Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Enough from the Peanut Gallery
– While the field of remaining GOP presidential hopefuls is busy making its case to the American people, those with nothing on the line … Huckabee seems intent on remaining in the spotlight with ambiguous statements about a possible vice-presidential run, allusions to … In the run-up to the 2008 presidential election, Hillary Clinton was the odds-on favorite for the Democratic nomination; she was the…
NYT Editor Bill Keller Stepping Down
– Keller's tenure as captain of the Old Gray Lady earned him the #20 spot on our list: Whether he's regurgitating liberal Democratic … exuding religious bigotry by personally bashing Catholics or overseeing the publication of lies and innuendo about Republican presidentialcandidates or justifying the publication of military and state secrets that both undermine the War on Terror and our international…
HuffPo: Democrats Starting to Take Herman Cain Seriously
– the Atlanta-based businessman:   Yet another poll suggests Republican voters are giving serious consideration to presidential … The Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling is set to release numbers Wednesday showing Cain in a two-way tie for second place in … Sure, this piece gives unnamed Democratic sources a chance to take potshots at a few of the GOP field's perceived "top tier" candidates
Ryan Steals March on Obama as Fiscal Crisis Looms
– short term, Ryan's budget resolution will likely be adopted in the Republican-controlled House and not even considered in the Democratic-majority … But it's also likely to shape the economic platform for the Republican presidential nominee in 2012. … None of the current potential candidates has come up with anything so comprehensive.…
Corrupt Elections are Undermining Governance
– We all remember the election officials in Florida holding up ballots looking for hanging chads in the Presidential race between Al … Instead of write in candidates, the actual ballots should adjust to allow additional candidates on the ballot. … Systems that limit the number of candidates in any race should be eliminated.…
Needless Delay on Nominations
– Yes, presidential appointees should be checked for problems. … We must ensure that candidates for important positions are qualified and trustworthy. … We see the founders’ wisdom in how they handled presidential appointees to high office.…
Spending Cuts Are Hot in the Political Marketplace
– bargaining privileges and stopping the automatic flow of dues money from the state treasury to the unions and their allies in the Democraticcandidates are likely to embrace similar proposals. … Congress ever would have considered in 2010 -- and that there will be more to come.Congressional Democratic leaders could have avoided…
GOP Shouldn't Play Trump Card
– In the 2008 presidential election, Trump said he supported Obama, adding that he "has a chance to go down as the greatest president … China is a hot-button issue for candidates to expound upon when they lack a domestic economic plan to boost growth and jobs. … But this is not a presidential contender who has serious answers to the critical economic and fiscal issues we now face.…
That 3 a.m. Phone Call
– Many commentators thought it was Hillary’s best argument against her opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination. … But commentators aren’t the ones who nominate candidates for the White House. … And Democratic primary voters preferred that young Hope and Change over old Tough and Ready.…
What's Going to Happen?
– a great annotated bibliography of press pieces about how weak, how late-starting, how little-known, how futile it looked for Democraticcandidates at about this point in the 1992 President cycle. … So, when you hear the office know-it-all state with absolute certainty that they can divine the outcome of the Presidential election…
Why the 2012 Hopefuls Don't Inspire
– Underwhelmed by the way the 2012 presidential contest is shaping up? … Of course these numbers and reactions will shift as the presidential contest takes shape. … Another was "that eminent men make more enemies" and were therefore "less desirable candidates."…
The GOP Primary Can Wait
– Think back to four years ago when the last presidential primary was raging. … There was the snowman asking presidential candidates what they will do about “the single most important issue to the snowmen of this … So let’s take our time on the presidential candidates.…
Imagining a World Without Polls
– The tenor of the presidential primary is being dictated by the daily stream of horse race polling. … Pew, another polling titan, is fairly gun-shy about covering the presidential horse race as well. … You can argue that following the polls is democratic, but it's a cheap and shallow form of democracy.…
Looking for a Competent, Polite, Experienced and Street Smart Candidate
– There's still no clear frontrunner in the Republican presidential primary campaign. … At this point in the presidential marathon, no one sees a clear outcome to the 2016 primaries, except that former Secretary of State … But so far in the GOP's stable of candidates, there is no Big Foot who is the dominant leader.…
Liberals' Response to Dissent: 'Shut Up'
Democratic Sen. … Whitehouse is not the only Democratic senator who is determined to stamp out the free speech of those who disagree with him. … to set "reasonable" limits on how much candidates can raise and spend during their campaigns and how much individuals and corporations…
Why I’m Endorsing Ted Cruz For President
– I have never officially endorsed a presidential candidate before, but I’m endorsing Ted Cruz for president for three simple reasons … vote for any of the Democratic candidates, especially the front runners), and if our nominee ended up being someone like Dr. … And in the 2016 election, given the radical stances of the leading Democratic candidates, there is no possible way I could vote for…
CNBC Biased? You Don't Say!
