Results for: is the us at war with iran

Ideological Imperialism Is Leading to a Bad End
– During the Cold War, the United States regularly dumped over regimes we believed imperiled our cause -- Iran in 1953, Guatemala in … Consider what the Post is calling for here: The U.S. and NATO nations should openly side with protesters in Russia's cities whose … The question is what to do."…
Is Biden Prepared to Lose Afghanistan?
– For that may be what's at stake if Biden follows through on the 2020 peace deal with the Taliban to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan … be inviting a repeat of Saigon '75, with all that would mean for the Afghans who cast their lot with us. … Our country is as divided as it has been since the Civil War.…
About Those 11 Iranian Migrants Captured at Mexico-Arizona Frontier…What Homeland Security Does…t-mexicoarizona-frontierwhat-homeland-security-does-n2584700
The mission was always and still is to stop border crossings of travelers from countries of terrorism concern like Iran or to at least … What is happening with the Iranians Take the Iranian travelers just caught in Arizona. … The Arizona captures demonstrate that the American effort is imperfect and is still needed, especially at a time when the nation seems…
WaPo Story ‘Undoing Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’’ Perpetuated an Erroneous Partisan Narrative About It…erpetuated-an-erroneous-partisan-narrative-about-it-n2581055
At the time, Sudan would never have helped the United States with any sort of vetting; it was listed as a State Sponsor of Terror.  … Another posting to the sheikh in June 2014 read, in part, “Praise be to Allah here with you is a sleeper cell. … Bensman is author of the forthcoming book “America’s Covert Border War, The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist…
Ignoring the War Risks of Red Lines
– Unfortunately for Obama, Americans arose in protest against his taking us into Syria's civil war and Congress balked at authorizing … Red lines are, at root, war guarantees. … And, often, the result of issuing such war guarantees is that they are called in and lead to wars that are sometimes fatal to the great…
Biden Transition Team Announces Anti-Israel Radical Will Be Deputy White House Press Secretary…named-as-bidens-deputy-white-house-press-secretary-n2580839
the pro-Israel AIPAC conference, all while praising the catastrophic Iran Deal.  … the dangerous direction the Biden administration is going to take against America’s greatest ally Israel and US-Israel relations. … This action, along with other actions such as appointing Tony Blinken — who spoke at the anti-Israel J Street conference and called…
Has America's Suez Moment Come?
– Only at the apex of World War II has the U.S. deficit and debt been so large a share of our economy. … Can a nation so distracted, so divided, so at war with itself continue to meet all of the duties, obligations and commitments that … This happened to the British at the end of World War II when, bled, broken and bankrupted by the six-year war with Germany, she began…
It Can't Get Any Worse Than 2020. Here's a 2021 Political Wish List.…ny-worse-than-2020-heres-a-2021-political-wish-list-n2582067
– So, with the expectation that Joe Biden is our next president and Republicans win at least one of January's two Georgia runoff elections … It is unclear whether the Founders would have even bothered to fight a bloody independence war against the British Crown if they had … Soviet Union posed to the U.S. at the height of the Cold War.…
Top 10 Liberal Media Lies and Coverups of 2020
– Don’t wear a mask was the war cry at the outset of the US-based outbreak. Even Rep. … Bill Nye the Science Guy is one of those clowns, along with many, many others. … ’s Kimberley Strassel recounted in her column at the time of the fiasco: Motive matters, but what matters more is the accuracy of…
Liberal Reporter Shreds Credibility of Atlantic Editor Peddling Fake News About Trump Denigrating War Dead…ility-of-atlantic-editor-peddling-fake-news-about-t-n2575782
– In other words, liars who didn’t want to be named because the story is crap. It is crap. … It’s the Democrats’ October Surprise come early due to the fact that the race is tightening. … Goldberg is perhaps the LEAST reliable narrator in all of US journalism — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) September 4, 2020That declaration…
Let’s Do Talk About President Trump’s Coronavirus Response—It’s Actually Quite a Success…ps-coronavirus-responseits-actually-quite-a-success-n2576763
The problem with this scenario is that no one can show which 70 days Trump abandoned ship.  … And what is the result? The curve is flattened. Vaccines are expected within the month. … Unemployment, which reached a record 14.7 percent at the height of the shutdown in April, is now 8.4 percent nationally and as low…
Here Are Some Questions For Joe Biden
– Now, with Ginsberg dying on the eve of the election – as I predicted – for a while, no one is going to want to ask him about anything … What is the number of immigrants you think should be allowed in the US, or do you not think there should be any limit? … “Is it cool to abort a baby at eight months, 29 days because the mom feels like it?”…
Peace in the Middle East
