Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

It Took Less Than a Day for Joe Biden to Retract His Attacks on MAGA Republicans…oe-biden-to-retract-his-attacks-on-maga-republicans-n2612635
– He smeared tens of millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump as enemies of the republic and then called for unity. … He unleashed the Department of Justice on Donald Trump, raiding his Mar-a-Lago home in an illegal ransacking regarding classified documents … Biden: "I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat.…
Trump, Birthers, and the Truth,_birthers,_and_the_truth
– Is Donald Trump a closet Obama supporter? … In an advertisement this week in USA Today, Trump asks Obama "to be transparent with the American people and provide his birth certificate … And right now, Donald Trump is ruining the Republican brand.…
Whoa: Fusion GPS Lawyer Says Someone Was Killed Over Russian Dossier…gps-says-someone-was-murdered-over-russian-dossier-n2432191
– At one point Simpson and Levy were asked about sources for the infamous Fusion GPS Russian dossier about Donald Trump. … "Chairman Grassley has said on many occasions that he wants to be as transparent as possible.   … The White House and President Trump have repeatedly called the information contained in the dossier false.…
Media Refuese to Interrogate Obama on his Chicanery
– Did she (or he) consider the Obama administration adequately transparent about Benghazi and its many-layered cover-up? … I could have noted that the death of bin Laden erased the birth certificate issue from the news, where, thanks to Donald Trump and … I could have noted that the death of bin Laden erased the birth certificate issue from the news, where, thanks to Donald Trump and…
President Trump Signs Executive Order Defending Free Speech on Campus…jor-free-speech-victory-for-conservatives-on-campus-n2543509
– President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday afternoon from the Oval Office protecting First Amendment rights on campus … Instead, we believe in free speech, including online and including on campus," Trump released in a statement. … "The Trump Administration believes that schools should promote free speech and be transparent about their speech policies."…
GOP Identity Crisis: Who Are These Guys?
– I remember when messages were transparent. … I have talked to base voters all across the country in the year leading up to the 2016 election of Donald Trump, after his ascendency … The base GOP voters are passionate Trump people who know what they want. So does President Trump.…
Flashback: Remember When Democrats Said They Had 'Confidence' In Robert Mueller…that-time-democrats-had-confidencein-robert-mueller-n2543656
– There was no collusion between Trump, his campaign staff, or the Kremlin during the 2016 election. Trump is vindicated. … The Trump train just bulldozed you. … (Sally Persons, “Kamala Harris: Donald Trump Needs To Realize The Russia Investigation Is 'Not A Game Show,’” The Washington Times,…
Trump Kids Just Dropped A Major Truth Bomb On The Mainstream Media…dropped-a-major-truth-bomb-on-the-mainstream-media-n2543633
– After Attorney General William Barr vindicated President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. slammed … Russia...” — Donald Trump Jr. … (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 24, 2019 Donald Trump Jr. also released the following statement: After more than 2 years of non-stop conspiracy…
BREAKING: The Summary of Mueller's Special Counsel Report is Here and It's Great for Trump…rr-releases-the-first-details-of-the-mueller-report-n2543597
– UPDATE: President Trump has responded: No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT! … — Donald J. … The White House has responded to the report as a full exoneration of President Trump.…
WATCH: Joy Reid Comes To A Real Stupid Conclusion About The Mueller Report…o-a-real-stupid-conclusion-about-the-mueller-report-n2543602
Trump. … They have come to this conclusion because Mueller is not indicting anyone else, including Trump. … “The fact that this investigation takes place within the Justice Department which Donald Trump essentially controls and that he got…
Analysis: The 'Context' Makes Omar's 9/11 and Al Qaeda Comments Worse, and It's Not 'Incitement' to Say So…xt-that-makes-omars-911-and-al-qaeda-comments-worse-n2544784
– Ilhan Omar, many fellow Democrats and leftist partisans have conflated vehement critiques with incitement, a transparent and deliberate … I'll leave you with President Trump making clear that he has no intention of backing down, which Frum says is predictable, bad news … — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 15, 2019…
Biden Launches Presidential Campaign With Lies
– In other words, Biden makes a pretty good case why President Trump will be reelected. … Really, folks, does any sane person really believe that Donald Trump thinks neo-Nazis are "very fine people"? … Does anyone really think that if Donald Trump were sympathetic to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, he would have appointed Nikki Haley…