– Chuck Todd, moderator of NBC's "Meet the Press," worked on Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin's 1992 presidential campaign. … on Democratic Sen. … President Obama recently chided the Republican candidates for complaining about the CNBC moderators.…
Conventional Wisdom Proves Ignorance in the Presidential Race…al-wisdom-proves-ignorance-in-the-presidential-race-n2075735
– The current presidential campaign is blowing up lots of political myths. … In contrast, the Democrat candidates appear far older, are all white, and are all political has-beens. … ignored the back-of-the-pack candidates.…
The Republicans Debate the Media – and Win
– In a previous article, I noted that the five Democrat presidential contenders discussed substantive issues. … Then I recognize, and how easily the viewers in the social media sphere can forget: the five – now three – Democratic candidates were … Why were the Republican candidates discussing fantasy football, anyway?…
Republicans vs. The Media
– In 2012, Clinton and George Stephanopoulos singlehandedly redirected the presidential election narrative by asking Republican frontrunner … And then the candidates came together and said they would no longer abide by rules set by a ratings-seeking, leftist media, and the … Then the Democratic National Committee announced that MSNBC host Rachel Maddow would be moderating a live presidential forum, humiliating…
Jeb Bush Offers Warm Kiss -- and Is Left as Toast in GOP Race
– I feel a deep regret in missing even one game of the World Series to watch the Republican presidential candidates' debate. … Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was smiling so hard I thought her face might crack off. … Not the moderators, not the other candidates and perhaps not even the American people.…
Obama: If GOP Candidates Can't Handle CNBC Moderators, How Will They Deal With Russia, China?…andle-cnbc-how-will-they-deal-with-russia-and-china-n2075153
– President Obama took a shot at GOP presidential hopefuls on Monday, saying that if they couldn’t handle the line of questioning from … “Every one of these candidates says, 'Obama's weak, Putin's kicking sand in his face. … When I talk to Putin, he's going to straighten out,'" Obama said during a democratic fundraiser in New York City.…
Mainstream Media's Bias
– CNBC promised candidates an opening question on financial or economic issues but instead were lowballed with: "Tell us your biggest … Ad hominem attacks like asking if one of the candidates was running "a comic book version of a presidential campaign" or disparagingly … and potentially changed the course of the presidential race."…
Uh Oh: Gun Control Push Splitting Democrats ... Again
– Yet, the Democratic Party’s push for gun control might be placing moderate Democrats in the cross hairs: While Democratic senators … strategists based in Colorado, however, warn that presidential candidates would pay a price for such talk come general-election time … Another Colorado-based Democratic strategist said gun control is not a great issue for embattled Democratic candidates such as Bennet…
What Happens When an Irresistible Force Meets an Immoveable Object?…en-an-irresistible-force-meets-an-immoveable-object-n2074798
– That's one question raised by the 2016 presidential campaign. … Presidential voting has become more predictable as well. … In 2004 presidential turnout increased by 17 million. George W.…
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