Results for: is the us at war with iran

Divided We Fall?
– Not only that: Those elected leaders “distract us with arguments about the word terrorism.” … Nor did they see any dots connecting the San Bernardino attack with those carried out by Maj. Nidal Hasan at Ft. … The divide between them and those on the right is wide and apparently growing.…
Iranian-American Dr. Who Responded to San Bernardino Attack: “Let’s Show ISIS What We Are Made Of”…pervisor-our-employees-are-going-back-to-work-today-n2090170
– San Bernardino officials held a press conference Monday morning on last Wednesday’s tragedy at the Inland Regional Center, where an … , having been born in Iran and drafted into the Iraqi war at age 18. … “It is this strength that will help us heal,” she said.…
President Barack Obama, Apologist for Islam
At the same time, it is abundantly clear that President Obama reveres the Islamic faith and often serves as an apologist for the religion … Yes, “To refer to ISIL as occupying any part of the Islamic theology is playing on a battlefield that they would like us to be on. … It is also the positive way he speaks of Islam that is striking.…
Islam and the West: An Irreconcilable Conflict?
at the Bataclan in Paris, have nothing to do with Islam? … Iran holds presidential elections every four years, but is a Shiite theocracy where the Ayatollah is a virtual dictator. … Where Islam is the ruling faith, the Quran is secular law.…
America First -- or World War III
– Are we prepared to ride the up-escalator, at the top of which is nuclear war, if Putin, who has been boasting of his modernized nuclear … autocrat to crush a monstrous evil like ISIS, as U.S. presidents did in working with anti-Communist dictators to win the Cold War. … If we do not want Syria in 2016 to become what Sarajevo became in 1914, the powder keg that explodes into a world war, the War Party…
Will Mideast Allies Drag Us Into War?
– What kind of victory is that -- for us? In the economic realm, also, the Saudis are doing us no favors.   … Instead, Turkey is using its army to crush the Kurdish PKK and threaten the Syrian Kurds who are helping us battle ISIS.   … In Syria's civil war -- with the army of Bashar Assad battling ISIS and al-Qaida -- it is Russia and Iran and even Hezbollah that seem…
Can the Dubai Model Inspire Arabs?
– DUBAI – At a time of civil war, anarchy, extremism, and impoverishment in the Middle East, the city-states of Dubai and Abu Dhabi … In combination, these activities send a signal that the UAE is not just a spoiled, self-indulgent artifice but a place with aspirations … The second is to master the fine art of compromise.…
2016: Resolved to Win
– In the same book with the Hayek piece, there’s a collection of writings, all under the banner of “What Is Conservatism?” … We insist that Iran stand down and back up the threat with cyber, air, and financial war, and that goes for any other Middle Eastern … Immigration What We Want: The world is still the world and many peoples envy and hate us.…
Oh My: NSA's Eavesdropping Of Israeli Leaders Also Picked Up Private Conversations With Congress…also-picked-up-private-conversations-with-congress-n2098102
– a nuclear arms agreement with Iran at the time, captured communications between Mr. … At the same time, we were conducting secret talks with Tehran…without telling Israel. … At the same time, it shows a) how messy things could get and b) rehashes how bad our relations with Israel have become. …
An American Agenda versus a Liberal Progressive Ideological Agenda…nda-versus-a-liberal-progressive-ideological-agenda-n2098133
– GITMO has nothing to do with the recruitment of Islamic jihadists -- our existence is their impetus. … It is simple math: your unemployment rate cannot be low if the workforce participation rate is at a near-record low. … The latter sounds really nice. The former is what has made us exceptional. It’s time to choose.…
For Obama, It's Not Delusion, It's Purpose
– Oddly, more Americans now say that America is losing the war on terrorism than at any time since 9/11; 74 percent of Americans say … they are dissatisfied with how the war on terror is progressing. … Well, there is that whole awkward Iran continuing to develop whatever it wants while funding terrorism across the world with money…
The Geopolitics of the United States, Part 1: The Inevitable Empire…opolitics_of_the_united_states,_part_1_the_inevitable_empire
The first is to counter with another navy. … With the possible exception of Cuba or some select sections of southern Canada, the rest of the landmass is more trouble than it is … But in engaging in such Eurasian interventions — whether it is World War II or the Iraq Warthe United States finds itself at a significant…
Syria's Twilight of the Diversions
The goal is to incite nationalist hatred for a foreign devil -- an "us against them" ploy. … Though bloodletting in the streets doesn't play too well on international television, at the moment Assad is more concerned with his … Since the Syrian rebellion began, Iran has supplied the Assad regime with political and material aid.…
Obama's Dilemma: U.S. Foreign Policy and Electoral Realities
– That is where the public is focused. Even the Afghan war and the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq are not touching nerves in the center. … The world, therefore, is facing at least 14 months with the United States being at best reactive and at worst non-responsive to events … This at a time when the Persian Gulf is coming to terms with the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and the power of Iran, when Palestinians…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– As conservatives we sometimes make the mistake of thinking that people will just automatically agree with us that government is too … with whom the establishment is embarrassed to be associated. … The reason why progressives sold out the labor movement to the Mafia in the 1920s is because the US didn’t have a serious Communist…
Back in the USSR?
