Results for: sign up to vote

GAME OVER: Democrat Doug Jones Defeats Republican Roy Moore In Alabama…e-and-doug-jones-can-do-now-in-alabamas-senate-race-n2421740
– I’ve created a follow-at-home model estimating the vote shares Jones and Moore need to exceed in each of Alabama’s 67 counties to win … Jones needs a robust GOP crossover vote (and a substantial write-in vote) from whites with a college degree, who make up roughly a … You really have to wait for a county to wrap up until you know what happened — Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) December 13, 2017And for this…
Orrin Hatch Should Stay, If He Stays on the MAGA Way
– They hope to capitalizing on bad polling to win seats. … That’s another good sign to let Hatch stay. … he needs to go.…
Labour Supporter Appalled By Left’s Puerile Antics After UK Election Defeat…ed-by-lefts-puerile-antics-after-uk-election-defeat-n1998165
– But there was no one to around to rub my face in my own misery. … Social media seems to encourage blasting our basest feelings to everyone we know, and it’s caused some of us to totally mute our human … Liberals need to pipe down.…
Rejected: Senate Democrats Block Fast-Track Authority On TPP
– “I offered to have them bring up a bill later, do everything I can to give that a fair hearing because I have concerns sometimes too … Something that was made harder to do when Democrats decided to lump four other bills, along with the TPA vote.   … Until there is a path to get all four bills passed … we will, certainly most of us, will have to vote no.”…
Analysis: In Support of the Senate-Passed Iran Review Legislation
– Tom Cotton's position, which compelled him to cast Thursday's lone dissenting vote. … A "best case scenario," politically speaking, is for the president to sign the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, for his administration … Congress to vote against the agreement -- along with a fair number of Democrats, in all likelihood.  …
Analyzing Those Hot, Fresh GOP Poll Numbers
– Does anyone believe Trump will sign up for the grueling tedium of a campaign season that involves sharing an attention pie with other … Simmering in even lower digits at the moment are names who will surely rise to claim some of the pie-slices higher up in the Qunnipiac … Santorum wisely said of Mitt Romney in 2012 that we are unwise to send up a nominee unfit to battle Obamacare because of Romneycare…
Obama's Part-Time, Low Wage, Job Challenged Economy is Shrinking…rttime-low-wage-job-challenged-economy-is-shrinking-n2004036
– or very important to their vote next year, a significantly higher percentage than for any other issue." … proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. … Obama's crippled economy is actually shrinking, even after trillions of dollars have been spent to prop it up.…
Children Taken From Parents For a Month For Waiting Alone in Backyard…yed-parents-cops-take-him--brother-away-for-a-month-n2010171
– We have to appear in the criminal court on June 11th to put in our plea. … I would love to speak to someone however due to my job (which is still on the line) I don’t know if it will make it better or worse … I am a state and county employee with the school system and I was made to sign a paper stating I would not speak with teachers parents…
Turkey's Unimportant Election
– But will it have to sign up a junior partner? … Will it win sufficient seats to change the constitution and fulfill President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's plan to turn his position from … , the HDP, to gain 10 percent of the vote, to win parliamentary representation, and then, one hopes, cleverly to obstruct Erdogan's…
Adulthood -- Interrupted
– If the bills become law, 18 will make a Californian old enough to vote, to enlist in the military, to sign a contract, to buy a gun … It's also not old enough to drink. I am old enough to remember the mantra, "Old enough to fight, old enough to vote." … In 1971, responding to a system that allowed 18-year-olds to enlist in the military without letting them vote for who would run it,…
South Dakota "Voter Fraud" Case Deserves More Attention…uth-dakota-voter-fraud-case-deserves-more-attention-n2006601
sign if they chose to do so. … jail for up to 24 years and incur as much as $48,000 in fines. … to strip Bosworth of, to no avail.…
Who’s Afraid of the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
– Senate just approved a “fast track” to negotiate and vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement, and some on the far … TPA would give Obama the ability to negotiate the TPP within just 90 days, and then present it to Congress to vote up or down without … to sign the TPP until they know the Senate and the House of Representatives can’t change it.…
The Anti-Politician
