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Klobuchar Accidentally Tells a Crowd the Real Reason She Endorsed Biden

AP Photo/Richard W. Rodriguez

Ever since Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) dropped out of the 2020 Democratic primary and endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden, speculation grew about whether or not she would be his veep pick, assuming he was the Democratic nominee.


Klobuchar slipped up during a campaign event in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

"I could not think of a better way to end my candidacy, as hard as it was to do with our beloved staff and everyone else, than to join the tick–" she said, realizing what came out of her mouth. "–to join the Joe Biden–"

The crowd began to applaud. She smiled and shook her head. "Kidding," Klobuchar said.

"–than to join, than to join–" she attempted to say.

The crowd was cheering, making it almost impossible for her to finish her sentence.

"Amy! Amy! Amy!" the crowd chanted.

"I was going to say to join the terrific, the terrific, the terrific campaign of Joe Biden," she finally said. 

Biden has yet to name the person he would run with should he be at the top of the ticket. There has been growing speculation about who would be Biden's veep pick. Some have speculated about the potential for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) or Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) filling that position. 


According to Fox News, Biden currently has 664 delegates and Sanders has 573.

The next election will take place on Tuesday in Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and Washington state.


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