Results for: is the us at war with iran

Despite Growing Risks it's Still Janet Yellen's Market
With Russian help it may even become deliverable. The Ukraine crisis is a child of Crimea. … Putin now implies a return of the damaging Cold War and, with it, threatens the freedom of other East European nations recently freed … That is where the real risks lie.…
America at the Tipping Point (Part 1)
– tensions with the U.S. … But the fact is that each country must fight to preserve freedom; otherwise, it will unravel one thread at a time. … That is exactly the boiling point the U.S. is at with radical Islam and other extremist powers in the world, and the only way out is
The Collapse of Libya and the Failure of 'Smart Power'
War from the air.  War without Congressional approval.  And war, in this case, with no clear strategic objective.   … at the time.   … But his cool demeanor, and the split-screen imagery of a president at play and at work, seemed ill-matched to the moment. …
Obama’s 5 Worst Foreign Policy Decisions
– We may have laughed at the incompetence of the Obama Administration when it gave a "reset" button to the Russians that actually said … So naturally, Obama signaled the world that it was dumb to work with us by helping radical Islamists defeat Gaddafi. … that it will never use it. 2) The Bowe Bergdahl swap: There's a reason that it is our nation's policy not to negotiate with
Has Hillary Ever Been Right?
– Not voting your convictions about what is best for your country at war, so as not to antagonize the liberals in the Iowa caucuses? … First, this war in Syria and Iraq, like all such wars, is eventually going to be won by soldiers, by boots on the ground, by troops … including Iran, that is willing to send them the weapons to fight ISIS.…
Ukraine Offers Putin's Rebels a Deal
– A US aircraft carrier was in the area at the time. … Meanwhile, on the 13th Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk said that Ukraine is in a state of war with Russia. … Comment: It is difficult to reconcile the actions of Poroshenko with the statements of Yatsenyuk.…
Prickly Narcissist
The president is annoyed that critics cannot see the wisdom in his prudence. … intervention in Libya) is the only choice. … (This) undermined the reform of Iraqi politics and resurrected the specter of the failed state and the civil war."…
Obama Needs to Clarify Murky Middle East Mission
– And after the speech, his administration struggled for days to determine whether we were at war or not. This is embarrassing. … us to push the war against him in the dream of democracy. … And those of us who mistakenly supported the Iraq War will eat those sins forever.…
The Forever War
– David Petraeus on the road up to Baghdad in 2003. The president did not tell us how this new war ends. … As the threat is not primarily ours, the urgency to go to war is not ours. … And upon the basis of what we heard Wednesday night, either this war has not been thought through by the president, or he is inhibited…
Thirteen Years After 9/11
The Muslim Brotherhood – an organization whose motto includes the phrase “jihad is our way” – is regarded favorably by those who lead … The Islamic Republic of Iran is keeping its eye on the ball – the ball being nuclear weapons, the great equalizer, although equality … is not at all what Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have in mind.…
Despite Growing Risks it's Still Janet Yellen's Market
The geo-political side of the equation is perhaps even worse. … With Russian help it may even become deliverable. The Ukraine crisis is a child of Crimea. … Putin now implies a return of the damaging Cold War and, with it, threatens the freedom of other East European nations recently freed…
Obama to ISIS: "If you like your terror army, you can keep your terror army"…like-your-terror-army-you-can-keep-your-terror-army-n1888528
The Saudis are funding the extremists in the same way the Kaiser funded Russian socialists during the Great War. … “No Arab leader wants to publicly join hands with the ‘Great Satan’ and ‘Crusaders’ in fighting a war in the Middle East.” … Obama has said that in just meeting with world leaders at a NATO summit he knows his fellow heads of state understand the gravity of…
A Basket of Snakes
– "Once war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. … For them, the Islamic State is to be destroyed by the Americans. Then the Assad regime is to be brought down by the Americans. … Then Iran is to be smashed by the Americans.…
Memo From GWB: 'Welcome, Mr. President, to the War on Terror'
– But look at the polls on the Afghanistan war, the one that you called the "right" war. Americans, too, no longer support it ? … The answer is that the commander in chief must explain, on a consistent basis, the rationale for war -- provided he believes it. … You came into office and promptly "reset" things with the Russians, undoing the defense deal that I negotiated with Poland and the
The Real Threat from ISIS: Lone Wolf Attacks
The show of Arab solidarity with the US will make those countries targets for terror attacks, but is good press. … In every air campaign since the Kosovo War in1998, the US rather quickly ran out of militarily important targets. … That is the good news.…
'Not Islamic'?
