Results for: is the us at war with iran

John Kerry's Reaction to Russia Invading Ukraine is Predictably Asinine…ussia-invading-ukraine-is-as-bad-as-you-can-imagine-n2603738
– was over frozen land, now it's thawing and his infrastructure is at risk and the people of Russia are at risk. … I hope President Putin will help us stay on track with respect for what we need to do on climate."  Former U.S. … When the “climate crisis” is at the center of U.S. foreign policy, you no longer have an actual foreign policy.…
To Counter Russian Aggression, Support Regime Change in Iran…er-russian-aggression-support-regime-change-in-iran-n2603723
– But at the same time, if the international community focuses too closely on the crisis in Ukraine, it runs the risk of giving Iran … as the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran had expanded its social influence to the point at which it was able to lead simultaneous … The same arguments should appear irrefutable now that the Tehran’s belligerence is growing in lock-step with Moscow’s.…
A University Professor’s Sobering Picture of Christianity in America Today…s-sobering-picture-of-christianity-in-america-today-n2603551
– George Yancey (PhD, University of Texas) is a professor of sociology at Baylor University and the author of a number of books on racial … Yet he, too, is sounding the alarm, with one volume actually titled, So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in … In short, “when one is in a war, one should offer no mercy to the enemy.…
Don't Trust the 'Jolly' Pundits Who Hate Conservatives…dont-trust-the-jolly-pundits-who-hate-conservatives-n2623981
– Just look at China, Cuba, North Korea, Afghanistan or Iran, where the government censors the media or force feeds a strict conservative … So, the idea of pardoning January 6th convicts, if you will, at this point, is because he believes we are engaged in a real war that … Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog…
108 Former World Leaders Support Regime Change in Iran…former-world-leaders-support-regime-change-in-iran-n2623881
The joint statement says: “It is time to hold the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran to account for its crimes” and continues … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC). … Struan is also Chair of the ‘In Search of Justice’ (ISJ) committee on the protection of political freedoms in Iran.…
Donald Trump Has 'Zero' Worries About Classified Documents Case, But Should He?…rries-about-classified-documents-case-but-should-he-n2624706
– In a part of the interview getting significant attention, Trump discussed with Baier the nature of the documents. … to be the defense of Trump's team, it now is. … he is leading in the polls.…
The World Should Stand Ready for Iran's Resurgent Rebellion…ld-should-stand-ready-for-irans-resurgent-rebellion-n2624541
– which proved that Iran has been actively supplying Russia with weapons for use in its war of aggression on Ukraine. … The MEK stands at the head of a coalition of pro-democracy groups known as the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which … The recent nationwide uprising underscores the broad support currently enjoyed by the MEK and the NCRI inside Iran.…
The Iran Nuclear Deal Must Sink in the Ashes of Ukraine
– that is what is happening in the Iran nuclear talks in Vienna. … We celebrated the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War with decades of reduced military spending, convinced that … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
The Green Immoralists
– When Putin threatens nuclear war is he merely "diverted"? Would letting off a few nukes be "damaging" to the human environment? … In return, Iran is demanding a new "Iran Deal" that will soon ensure the now petro-rich theocracy the acquisition of nuclear weapons … Now he is begging the monarchy to pump more of its despised carbon-spewing oil to make up for what his administration shut down at
No Sacrifices for Ukraine
– No, we’ve sacrificed enough to the foreign policy screw-ups of Ivy League incompetents. Who got us into the Vietnam War? … This is not like the beginning of World War 2. It’s not Poland 1939. … This unjust war is the Ukrainians’ to fight. I hope they win. Most of us do.…
Biden's Desperation to Revive the Iran Nuclear Deal Is an Embarrassing Farce…mbarrassing-attempt-to-revive-the-iran-nuclear-deal-n2604281
– If the Biden Administration has its way, the United States will soon lift sanctions against Iran and ply it with billions of dollars … relying on the diplomatic graces of a different regime that is currently engaging in war crimes by targeting civilians in a war of … at least at the level of the secretary of state” that Russia (which has just been on the receiving end of its own set of sanctions…
Biden Falsely Claims His Climate Policies Aren't Hampering Domestic Oil Production
– I said I would level with the American people from the beginning, and when I first spoke to this, I said defending is going to cost … The U.S. is working with the UK, France, Poland and other NATO countries on managing the refugee crisis, which grows worse by the day … Meanwhile, Biden is being slammed for filling the energy gap left by the ban with oil from Iran and Venezuela.   Sen.…
Former Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor: Why Aren't Congressional Republicans Fighting Biden's Dangerous Iran Deal?
