Results for: is the us at war with iran

The GOP's Iran Dilemma
– A Congressional vote to kill the Iran deal would thus leave the U.S. isolated, its government humiliated, unable to comply with the … All the known Iran nuclear facilities will be crawling with U.N. inspectors. … Is that not pretty much where we are at, even if the GOP does not like it?…
Obama: "This Deal Makes Our Country and the World Safer"…nuclear-deal-meets-our-national-security-interests-n2025932
The United States and its allies’ nuclear agreement with Iran is a grave misstep, according to virtually every Republican candidate … They contend that the deal is flawed in at least two respects. … Because at the end of the day, it will slow Iran's path to the bomb over the next decade, period.…
Was that Obama's Best Week Ever? Fiddling While the World Burns…bamas-best-week-ever-fiddling-while-the-world-burns-n2025565
– are screaming at the WH fence over this reentry into Iraq and war. … The OPM records even let the Chinese know who the US is paying to conduct surveillance in China and around the globe. … Isn't he at least concerned about the massive amount of US taxpayers dollars being lost in the Greek economic meltdown?…
Iran Agreement: Déjà Vu All Over Againéjà-vu-all-over-again-n2025437
– That is not a viable consideration with Iran. Reagan also believed in the mantra “trust but verify.” … How can we ever trust the Iranian regime, which has been at war with America since 1979 and has not changed its belligerent behavior … Not to mention the plethora of human rights violations of which Iran is guilty.…
GOP Presidential Candidates Blast Iran Deal
with the terrorist government of Iran. … Rick Perry: "President Obama’s decision to sign a nuclear deal with Iran is one of the most destructive foreign policy decisions … Ben Carson: "The Iran deal announced today with fanfare and another heaping dose of false hope is almost certain to prove an historic…
What’s the Alternative?
– Anyone who criticizes our president's nuclear deal with Iran is bound to be asked: What's the alternative? … A simple, black-and-white, all-or-none choice: It's the president's way or no way -- except war -- to prevent Iran from joining the … A nuclearized Iran, one with its own Bomb and the missiles to deliver it, could mean The End for our allies in the Arab world.…
Defeating the Mortal Enemies
– Spokesmen for the Islamic Republic of Iran display their smiling faces for the cameras and know which forks to use at elegant Viennese … A few years ago we understood that this episode represented “the first battle in America’s war with militant Islam” – the subtitle … the “House of War.”…
Throwing The Kurds Under The Bus
The problem is Kurdistan would include parts of Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran. … One of the reasons given to lift the conventional arms embargo on Iran in the proposed nuclear deal was they were helping us in theIran is our enemy, Turkey is a partner we need to keep a close eye on and the Kurds are presently our ally.…
Huckabee: Iran Deal Could Initiate Another Jewish Holocaust
– This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal. … Huckabee could have made that exact same point — i.e., that the Iran accord jeopardizes the national security of the US and therefore … At the same time (and as the ADL points out) he also inadvertently implied that the Jewish state is completely and totally helpless…
War Weary America? Iran’s Counting on It!