The problem is that Muslim history, in keeping with the doctrine of abrogation, has far more often practiced the violent admonitions … Muslim community, the holy war is religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and (the obligation to) convert … But the rest of us don't have to make believe what he said is true.…
What Will Victory Look Like?
– First, as the president has said, it is still "somebody else's civil war." … Second, the White House has not advanced a credible war plan. Third, our commander in chief is not a war leader. … Here is how the Journal's "military strategy" would unfold: "A devastating air campaign against the Islamic State might at least weaken…
Can America Fight a Thirty Years' War?
– "The power to declare war, including the power of judging the causes of war, is fully and exclusively vested in the legislature." … This new war is the opportunity "to repair the damage." … But to Bibi Netanyahu, speaking at the U.N. last week, Iran is the great enemy: "[T]o defeat ISIS and leave Iran as a threshold nuclear…
Here We Go Again
– And President Obama is leading the United States headlong into the flames, but without a clear strategy in place that will avoid us … and signal to our enemies that we are a ship afloat, with no captain at the wheel. … Make no mistake about it, the region is replete with bad actors and there are no easy fixes.…
The Antichrist and the Muslim Mahdi (Part 2)
– Both are associated with the End Times and the Judgment. … Daniel 9:27 tells us the Antichrist will establish a seven-year covenant with Israel—but he will break the covenant after three and … Their eternity is secure in the one who is the only one to defeat death and rise from the grave.…
Have Iranian Threats Spurred a Saudi-Israeli Alliance?
The stakes in lives are high and with expansionary powers like Khomeinist Iran eventually the stakes include mass casualties. … Which brings us to another feature of the escalating Saudi-Iran war -- Saudi Arabia's quasi-alliance with Israel. … Because the threat Iran presents to Gulf Arab states is deadly, and Israel has military capabilities that give Iran great pause.…
The US-Saudi Starvation Blockade
– He was speaking of Germany at the outset of the Great War of 1914-1918. … the blockade with rigor, and Germany is very near starvation." … The Saudis say it was an Iranian missile, fired with the aid of Hezbollah, and an "act of war" against the kingdom.…
Little Rocket Man's Risky Game
– Reason: Kim may understand us better than we do him, which is why he seems less hesitant to invite the risks of a war he cannot win … And Kim knows that the more American lives he can put at risk, with nuclear-tipped missiles, the less likely the Americans are to want … We are nearing a point where the choice is between a war with North Korea in which thousands would die, or confirming that the U.S.…
Who Wants War with Iran -- and Why?
– But Iran is Shiite, while al-Qaida, which brought down the twin towers, aided by 15 Saudi nationals, is Sunni. … In Syria, it was U.S.- and Sunni-backed "rebels," allied at times with al-Qaida, who drew Iran and the Shiite militias in to save Assad … Do we think a bloodied revanchist Iran would be easier to deal with than the one with which John Kerry negotiated a nuclear deal?…
Haley Presents Evidence Proving Iran Is Violating Int'l Law…s-photo-evidence-proving-iran-is-violating-intl-law-n2422991
– Nikki Haley, United States ambassador to the United Nations, said Thursday she had “indisputable” evidence that Iran is violating international … Haley said the debris shows Iran is violating the UN Security Council’s 2015 resolution 2231, which endorses the Iran nuclear deal, … “Today, one of the things that we’re doing with all this information is the first step of implementing President Trump’s Iran strategy…
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