Trump Administration Introduces a New Legal Immigration System. Here are the Details.…introduce-new-immigration-plan-here-are-the-details-n2546432
– Speaking from the Rose Garden Thursday afternoon President Trump introduced a new legal immigration system, in addition to a plan … "Our plan includes a sweeping modernization of our dysfunctional legal immigration process," Trump said. … "The system will finally be fair, transparent, and promote equality and opportunity for all."…
White House Unveils A New Tool To Combat Social Media Deplatforming
Trump. … The White House took to Twitter to promote the tool, saying the Trump team is "fighting for free speech online." … We are constantly working to improve our systems and will continue to be transparent in our efforts."…
Bill Maher to Dems: Enough Already. Either Move to Impeach Trump, or Shut Up About It.…dy-either-move-to-impeach-trump-or-shut-up-about-it-n2546203
– “But Trump is president for two years, we can’t ignore that fact,” Maher said. “Finally wages went up. … Trump could win a second term. … Barr has been more transparent than the law requires. He made offers of even greater transparency.…
Pentagon Insists the Actions Milley Allegedly Took Are 'Not Uncommon at All'
– Mark Milley did under the administration of President Donald Trump and whether his actions constitute treason. … Pentagon Spokesman Kirby when asked about the reports that General Milley tried to stop President Trump from having the ability to … Not transparent. John Kirby.…
Poll: Biden Underwater By 19 Points in Texas...Among Hispanics
– environment can be measured by President Biden's standing, and a new poll out of Texas shows Biden struggling in a state he lost to DonaldTrump last year: Holy smokes! … Mayorkas today.He feels the White House needs to be transparent about the border crisis in real time. —…
Democrats Have Some Really Bad News for Fierce Trump Critic Adam Kinzinger
– There are few things former President Donald Trump would like to see more than one of his fiercest critics, Rep. … for a pro-Trump candidate to stoke the base. … Trump himself could help recruit Senate or governor prospects to oppose him.…
He’ll Learn What the Term Means Later...
– "We've already been going down this road of turning into something like... an autocracy... you have a very methodical, very transparent … , very deliberate effort to try and turn this country into a Donald Trumpian, autocratic reality" - @brhodes w/ @NicolleDWallace … Former President Donald Trump, who certainly knew how to market things, passed the simply named 'Tax Cut and Jobs Act.'…
There Are A Lot of Brandons
– the whole garbage establishment that foisted this stumbling nitwit upon us in an effort to claw back the power we had given to DonaldTrump and ensure that we peasants never again get a say in our own governance. Biden is Brandon, but he’s not the only Brandon. … Her grating insincerity and transparent ambition, plus that mutant step-non-binary spawn that she’s convinced the fashion world to…
Trump Is on the Ballot -- Not His Twitter Feed
– President Donald Trump, of late, has been engaged in a rather sordid and baseless bit of social media mudslinging about popular cable … The colorful, off-the-cuff tweeting proclivities of Donald J. Trump have been under a microscope for years. … by leftists and never-Trump Republicans.…
Finally: Twitter Wrecks China's Propaganda Campaign
– Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation! — Lijian Zhao ??? … Trump on Tuesday evening. … Interestingly enough, the fact-checkers relied heavily on The Washington Post and CNN to hit back at Trump.…
Democrats See Regulatory Fairness and Transparency as Tyrannical…regulatory-fairness-and-transparency-as-tyrannical-n2569511
– It has become commonplace for the Left to go into fits of conniption over things said by President Trump or in response to actions … What makes this most recent administration initiative especially delightful, is that Trump is turning one of the Democrats’ favorite … Into this scenario has stepped Donald Trump, who last week declared it the official policy of his Administration to use deregulation…
Why a Former Obama Economist Just Offered the Biden 2020 Campaign a Very Stark Warning…20-election-scenario-that-keeps-democrats-up-at-nig-n2569457
– These are wins for the Trump White House during an election year. … And this isn’t just the Trump economic team making these projections. … With Donald Trump handily beating Sleepy Joe Biden on handling the economy and besting him in battleground states, this is an election-killer…
Brave Celebrities Fearlessly Stand Up Against Racism
– Getting out there in her kente shawl was not at all transparent and condescending pandering, but was instead a powerful rebuke to all … This was a photo op of justice, as opposed to the photo op by Trump in front of the church the leftists burned down, which was pretty … Join Townhall VIP, and go ahead and pre-order a copy of my new non-fiction book from Regnery, The 21 Biggest Lies about Donald Trump
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