– That’s like saying the monkey is willing to give way for the organ grinder. … And the Russian word for what he is is vozhd. That’s what Russians call the Boss. And Boss he is, to be sure. … The New York Times’ Man in Moscow at the time was Walter Duranty.…
Turkey's House of Cards
The US is following Turkey's lead in contending with Syrian President Bashar Assad's massacre of his people. … and US President Barak Obama at the UN last month. … Had it not been for Erdogan's success in containing the US, it is possible the US and Europe might have acted swiftly to support the
Occupy Wall Street Plays Perfect Game
– I have a few questions : Why is the media so persistent in it’s coverage of this when they didn’t cover the Tea Party at all? … We have to feed the world. This is the way you do it at the lowest cost. … UPDATE Ah yes, the Obama campaign team is hard at work.…
Israel's Premier Opportunist
– As she put it, "A prime minister that harms the relationship with the US over something unsubstantial is harming Israel's security … The fact that her friends in Fatah just signed a unity deal with Hamas is insignificant. … J Street lobbied the US Congress not to impose sanctions on Iran.…
Anwar Al-Awlaki’s American Journey’s_american_journey
– He added: “The only way a Muslim could Islamically justify serving as a soldier in the U.S. army is if his intention is to follow the … It was a battle won in a war that is not over, not by a long shot -- a war being waged by regimes (Iran primary among them), organizations … It is what the self-proclaimed jihadis tell us over and over. Yet many Americans and Europeans still do not hear it or see it.…
Though Inglorious, Trump Remains One of the Most Effective Presidents in U.S. History…ins-one-of-the-most-effective-presidents-in-u-s-his-n2582875
– Trump Ripped Up the Iran Nuclear Accords – Trump saw exactly what Israel, along with the Arab Gulf States, had long recognized: Iran … Likewise, the prospect of Iran with nuclear weapons would be an existential threat to many nations in the region. … the first president since Dwight Eisenhower not to engage us in a new foreign war, especially in the Middle East.…
Twitter Permanently Banning Donald Trump Is 'Absolute Authoritarian Lunacy'
At the time, being the sitting president, he was offered an exemption. You can’t ban the leader of the free world. … tweets with warnings but stopping short of that step. […] Sharing two relatively tame tweets the president made earlier in the day … And while we’re at it, Twitter bans Trump but allows Chinese propaganda and Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, the leader of the world’s largest…
Obama's Enemies List
– While the US was negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran, the Revolutionary Guards unlawfully interdicted – that is hijacked – the Marshall … to the deal is war, is a lie. … “But,” he quoted Obama as saying, “the result of such a strike won’t be war with Iran.”…
Analysis: Rowdy, Memorable Republican Debate Lives Up to Hype
– "God has blessed us with some very good candidates. … Chris Christie: The truculent governor of New Jersey mixed things up twice tonight, going at it with Rand Paul on national security … Big question: Is the dramatic anti-Trump souring of Fox's focus group representative of the broader audience, or is that small sample…
Obama: Sure, My Iran Deal Will Probably Help Finance Terrorism…some-iran-deal-will-probably-help-finance-terrorism-n2035256
– By Obama's new and appalling standard, he himself was a collaborator against America at the time, making "common cause" with the enemy … Another staple of Obama's dishonest rhetoric is pretending that full-blown war is the only alternative to his bad nuclear agreement … If you oppose the deal, he basically argues, you're linking arms with Iranian radicals as partners for war.  …
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