Results for: sign up to vote

MARRIAGE DIGEST: Many doubt Obama's 'gay marriage' position; Md. sen. passes bill…_many_doubt_obamas_gay_marriage_position;_md_sen_passes_bill
– SENATE -- Maryland moved one step closer to legalizing "gay marriage" Feb. 24 when its senate passed a bill by a vote of 25-21, sending … it to the state house, where a vote is expected to be close. … Martin O'Malley has pledged to sign it.…
Hardball: Walker to Cut Off Automatic Salary Payments to Truant Democrats…ker_to_cut_off_automatic_salary_payments_to_truant_democrats
– They’ll have to pick up their checks in person on the Senate floor during a session. … They fled the state to stall a vote on an anti-union bill, and have threatened to stay away until Republican Gov. … Scott Walker agrees to compromise. Tuesday’s vote was along party lines.…
Reality-Based Politics
– He inched up over the holidays to about even, and then in early January (before Congress was getting back into the controversial matters … over the weekend when the head of the teachers union urged teachers to go back to work. … The Democrats seem to be prepared to defend the idea of not dealing with the deficit crisis.…
Reckless Spending
– He knows how to use words that will sound wonderful to people who do not bother to stop and think. … If fancy words and lofty visions are enough to get the voters to go along with more spending, then expect to hear a lot of fancy words … However, history shows that, when tax rates go up to very high levels, people put more of their money in tax shelters, so the government…
– His courage propelled him to the vice presidency and eventually to the presidency. … They are refreshingly living up to their promises. … Republicans seem to be getting more support now in their quest to force us to live within our means.…
Md. House vote kills 'gay marriage' bill
– for a voice vote for the bill to be recommitted back to a committee. … Martin O'Malley had pledged to sign it. … She said "my faith tells me" to vote against it.…
Report: Fleebaggers to Return?
– Mark Miller said the Democrats intend to let the full Senate vote and potentially pass Gov. … "We are now looking at returning to the state capitol and requiring the senators to take a vote and have them declare who they're with … Kasich is eager to sign. …
Shadows of DC Statehood
– The district was created to serve as the federal government’s seat, thanks to Philadelphia’s refusal to provide protection to the Continental … to it. … “We are thinking something like, “Give DC Statehood Avenue,” to be used as a ceremonial street sign that could be placed under existing…
The Obamacare Legacy of Centralization and Bureaucracy
– And so they wind up having to spend most of their time, if they want to see a physician, waiting for hours in a hospital emergency … They want to have Washington tell physicians, "this is the way you're going to practice, we're going to set up all these institutions … Back in November, it was a huge, huge motivator for people to go to the polls and vote against anybody who voted for this legislation…
Gutting ObamaCare in Stop-Gap Spending Bills not Necessarily Prudent…obamacare_in_stop-gap_spending_bills_not_necessarily_prudent
– have been able to negotiate with these bills. … The Democrat-controlled Senate will not vote to pass a stop-gap bill that includes defunding all of ObamaCare, and President Obama … Pro-life provisions were put into ObamaCare as a ruse in order to persuade pro-life Democrats to support ObamaCare.…
Unions Show No Class in Wisconsin 'War'
– “I’m not going to lie to you, this is going to get ugly.” … Republicans returning to vote had to have police protection. … She planned this past weekend to go to an inner city Milwaukee restaurant with a friend and put a sign on a table saying: “Republicans…
GOP Eyes Senate Majority in 2012
– In an anecdotal sign of Nebraskans’ disenchantment with their senior senator, in the wake of his Obamacare vote, Nelson was booed out … A January survey found that “only 37 percent [of Michiganders] approve of Stabenow’s job performance, and 23 percent would vote to … Gabrielle Giffords to win the seat, if she’s well enough to run – which remains a major “if.”…
These Folks Are the Biggest Losers As Build Back Better Blows Up…den-and-build-back-bettertheyre-now-totally-screwed-n2600847
– It was made comfortable, there was a discussion about what to do, and the Democrats decided to muck it up. They killed it. … "I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can't. I've tried everything possible. I can't get there." … #BuildBackBetter — many of their Democrat colleagues are opposed as well, but afraid to speak up.…
Faceplant: Here's the Latest Text Message Foul-Up from the Anti-Trump January 6 Committee…ext-message-foul-up-from-the-anti-trump-january-6-c-n2600784
