Here is the message: Get over yourselves. Not to put too fine a point on it, YOU LOST. Now, if you care at all about the Republican voters in your state or Republicans generally or saving America from the Obama disaster, step aside graciously.
By your behavior, you are displaying the arrogance, the self-centeredness, the utter lack of respect for GOP voters that has animated the Tea Party, and with such good reason. You're revealing yourselves as people who care about nothing larger than yourself and holding onto a taxpayer subsidized job.
So do the right thing (well, it's too late for Charlie Crist). Accept the will of the voters and decline to play the role of Democrat stalking horse and spoiler. And spare yourselves the humiliation and shame of losing twice while empowering continued domination of government by liberal Democrats. Please.
It's not just about you. It's about America.
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