Results for: is the us at war with iran

Ted Cruz - A Fresh Approach to American Foreign Policy and US-Israel Relations…h-to-american-foreign-policy-and-usisrael-relations-n2070129
– Last summer Cruz led the national opposition to US President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. … , US-Israel relations, the Iran nuclear deal and the Palestinian conflict with Israel. … How does the US alliance with Israel align with that view?…
America in Search of a Cause?
– "If the Cold War is over, what's the point of being an American?" … By 1967, the Gene McCarthy-Robert Kennedy wing of the Democratic Party had broken with the Cold War consensus. … Where is the coherence, the consistency, of U.S. policy in the Middle East that should cause us to draw red lines, and fight if they…
It's Simple, Really
– For example, when they tell us the mullahs in Tehran can be trusted to keep their word when it comes to the nuclear deal they've just … Or when a country boy from Arkansas with the perfect name for one -- Tom Cotton -- rose in the U.S. … So they tell us how oh-so-complicated it is.…
Islam and Liberalism: Twin ‘Beasts of the Apocalypse’
– Mankind’s enduring “culture waris nothing new. … The only explanation for this, as far as I can tell, is best illustrated by the maxim: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” … the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they…
The Benefit of ISIS
The first and the most prominent is the complete dismantling of the idea that peace in the Middle East will come if only the Israelis … will make peace with the Palestinians. … Along comes ISIS, paired with the emergence of Iran as a regional power, and poof – the issue of the Palestinians and their homeland…
American Support of Saudi Arabia Has Backfired in a Big Way…support-of-saudi-arabia-has-backfired-in-a-big-way-n2529010
– PARIS -- Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian journalist working for the Washington Post, is believed to have been murdered inside the … Saudi consulate in Istanbul this month, and now the spotlight is shining brightly on U.S. … bin Laden" -- ignoring the fact that at the time, bin Laden was the CIA's man in Afghanistan in the covert war against the Soviet…
Hoo Boy: Democrats' Arizona Senate Nominee Caught on Tape Bashing...Arizona…rizona-senate-nominee-caught-on-tape-bashingarizona-n2527580
The GOP has sought to highlight Democrat Kyrsten Sinema's past radicalism -- she protested the Afghanistan war in a pink tutu, and … Bigger picture, if Republicans can lock down either Arizona or Nevada -- the two states in which Democrats have the best shot at Senate … And despite the Democrat-favoring internals about the remaining undecideds, Heller's flawed opponent is significantly underwater on…
The Saudi Challenge
The administration is giving itself little leeway to take serious measures to protest the killing, signaling to the world that the … It is the enemy of our enemy Iran, which, in political calculus, makes Saudis our "friends." … Iran is far more a direct threat to the kingdom than it is to the U.S.…
The French Have a Strange Thirst for Authoritarianism
The president many French were rebelling against at the time, Charles de Gaulle, is now considered the leader who "best embodies power … How interesting that the French president most strongly associated with anti-communism and anti-leftism is now considered to have been … by tossing a few more bucks at the problem.…
But Can We Keep It?
The media, along with the deep state and many within the permanent bureaucracy, were bent on Trump’s destruction from the start. … since the Civil War. … The rift between left and right is so deep, it often seems America is at war with itself.…
Create a New Kurdistan and Destabilize Iran (Part I)
The theocracy ruling Iran has been at war with U.S. since it overran our embassy in 1979. … It is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, is responsible for a great deal of our soldiers’ loss of life in the Iraq war … Only total victory is going to gain us safety. The die is cast.…
Let Congress Vote on Iraq War III
– "It makes no sense for the West to support a war against Assad as well as a war against the Islamic State," they write, "Assad is evil … Crocker-Luers-Pickering also argue that the crisis calls for the United States to accept the nuclear deal with Iran that was on the … If we could work with the monster Stalin to defeat Hitler, is colluding with the Ayatollah beyond the pale?…
Fidelity to Principle Can Make Needed Flexibility Impossible…to-principle-can-make-needed-flexibility-impossible-n1878760
– (a contrast with Obama's condemnation of violence on both sides), that Iran has no "right to enrichment" (which Obama is conceding … The president who declared in June 2011 that "the tide of war is receding" and that the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan "will come … than we have now -- the goals Obama says he is now pursuing.…
Are We Even Trying to Save the Kurds?