– I think this is a sign, folks. When a committee is established on a bed of lies, this is what's going to happen. … It was set up to go after Trump, not to uncover the truth about the riot that occurred last winter. … vote and have it go to the SCOTUS," the message said.…
Despite Manchin's Opposition, Schumer Still Plans to Hold Vote on Build Back Better This Month…humer-still-plans-to-hold-vote-on-build-back-better-n2601327
– Yet Democratic leadership still aims to bring the bill up for a vote in the Senate, Alayna Treene reported on Sunday for Axios. … The thought process behind the move s to give members a chance to vote on to, and to force Manchin to go on the record voting against … "They figured, ‘Surely to God we can move one person. Surely, we can badger and beat one person up.…
Make 2022 a Year to Remember
– It comes as no surprise that Republicans can't wait to exercise their right to vote in the midterms. … caring to work. … They sign up, show up, and serve!…
Leader McConnell Reveals GOP Won't Have Legislative Agenda for Midterms…veals-gop-wont-have-legislative-agenda-for-midterms-n2601326
– are we going to be running on to help us win? … , but have been able to do so thanks to the filibuster remaining in place.  … Some polls even have the GOP up by 10 percentage points, which is a particularly good sign and indicates that a red wave is a very…
House Passes Spending Bill, But It Has Its Share of Critics…egislation-that-congress-will-likely-pass-this-week-n2558163
– “The kind that says to heck with it, keep spending money we don’t have and leave it to our kids and grandkids to clean up. … that President Trump plans to sign the spending measures.  … Yet was just noticed we will vote at 1:10-1:25 p.m today - less than 24 hours later. I will vote no on both bills.…
Impeachment Vote Week Was Also One of Trump's Most Successful Weeks to Date…e-week-was-also-one-of-trumps-most-successful-weeks-n2558060
– While the House Judiciary Committee was voting in favor of impeaching him and setting up a full House vote last week, the president … But it took months even to get them to the table. As Rep. … Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell signaled plans to hold a vote on 13 more of Trump's judicial nominees as soon as Wednesday.…
America's Mixed Message on Homosexuality
to it, both sides of the morality debate have taken that as a sign to mean the American people are poised to affirm it. … Last week’s overwhelming vote to affirm marriage in a state President Obama won four years ago, and polls had shown he was capable … Instead, the little ball of hate suspended his campaign to aid and abet the larceny, and ended up getting trounced.…
Tenn. Baptists approve sale of property
– The buyer also has the option of extending the inspection period for up to five additional 30-day periods upon direct payment to the … Before the closing of the sale, the Executive Board will have up to eight months to vacate the property, Turner said. … Following the unanimous vote to sell the property, Davis characterized the milestone as "a significant, historical, game-changing day…
From Rags to Resorts
– Adelson believed his employees should vote as to whether they wanted union representation. The union brass would have none of it. … You don't need to know how to make a Bloody Mary to start a successful saloon. … Lehrer goes on to point out that to be creative over time, "to not be undone by our expertise — is to experiment with ignorance, to
Whacking Government Down to Size
– He sent a $3.8 trillion smoke-and-mirrors budget up to Congress in February and this week the Senate rejected it by a bipartisan vote … This is a tough election year and no one was willing to take one for the team, even Democrats who are not up for re-election. … But when House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio had the temerity to suggest that when the debt-ceiling increase comes up later this year…
President Obama's Frenzied Spending Caused A Feeble Recovery
– Would you happily sign an IOU for $126,000 to allow Barack Obama to keep his Big Spender status going? … In some ways, that’s the bottom line on how people are going to vote on November 6th. … Hoover fought the Great Depression with public works projects, raising taxes on the affluent (bringing the top rate up from 25% to
Romney's Stellar Performance
– I trust him to do the right thing, to do the moral thing, to do what's best for our country. … You can't forget the fact that a lot of people who voted for him last time I need to have vote for me this time." … And we are going to have to dramatically cut back on the scale and influence of government, or else we're going to become a second-tier…
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