– A vote for Trump is a vote to say that both parties have failed America and none of the current crop of candidates offers real hope … Is Trump wrong on this, or simply wrong to bring it up? … Obama to surrender Congress' right to amend trade treaties and sign on to a Trans-Pacific Partnership pact that looks like another…
TPA Reloaded: House Narrowly Passes Fast-Track On TPP, Heads To The Senate…arrowly-passes-fasttrack-on-tpp-heads-to-the-senate-n2014415
– A procedural vote to start debate on trade promotion, or “fast-track,” authority for the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership passed 244 … This new renewed push doesn’t include the TAA provision, but promises a vote to extend the program, which expires in September in a … separate vote (via Roll Call): The House is set to vote Thursday on Trade Promotion Authority, with GOP leaders employing procedural…
Obama Fails to Pass Trade Bill Backed By Majorities in Both Houses…pass-trade-bill-backed-by-majorities-in-both-houses-n2012809
– It should have been obvious to Obama, months before Friday's TPA vote, that he needed to get some significant number of Democratic … It passed by a 219-211 margin, with 28 Democratic votes -- a margin eerily similar to the TPA vote 13 years ago. … But since the Senate bill tied TPA and TAA together, there is no bill for the president to sign.…
Sacramento's Idea of Health: Undocumented Welcome
– By a 28-11 vote, the Democratic-controlled state Senate became the first U.S. legislative body to vote to expand health care to immigrants … , authorize residents up to age 19 to enroll in Medi-Cal regardless of immigration status and allow some people 19 or older to enroll … To point out any negative consequences is to invite the left to brand you as heartless and racist.…
Hillary's Scary Ghost Tales
– and deliberately" trying to deny millions of Americans, mainly the poor and black, of their right to vote. … As if that would matter to an old pol in the habit of making up her own. … And it may take years for the facts to catch up with them.…
Turkish Voters Reject Obama “Apology” Policy
– But it is a good sign for American and Israeli diplomacy necessary to get anywhere. And that’s something. Very well. … a prelude to attacks. … The Turkish vote may bring some signs of hope if it means President Erdogan’s drive to turn Turkey into an Islamist regime is being…
Why America Hates the GOP-Obamatrade Deal
to debate and lowers the vote threshold in the Senate from 61 to 51. … The 11 international parties negotiating with Obama on TPP refuse to sign their dotted lines until Congress agrees to pre-agree to … Past free-trade pacts have failed to live up to their overhyped promises.…
What Just Happened in Las Vegas, Nevada Could Destroy the GOP…happened-in-las-vegas-nevada-could-destroy-the-gop-n2010734
– If you support raising taxes you have every right to your opinion. But you need to switch parties to the Democrat Party. … Your brand is lower taxes…you won with that brand in a landslide…so you decided to vote for the biggest tax increase in history? … Why didn't they say "I am proud to be running as a Republican to raise your taxes.…
Wisconsin Moves to Ban Abortions After 20 Weeks
– The House, which is also Republican-led, has yet to decide whether to take up the bill in June or wait until the fall.   … fines of up to $10,000 and prison sentences of up to three and a half years.   … It, too, passed along party lines: 242 to 184.…
California Moves to Require Vaccinations For School-Age Children…rnia-to-require-vaccinations-for-schoolage-children-n2018041
to be vaccinated against the disease. … Luther Cobb, president of the California Medical Assn., hailed Thursday's vote by the state Assembly as key to keeping deadly but preventable … Whooping cough is especially important to vaccinate against in schoolchildren to avoid passing on the illness to infants or very young…
Will Suicide Bill Die a Natural Death?
– Lois Wolk and Bill Monning, co-sponsors of the bill, had to pull a scheduled vote in the Assembly Health Committee and delay it until … to accommodate transgender elementary school students -- well, that doesn't add up. … On one side stand Californians who want to be able to kill themselves with the help of a doctor.…
Put It All in One Big Museum
– Never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, Democrats made overtures on gun control. … as much a mystery to me as why anyone would want to fly it in the first place. … Perhaps each state’s Democratic Party headquarters could offer up some space and the artifacts can be rotated to a new state annually…
Obama Gets Fast Track Authority For Trans-Pacific Partnership UPDATE: TAA Passes
– The measure to strengthen Obama's hand in global trade talks cleared the Senate on a vote of 60-38, and will go to the White House … It would then go to the House, where a final vote was expected on Thursday. … Up next, the vote on the actual trade agreement.…
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