The US sided with the weak states against China. The Chinese will remember this. … He is the first Prime Minister to visit the region since the war. … Kahwagi said that there would be no bargaining with the militants, but the Lebanese way is to bargain.…
Get Ready for Denials
The Democrats are hoping that painting the Republicans as mean racists will help them with the Latino vote in November. … Rick Perry says that the number of apprehended illegal aliens who come from countries with "substantial terrorist ties" is at a record … the Sand: Countering Crime, Violence and Terror at the Southwest Border."…
Confronting ISIS -- 'It Takes an Army to Defeat an Army'
– Gingrich added that since Americans were seized as hostages in Iran in 1979, "the United States has been at war with radical Islamists … There is much else in the Friedman interview that is laughable, such as the president's claim the news media are "Balkanized," meaning … Withdrawal and indifference is a policy for defeat, not only in Iraq, but in the wider war against terrorists.…
Is ISIS 'An Existential Threat'?
war party, designed to panic us into launching a new war. … Graham says no force in the Mideast can stop ISIL without us. Is this true? … Who will trade with it? How will it hold the allegiance of peoples upon whom it is even now imposing terrorist rule?…
How Obama's Leadership Cripples America (Part 2)
– And our country is more unstable than ever among the global community; Iraq is only symptomatic of the greater problem. … But a single professional review of Obama's personality profile could have shown us exactly what was in store for us with his leadership … "In contrast, when faced with the greatest economic crisis, the greatest levels of economic inequality, and the greatest levels of…
"We Don't Understand Real Evil, Organized Evil, Very Well. This is Evil Incarnate."…vil-organized-evil-very-well-this-is-evil-incarnate-n1876441
– This is the chilling reality of the war in which we continue to find ourselves, a reality that the American left --of which the president … did (and still do) a perspective that understood that we and the rest of the West are not at war with Islam but with a virulent, radicalized … not confuse people about the crucial fact that he is one with Bennis in worldview.…
Fighting Without Silver Bullets
– This brings us to Iran, the hidden hand behind the 2006 war, and at least to some degree behind the present war with Gaza, and the … After the deadline for reaching a permanent nuclear deal with Iran ran out last month, US President Barack Obama bought himself and … Unfortunately, the situation is made all the more complicated by the Obama administration’s strategic aim of appeasing Iran by enabling…
To Defeat the Islamic State
– What we need is diplomacy beyond the simple-minded, "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists!" … If Assad is willing to go in for the kill on ISIS, let us work out a truce and amnesty for the Free Syrian Army and call off that part … We should convey to Iran that an end to our cold war is possible if all attacks on the West stop and we work together to exterminate…
Iran’s Forgotten Crime Against Humanity
With all of the back and forth between Congress and the White House on the Iranian nuclear deal, it is critically important for all … In order to understand the effect of the 1988 massacre, it is necessary to understand the historical context of 1980s Iran. … The shock of such a brutal and systematic massacre left the country paralyzed with fear, silenced and, at the same, anger.…
Create a New Kurdistan and Destabilize Iran (Part II)
The combination of ancient specialized guerilla tactics combined with high-tech laser guided air attacks are already once again at … work in the war against ISIS in northern Iraq. … The huge loss of life in this new round of fighting in Iraq is the direct result of Obama’s abysmally flawed politicized war planning…
Can Obama Win the Fight Against ISIS?
The crisis that ISIS poses is different from the one we faced with al-Qaida and most of the other Islamists in the war on terror. … The group has declared war on America. But does Obama have the guts to go to war against ISIS? … It surely is not the right thing to do to give Iran a nuclear deal in the hopes that Iran will do something to stop ISIS.…
Rebels Make Progress in East Ukraine
– Balance means more ethnic and sectarian inclusiveness and a public tilt towards the US and away from Iran. … The tilt to the US is clearly intended to placate the Americans in order to obtain more and better military support. … The Kyiv regime has not disputed most of the claims. Instead it claims to be at war with Russia.…
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