephanie Cutter?
(2) Given that she has already violated IRS confidentiality requirements, how are those being forced into ObamaCare to have confidence that their private information will be safe?
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