Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Rising Irrelevance of Obama
with her.In denouncing Syria and Iran for crushing peaceful protests, the Obamaites acted consistent with the democratic values they … In Wilson's war "to make the world safe for democracy," we partnered with five empires. In World War II, we allied with Stalin. … policy of accepting the friendship of any and all who would stand with us in that great Cold War struggle, we set out to remake the
President Hamlet
– So the president not only borrows at record levels, but also sets up a commission to warn us that his borrowing will soon bankrupt … Bush's war on terror that he banned the phrase "war on terror" altogether. … The situation in Libya is deemed "unacceptable," but how exactly it could be made acceptable is never spelled out.…
The Bad Optics of Rand Paul's Iron Dome Vote
– , providing Israel with $1 billion to replenish its Iron Dome system following the war Israel endured with Palestinian Arab terrorists … The Iron Dome is a defensive system that shoots down short-range rockets with a 90 percent success rate, saving both the lives of countless … It’s wrong to be the only Senator preventing the US from providing funding for the Iron Dome.  …
Iran: All Options on the Table
– It’s a new year, but the news about Iran is not new. … The timing of recent rhetoric throughout the Middle East is directly related to renewed nuclear negotiations with Iran. … It’s widely assumed that the statements being made by Israel now are not directed at Iran, but to the US and others.…
How We Forfeited the Fruits of Cold War Victory
– In the reviewing stand on Constitution Avenue for the victory parade of the troops of Desert Storm, the thought occurred: This is what … an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to … These, then, are three of the historic blunders that have forfeited for us the unique position America held at the close of the Cold…
There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whined that “the President engaged in what is widely being recognized as an act of war against Iran, one that … All the pearl-clutching over the idea that this could lead to war with Iran is ridiculous. … There is something fundamentally wrong with that. Derek is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!)…
Everyone Has A Different Take On Soleimani And Iran, But There’s Only One That Trump Should Listen To…ran-but-theres-only-one-that-trump-should-listen-to-n2558920
– Yet, like many, the Times also expressed concern that his death could mean the end of any chance of peace or a deal with Iran. … “It is not just Suleimani’s death, but likely the death knell of the Iran nuclear deal and any prospect of diplomacy between Iran and … and caution that the “Constitution dictates that we declare war” if we are going to go to war with Iran. …
Marco Rubio Dismantles Leftist Arguments Against Killing Soleimani…mantles-leftist-arguments-against-killing-soleimani-n2558890
us to the brink of warFACT: Obama deal helped Iran fund the acceleration of its missile program & its support for Shia terrorist proxies … is desperate to start a war in the Middle EastFACT: Trump has had several opportunities to justifiably respond militarily to Iran … Constitution & War Powers Resolution — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 3, 2020FICTION: Strike on Soleimani is the reason Iran will…
Ilhan Omar is Pretty Upset We Just Killed the World's Leading Islamic Terrorist…we-just-killed-the-worlds-leading-islamic-terrorist-n2558918
– According the the Obama Department of Defense, Qasem Soleimani was a terrorist directly responsible for the murder of over 500 US service … at risk at home & across the globe. … Congress alone has the authority to declare war, & we must reclaim our responsibility & say no to war with Iran. — Rashida Tlaib (@…
CNN: Oh No, Trump Murdered Iran's Master Terrorist Leader Qassim Soleimani…able-in-their-whitewashing-of-irans-master-terroris-n2558899
Iran is the world’s largest state-sponsor of terror. There is never a day where the Left ceases to amaze us, huh? … He changed the shape of the Syrian civil war and tightened Iran’s grip on Iraq. … Just as his accomplishments shaped the creation of a Shiite axis of influence across the Middle East, with Iran at the center, his…
Analysis: Soleimani's Killing Was Justified, and Too Much of the Reaction Is Fixated on Trump…ed-and-too-much-of-the-reaction-is-fixated-on-trump-n2558901
Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism, and Soleimani was their most senior terror exporter.  … What is the legal basis for all this? … The latest attacks against US personnel inside Iraq, including an Iran-backed siege of our embassy, changed the calculus.…
Salvaging US Interests in Iraq
– America’s failure to stand with the Iraqi Kurds created a gap that Iran has filled. The US brokered Iraq’s constitution in 2004. … US influence is diminished without boots on-the-ground. … The Iraqi Parliament is on the verge of censuring the Trump administration and evicting US forces.…
The Dem Presidential Candidates' Reactions to Soleimani Death Are As Bad As You'd Imagine…al-candidates-criticize-us-for-taking-out-soleimani-n2558889
– Amy Klobuchar worried it would escalate conflict with Iran and push the U.S. closer to another war, while Sen. … Cory Booker lamented that the president “has no strategic plan” to deal with Iran. … Iran is the last thing we need and is not the will of the American people.…
Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi…us-embassy-attack-on-trump-erroneously-say-benghazi-n2558771
– "The Department of Defense is working closely with the Department of State to ensure the security of our Embassy and personnel in Baghdad … Now Iraqi protesters broke into the US Embassy. Trump’s malpractice in the region is making us less safe. … Trump is going to prison in the end.…
Will War Derail Trump's Reelection?