The current school at the old location is the Jumeirah Baccalaureate School. My old house is all that remains of my neighborhood. … The whole place got leveled and rebuilt, except my house on the corner at 27 Sheikh Rashid Villas, which is now No. 39 on 32b Street … At the base of the Acropolis is the Athens Agora.…
Flashback: Kerry Hilariously Wrong About Trump Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem…ly-wrong-about-trump-moving-us-embassy-to-jerusalem-n2576306
– Rich Lowry writes: The story of the diplomatic breakthrough is, at bottom, one of Trump making bold moves in the region, which set … Rather than alienating our allies, pulling out of the Iran deal drew our allies in the region closer to us. … for those of us that traveled/lived overseas, especially in Asia and the Middle East.This is almost as big as the fall of the Berlin…
An Unhappy New Year
The rial is now valued at 600,000 to the U.S. dollar, down from 32,000 to the dollar when Obama’s flawed nuclear agreement was signed … The IRGC’s raison d'être is exclusively summed up in domestic suppression and interference in the affairs of other countries with the … As 85 million Iranians know, the only solution for Iran and also for peace and stability in the region, is regime change in Tehran.…
Xi Jinping's Middle Eastern Adventures
The initiative is all the more brazen when the US Navy is currently engaged in patrolling sea-lanes in the Gulf, ostensibly to protect … for China and a symbolic defeat for the US, which has backed the Saudi war against the Houthi rebels with American weapons. … China’s imprudent intervention is a retrograde step. Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
How Not to Run the World
The 1973 Yom Kippur War featured the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. introducing ceasefire proposals at the U.N. depending on when their clients—Israel … Hitler’s declaration of war against the U.S. finally brought America into the European war, with the U.S. providing enormous military … It is Zelensky, the ostensible client, who is calling the shots, and Joe Biden and his colleagues are so infatuated with getting rid…
DeSantis Is Right About Ukraine
– not a vital US interest worthy of risking World War III with Russia. … Nor is the war likely to spread to NATO countries where we have treaty obligations – the idea that we need to retake Crimea so the … Ending this war is in America’s interest.…
What Ron DeSantis Actually Said, and Didn't Say, About His Stance on Russia's War in Ukraine…idnt-say-about-his-stance-on-russias-war-in-ukraine-n2620624
– These moves would risk explicitly drawing the United States into the conflict and drawing us closer to a hot war between the world’ … It is an unjustifiable, elective war of aggression, in which one side is clearly the instigator and at fault.   … with and assist the Russians (Iran is also part of this axis).  …
Biden’s Banking Bailout Precedent Could Unleash a Wave of Bank Failures…out-precedent-could-unleash-a-wave-of-bank-failures-n2620609
The Russia-Ukraine War is turning decisively against Ukraine.   … The US banking crisis, coupled with Ukraine's collapse, may make President Biden (and his leftist puppeteers) desperate for a subject … Intervening in the Russia-Ukraine War may be their opportunity.  …
Iran's Mullahs Attack Schoolgirls With Poison Gas
– , died from the gas poisoning at a school in the holy city of Qom. … It is little wonder that the current nationwide protests, which have continued in almost every town and city in Iran for six months … The theocratic dictatorship in Iran has a history of targeting women with oppressive laws that would not be tolerated in the West or…
Was Iran Responsible for the Drone Attack That Killed a US Contractor?…ack-kills-us-contractor-wounds-five-service-members-n2621076
– As if things couldn’t get any more chaotic aboard for the Biden administration, they could be investigating whether Iran is behind … With so much attention geared toward funding the Ukraine war, I fear this attack and others like them in the Middle East will fall … by the wayside, especially since Biden isn’t hell-bent on getting us back into the region with a sizeable footprint. …
Iran’s Future, Democracy and Representative Government
the people in Iran, the shah and the mullahs are synonymous with totalitarian dictatorship. … Tasnim went on to claim that the MEK has a terrorist past and "fought on the side of Saddam" during the Iran-Iraq war. … to the Iranian embassy to say, “Let us agree on a common culprit which is the MEK.…
To Defeat KGB — Drop LGB
– MAN WITHOUT GOD AGAINST GOD WITHOUT MAN The confrontation between the United States and the new axis of evil, China-Russia-Iran, is … Their conflict, as they see it, is the work of Satan, who first seduced Russia with Marxism, and now is seducing America with neo-Marxism … During the height of the Cold War the boys of my generation used to have posters with Rambo or Raquel Welch on the wall.…
Report: Chinese Communist Party Thrilled With French President's Defiance of US…thrilled-with-french-presidents-defiance-against-us-n2621722
Is France looking to align itself with the genocidal tyrants in Beijing over the United States and the West? … One of the top foreign policy voices in the United States Senate is responding to Macron's insolence with some uncomfortable questions … CCP is raging at the US and Taiwan, and they now appear to have an ally in France.…
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