– re-establishing a nuclear accord with Iran in the first place – was the January departure of three US negotiators due to firsthand … But at this stage, time is of the essence. … This is playing out right now, just out of the public eye, with huge implications for the US and world security. Focus.…
Joe Biden Could Be the End…d-mental-capacity-has-america-is-dangerously-adrift-n2604260
– Now, with war breaking out, the Ukrainians have become the faces of the free world as they’ve put up a hellacious defense that’s stalled … Inflation is another issue, along with the border crisis, anemic jobs growth, etc. … Joe is the face of American decline, and with Joe, it’s also the face of rapidly deteriorating mental capacity. …
What Is America's Foreign Policy?
– raping Ukraine and committing war crimes that the world is watching thanks to ubiquitous mobile phones, brave reporters and camera … It is why what appears to be a pending nuclear deal between the U.S. and Iran is fraught with danger. … That would surely be a deal with the Devil and the ultimate in cynicism.…
The Horror Of Biden’s Weakness
– To Biden, as long as he can appear to care, allow everyone else at the table to come up with the plan, and give some sort of statement … Biden is so weak—on all aspects of foreign policy—that his administration continually capitulates (loses) to a hobbled Iran at the … Nothing the USA is doing now causes him to even think about us.…
Did the Prophet Ezekiel Predict Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine?…prophet-ezekiel-predict-russias-invasion-of-ukraine-n2604138
– Are Jewish sources correct that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the start of the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38? … He writest, “The popular identification of Rosh with Russia is impossibly anachronistic and based on a faulty etymology, the assonantal … Of course, the argument is that the war will expand, involving many other nations, some of which are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5-6.…
Another Foreign Policy Catastrophe in the Works? Iran Deal Reportedly Close
– Congressional Republicans say they haven't been consulted about any deal the Biden administration is negotiating with the help of theThe Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed in 2015 with bipartisan support requires the administration to submit any deal to Congress … The Biden administration is seemingly failing on taking more concrete action with Russia.…
Ted Cruz Shows He's a Leading Voice in Speaking Out Against Russia and in Favor of Energy Independence
– "With Iran, he has looked the other way as the regime busted through sanctions and raised their exports to more than one million barrels … I can tell you the truth. It’s a pity it began after the beginning of this war, but we have it. … How would you describe your conversations with the U.S. leader?…
Biden's Nuclear Giveaway to Iran Is Outrageous…scownegotiated-nuclear-giveaway-to-iran-is-horrific-n2604022
– Let's begin with this point: At a moment in which the civilized world is trying to maximize the isolation of Vladimir Putin's regime … an issue on which he is eager to continue working with the Kremlin.   … 2, 2022 This is just a sampling of the US-offered giveaway.  …
A New Cold War Requires America First Policy
– However, China has significantly closed the gap with the United States and is clearly a great power, leading Putin to buddy up with … In fact, as we move into this multipolar world, with aggressive authoritarian powers, the answer is we must re-double our efforts atThe harsh reality is that the US, Russia, and China are the three nations that have the capacity to end the world with their nuclear…
Who’s Responsible For Russia’s Invasion?
– Our entry into World War I, for example, led to Germany’s humiliation at Versailles, which paved the way for the rise of Hitler and … the deaths of 70 million people in World War II. … But Russia is not the Soviet Union.  …
Can Anything Be Done to Stop the Biden Administration's Horrendous Iran Deal?…stop-the-biden-administrations-horrendous-iran-deal-n2604782
– McCarthy concludes that ultimately, Republicans' strongest weapon (with an eye toward changing the law in the future) is the aggressive … hawkishness: Rosatom's $10 billion contract to build two nuclear reactors for Iran at Bushehr is now under strict scrutiny from the … And Biden is obsessed with handing them the store in exchange for virtually nothing.  …
Iran's missile Attack on Kurdistan Is Dangerous Aggression From a Desperate Leader…stan-is-dangerous-aggression-from-a-desperate-leade-n2604646
– Reuters quoted a US official as saying: “the missiles were fired from inside Iran.” … situation where the world is focused on the Ukraine crisis — and what were his goals with this attack? … Because Iran is currently in the throes of an economic crisis where more than 60% of the Iranian population is below the poverty line…
We Need to Learn to Keep Our Mouths Shut
– We are not on the sidelines, we are on the battlefield. If you truly 'stand with Ukraine,' stand with us and fight."  … And this is the problem.  … And we must equip and empower the Ukrainian military, so it is able to fight with whatever it needs. …
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