– Bush's decision to take us to war in Iraq, the greatest blunder in U.S. diplomatic history. … the constant atrocities in the capital city of Kabul, a Saigon '75 end to the Afghan war is not outside the realm of the possible. … Nor is a shooting war with Iran that rivets the nation's attention. Yesterday, U.S.…
Here’s What’s Going to Happen in 2020
– But it won’t be all amusing antics – the left hates us and its ugly mask is coming off, revealing the even uglier fascist visage lurking … There is a big difference between being kind and not adding to the pain of people with real issues, and with being forced by drag bullies … Iran will continue to destabilize, but we will not go to war – we will neuter the mullahs economically and let the Persian people deal…
North Korea Navy Seize Chinese
– Comment: The main issue in dispute is the money. … Comment: The justification for the Fitch action based on the political stalemate is driven by real evidence, but it is a bit specious … Comment: This is like downgrading the credit of a state government in the US.…
The Implausibility of Nuclear Terrorism
the knowledge that the next time the terrorists strike, it could be not with airplanes capable of killing thousands but atomic bombs … Iran, a longtime sponsor of terrorist groups, is trying to acquire nuclear weapons. … But it offers good reason to think that in this war, it appears, the worst eventuality is one that will never happen.…
49 Headless, Handless, Feetless Bodies Found in.....
– Forty-nine headless bodies were found dumped by the side of the road in Syria, Iran, Afghanistan,  Mexico over the weekend as the … Local and federal authorities discovered the bodies before dawn scattered in a pool of blood at the entrance to the town of San Juan … It is interesting how we focus much attention on issues in the Middle East, which while the crisis in Syria is important, we seem to…
Two Prime Ministers, Two Americas
– He blamed the Jews for what he called “the stab in the back” of Germany’s surrender in World War I. … “Hitler knows he must break us in this island or lose the war,” Churchill told his people. … “It saves us the trouble of hunting them down,” say the mullahs. Like Hitler, they openly call for the extermination of the Jews.…
How Bill Kristol Purged the Arabists
– Ben Ami seemed equally exultant: "We've won the war; we won the war," he told the audience. … At the synagogue, Kristol was never asked about his role in the Iraq War that he and his collaborators pressured Bush to wage as "Israel's … Result: U.S. influence in the Middle East is at a nadir.…
War Cannot Be Summarized
– Many might say the Japanese negotiated the end of the war, but that was more of how is the surrender going to look rather than a negotiated … After the US was attacked on September 11. I was not for going into battle as a reaction. This war is messy. … I love this quote about war. “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.…
Are We Headed for a Fight with China?
– SHANGHAI -- The Soviet Union is gone, al-Qaida is decimated, and Iran may never acquire nuclear weapons. … Yuan told us that 90 percent of Chinese expect the reunification with Taiwan to be accomplished peacefully. … Its record is an encouraging contrast with that of the U.S., which has entered several wars of choice.…
The Fate of Syria's Christian Minority
The couple was at least urging the world not to forget the thousands of Iraqis who had fled that war-torn country to find a precarious … All are threatened with being caught in the middle of a civil war. … Now, they ask us to applaud as they withdraw the same ambassador from that war-torn city from which the doves have flown.…
Why Won't We Face Iran's Evil?
The failure to grapple with the challenge of Iran is more than a strategic failure, he argues; it's a moral failure. … During the war with Iraq, Iran sent tens of thousands of children to their deaths "clearing" minefields. … Either you're with us or you're with them" as they dodge the batons and bullets of the Basij militia.…
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