Results for: sign up to vote

How The Senate Just Changed The Obamacare Debate Forever…he-senate-just-changed-the-obamacare-debate-forever-n2092170
– The truth is that this Senate vote is much bigger than Obamacare supporters would like you to believe. … For states like Kentucky and New Hampshire that are poised to rollback their expansions entirely, the Senate vote is confirmation they … They’ve enrolled 33% more people than the state promised would ever possibly sign up.…
Last Chance: Will Mitt Romney Jump Into the Presidential Race?…ce-will-mitt-romney-jump-into-the-presidential-race-n2095718
– After that, delegates are free to vote for any candidate in further rounds of voting. … Romney has an avid fan base that hasn’t let up on their pressure to convince him to run, so much that Erick Erickson of RedState wrote … I walked up to him, introduced myself as a conservative columnist, and asked if he was going to enter the race.…
Cotton Picking the Omnibus
– At least one former Congressman, elected to the US Senate in the 2014 GOP wave, refused to cave. … vote on two days later. … “Weekend at” Bernie Sanders also voted “No”, more likely to shore up credibility for his presidential bid, since his previous compromising…
At Final 2015 Presser, Obama Says He’s Going To Leave It All Out On The Field In 2016…hes-going-to-leave-it-all-out-on-the-field-in-2016-n2095264
– For that to happen, Assad needs to go to stop the blood letting, which would allow all parties involved to more forward. … It virtually removes all the tariffs on American manufactured products, and he hopes to sign it at the end of his presidency. … The president hopes this legislation comes to the Senate floor for a vote to be paired up with something from the House in order to
No, There Won't Be a Brokered National Convention
– I have bad news for those looking forward to a brokered convention. It. Isn't. Going. To. Happen. … To double check, he placed another long-distance call to each the weekend before the election. … You had to wait until the convention to see how these people would vote.…
New Year's Resolutions for 2016
to be a young[er] John McCain would fire up the electorate. … The lesson is, if no one knows you to begin with, they are unlikely to vote for you (exception -- Jimmy Carter; and recall where that … Next year, millions of these easily-outraged individuals -- many of who may actually be registered to vote -- should remember to take…
Preference vs Support
– As the Trump balloon refuses to lose air, new theories are beginning to pop up - in addition to the one reminding us that national … He went on to explain that, in his experience, a supporter would (a) be disappointed if their candidate dropped out, (b) wave a sign … - not necessarily the group Trump seems to have fired up."…
MSNBC’s Epic Week of Fail, Generation Complain and Now Is The Time To Enlist In The Marines…ration_complain_and_now_is_the_time_to_enlist_in_the_marines
– Not completely oblivious to having stuck her foot in her mouth up to her ankle, Brewer, after the video started making the rounds on … Because he is a “Gen-Y Consultant” who, according to CNN, makes “up to $25,000 per speech teaching Fortune 500 companies how to work … Sad that little kids will now grow up dreaming of being astronauts...who have to fly to Russia to hitchhike into space.…
President Tantrum: Eat My Peas and Do My Homework
– The Republicans are trying to get a vote on the Senate floor for the exact jobs bill that Obama has been puffing up his chest about … The only problem with the presumed point buried in Obama’s tortured syntax is that Democrats in the Senate don’t want to vote on the … They’ve hoped we’d forgotten about the Rose Garden ceremony when Obama first presented the bill Democrats don’t want to vote for.        …
The Folly of Principle Before Party
– The vote turned out the way that I believe it was supposed to turn out.    … As a result, Democrats tend to reliably vote for their candidates no matter how they behave.  … Along with my fellow officers, I instituted the following three standards that seem to have cleaned up the town considerably: Operate…
Still not Serious About Spending
– In the self-declared “Little City” where I live, a sign went up recently. … Think of it this way: A new radar sign might compel drivers to slow down. … It’s also expected to vote down Cut, Cap and Balance, another House-passed attempt to rein in spending.…
Cut Someone Else
– Don't ask me to come up with a list of Federal programs which should be cut. … But, would it be too much to ask for someone to step up and say their program maybe doesn't need to be funded at 100 percent of last … House and Senate who are supposed to know how much the government is scheduled to take in every year and then vote on how much the…
Cain Gets Slammed for Telling Perry N-Word Not Cool in Modern World…ts_slammed_for_telling_perry_n-word_not_cool_in_modern_world