– One hundred sixteen years is a long time to fight a war. … Bush standing on a pile of smoldering rubble in New York City back in 2001, telling us at the time that we were engaged in a war unlike … The Islamic Republic of Iran, at war with the United States since 1979, also received the same message from Barack Obama and has since…
How and Why to Kill the Deal
– If Iran remains a threat, the deal bars the US from taking any steps to counter it aside from all-out war. … from doing business with the US. … The devil in Obama’s deal with Iran is not in the mind-numbing details, but in the big picture.…
History Shows that Iran Nuclear Deal is a Bad Deal
The verdict is yet to be determined on the Iran agreement. But the North Korea experience is a good reason for concern. … Even if one accepts the administration’s arguments at face value, the issue is very simple: All the administration has done is kick … What is at the stake is the future of our nation, the Iranians and the region.…
A Telling Comparison
– On June 17th, a racist sociopath sat with congregants at the Emanuel AME Church during Bible study. … This is Chicago, where the mayor is the former Chief of Staff of President Obama. … Sadly, the President fails to realize that we have had war declared against us by Iran since 1979.…
A Historic Catastrophe
The United States seems at this moment about to break the record for the worst political blunder of all time, with its Obama administration … But instead it led to the peaceful conclusion of the Cold War. … nuclear bombs is war ignore the fact that Israel bombed Saddam Hussein's nuclear facilities, and Iraq did not declare war.…
A Mideast Game of Thrones
The Iran nuclear deal is not on the same geostrategic level. … -Iran rapprochement is a diplomatic disaster. Which brings us to a fundamental question of the Middle East. Is the U.S. … Neither wants all-out war with the other.…
Don’t Vote for Donald Trump…If
– Incidentally, if the Fed’s prediction of 1.9% GDP growth for 2015 is correct, Obama will be the first president in history with 7 straight … I wouldn’t doubt the only reason Hillary is supporting Obama’s terrible Iran deal is that he threatened to open DOJ and IRS criminal … The treaty with Iran is the worst in U.S. history. Our debt threatens to destroy our children's future.…
Iran Agreement Boosts Peace, Defeats Neocons
The agreement has reduced the chance of a U.S. attack on Iran, which is a great development. … It is that the elimination of sanctions, which are an act of war, will open up opportunities for trade with Iran. … This obsession with Iran is bewildering.…
Kerry: Major Concessions in Deal Were 'Thrown in as Add-ons' for Iran
At the same time, 68 percent are concerned the White House has been so eager to get a deal that economic sanctions against Iran are … Obama’s false choice of war and diplomacy, the truth is that war becomes less likely when diplomacy is accompanied by the credible … The President removed that credible threat from Iran by insisting war was the only (bad) alternative to his diplomacy, as well as by…
Obama’s America Continues to be Mugged by Reality (Part IV)
– For longtime followers of the region this is startling development. Also the UK has contributed its airpower to the war on ISIS. … …Iran is surrounded by its own mostly Sunni minority regions, Kurdistan in the Northwest, Azeris in the North, Arabs in the Southwest … Many in the crowd were heard to chant, “Obama are you with us?”…
Secularism Declares Open War on Religious Faith
– Tatchell issued a “call on people everywhere to stand with us to establish an international front against the religious-Right and for … As the manifesto declares in its opening line, “The launch of the Manifesto for Secularism is a challenge to the global rise of the … “We call on people everywhere,” the manifesto declares, “to stand with us to establish an international front against the religious-Right…
It's War and Peace, Stupid
– But at least Obama is persistent in his failures. … As it is for ourselves too. The question today is one of war or peace. … As our country deals with issues of war and dishonor, we should at least be determined to win the wars that threaten us.…
Iran Nuclear Talks Like Bargaining With the Devil
– Having missed a July deadline for reaching an agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the six world powers party to the talks … of the Iraq war. ... … The problem with the West's attitude toward Iran is that it refuses to take seriously the messianic statements driving Iran's foreign…
The U.S. Goes to War Without a Clue, Again
The U.S. fought a war against Iraq, and the winner was Iran. … The war on Islamic State is even more rife with uncertainty, because so many of its enemies are our enemies. … For that matter, the U.S. air war is the best recruiting tool Islamic State ever had.…
Against Obama, But for What?
– Does the country really want a clash with Iran over its nuclear enrichment program? … If so, the GOP should return to Washington and in the lame-duck session authorize Obama to take us to war with the Islamic State. … At its core the Republican Party is socially conservative, a family values party.…
Flailing Aimlessly on Iran
– As the leadership in Iran continues to thumb their collective noses at the world community and the United States in particular, the … Can you really negotiate with someone who is willing to accept their own martyrdom as the very means necessary to bring about the return … Iran has been waging a war against the United States for over thirty years.…
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