– I guess I’m going to live up to that person’s perception today. … people to vote based on issues not party. … This racist word used to describe blacks is emblazoned on a rock prominently situated at a gated entrance to the camp.…
My Secret Chart Shows the End is Nigh for Obama
– In the stock market, volatility is often a precursor to a change of direction in the market, either up or down. … Conversely when the last bear is converted to a bull, and the fear index is low, then that’s a sign to exit stocks stage right. … Sylla’s prediction is that we are near the bottom of the down cycle and over the longer term stocks should start to move back up.…
Don’t Get Rid of the Electoral College’t_get_rid_of_the_electoral_college
– States would agree to assign all of their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the total popular vote across the … The Constitution does not prescribe how the president is elected, other than leaving it up to the state legislatures to determine how … two electors are awarded to the winner of the state’s popular vote.…
Hope Behind Occupy Wall Street
– A 25-year-old forklift operator from Minnesota said he drove to New York to join the demonstrators to voice his frustration about the … These are many of the same people who have shown up to protest the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank at their annual meetings … Business pensions, 401(k)retirement accounts and mutual investment funds have opened up investing and wealth-creation to millions of…
The Election Is Over. Here’s the Truth About Trump.
– For a week, Trump pretended he wasn’t going to sign the bill. … Trump did the right things, but wouldn’t shut up. Worst of all, he talked to Bob Woodward. … , he was right about the border, and he was right about standing up to crazy woke culture.…
President Trump Praises Senators Loeffler and Perdue as 'Fighters' on Eve of Runoff Elections
– David fights for me,” he said of the Senators to a fired up crowd. “Don’t let the Democrats steal the U.S. Senate.”  … give President-elect Joe Biden an avenue to sign far-left legislative measures into law. … "If you want to send a message to the powerful forces that are trying to control your country, you must get out and vote tomorrow for…
No, Mr. President, The Republican Caucus and Iranian Hardliners Don’t Share A ‘Common Cause’…us-and-iranian-hardliners-dont-share-a-common-cause-n2035237
– Today, the president spoke for nearly an hour at American University to drum up support for his Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action … to placate his. … Steve Israel (D-NY), the highest-ranking Jewish Democrat in the House said he was a “no” vote on the deal, according to the Hill.…
Surge of Democratic Turnout Has Yet to Appear
– You don't have to wander long in the liberal commentariat to find projections that the Republican Party is in a death spiral, doomed … The RealClearPolitics average of public polls showed Conway leading 44 to 41 percent. But Bevin won by 53 to 44 percent. … Turnout, particularly Democratic turnout, declined from 2008 to 2012 presidentially and from 2010 to 2014 congressionally.…
ICYMI: Terry McAuliffe And The Gun Control Movement Had The Worst Week In Washington…n-control-movement-had-the-worst-week-in-washington-n2078276
– “It makes a lot of difference,” McAuliffe told a local TV station in the run-up to the vote. … The swing vote began to shift dramatically in our favor at the end. … A 165-vote difference is a sign of a mandate?…
The #@*&! Problem
– Legally, town authorities don't have a leg to stand on. … When it comes to freedom of speech, my convictions are generally libertarian: The proper response to bad speech is not censorship, … used to get mouths washed out with soap.…
From Rags to Resorts
– Adelson believed his employees should vote as to whether they wanted union representation. The union brass would have none of it. … You don't need to know how to make a Bloody Mary to start a successful saloon. … Lehrer goes on to point out that to be creative over time, "to not be undone by our expertise — is to experiment with ignorance, to
Oh my: AFL-CIO Pulling Campaign Funds from Obama Re-Elect?
– The federation says the shift has been in the works for months, and had nothing to do with the president's failure to show in Wisconsin … While there were "a lot of different opinions" about whether Obama should have gone to Wisconsin, according to Goldstein, "this is … up the election, including extensive "Get Out The Vote" efforts, as well as financial contributions.…
Reagan’s Sign of the Cross Speech June 12, 1987
– That’s because he was the first President of the United States to invoke the Sign of the Cross in a public address. … Churchill had the courage to stand up against the Nazis and their Judenhass (Jew hatred.) … No one wanted him to threaten what they took to be stability.…
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