Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Colorado Governor Will Sign Bill Altering How State Allocates Its Electoral College Votes…ll-altering-how-state-allocates-its-electoral-colle-n2542155
Democratic Gov. … of Columbia, which has also passed a popular-vote bill, account for 172 electoral votes, just under 98 shy of the 270 votes a presidential … Yes, it would permit candidates for both parties to run campaigns more attuned to their bases, as there’s no need to moderate of shift…
Far Left Kamala Harris Fast Becoming a Democratic Frontrunner for President…ast-becoming-a-democratic-frontrunner-for-president-n2542164
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is becoming one of her party’s leading contenders for president. … She is running second in the polls of announced Democratic candidates only after Bernie Sanders. … The entire Democratic field has lurched to the left, maybe in part due to the influence over the past couple of years by admitted socialist…
Poll: Bernie Takes Early Lead in NH Dem Primary
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has the early lead among 2020 Democratic presidential candidates in the first New Hampshire Democratic primary … These were the only three candidates to earn support in the double digits.   … ) February 23, 2019Breakdown of top Democratic candidates support by age group: — Emerson Polling (@EmersonPolling…
Our National Debt Is Our National Disgrace
– All of their leading presidential candidates are calling for enormous increases in income taxes for the “wealthy.”   … national debt is another reason that common sense Americans need to work tirelessly between now and November 2020 to ensure that the Democratic
Starbucks Is Stuck With Howard Schultz’s Legacy
– After decades of liberal activism and supporting Democratic candidates like Hillary Clinton, Schultz now says he may run as an independent … Some Democratic Party loyalists have gone ballistic, hurling invectives at Schultz and claiming that he will ensure the re-election … over his proposed independent presidential bid was having a spillover effect on the coffee conglomerate he used to lead.”…
AOC: The Poster Child of the New Green Disaster
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), now universally abbreviated AOC, is no longer a name popular among socialism sympathizers in the Democratic … What was more shocking is how major Democratic presidential candidates like Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen.…
Warren, Harris Support Reparations for Black Americans
– That two leading Democratic candidates have embraced reparations — the concept that the federal government should both acknowledge … Sanders, the Vermont leftist whose rhetoric of a political revolution won him throngs of supporters in the last Democratic primary … (NYT) Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro—also a 2020 Democratic presidential contender—has expressed support for reparations as well…
RESIST: Oh, So This Is How New Jersey Is Going To Keep Trump Off The Ballot In 2020...…ersey-is-going-to-keep-trump-off-the-ballot-in-2020-n2542037
– While the liberal media and their Democratic allies have been lusting over this Russia collusion nonsense, there is another story they … It now goes to the state assembly, where it could reach Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy’s desk. It’ll probably pass. … candidates off the state’s 2020 ballot unless they release their tax returns.…
Reaction to Bernie's Candidacy Shows A Shift Within Democratic Party…ies-candidacy-shows-a-shift-within-democratic-party-n2542031
– socialist with a long record of support for communist regimes would be considered a force for diversity in a typical field of Democraticcandidates. … presidential nomination.…
CNN Says Kamala Harris, Cory Booker Should've Known Better on Smollett, Should've Said 'Alleged'…e-known-better-on-smollett-should-have-said-alleged-n2541999
– Both 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls had initially tweeted their support for Smollett without using the word “alleged” about … “There was a rush to judgment, most all of the Democratic candidates weighed in on Twitter before they knew all of the facts of the … CNN senior political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson pointed out that both candidates did not use the word “alleged” in their initial…
Sanders Will Sign Pledge to Run as Democrat
– The Democratic National Committee announced Tuesday it will soon distribute a form to 2020 hopefuls requiring them—based on previously … agreed upon bylaws—"to affirm in writing” that they’re “a member of the Democratic Party, will accept the Democratic nomination…[and … ] will run and serve as a member of the Democratic Party.”…
Millennials: Quit Demanding Socialism, We’re Already Footing The $22 Trillion Debt…socialism-were-already-footing-the-22-trillion-debt-n2541948
– Even more horrifying, hordes of millennials support socialist candidates who believe more government and more spending is the solution—not … Notwithstanding their disdain for President Donald Trump, only 46 percent of millennials (aged 18 to 35) voted in the 2016 presidential … Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), media darling, self-avowed democratic socialist, and political savior—at least according to millions…
In The House Democrats' War With The Trump White House, Pelosi Said Impeachment Is Just Not Worth It
– We all know the Democratic base wants it. … We all know there’s a rabid and vocal Democratic element that wants the president gone. This isn’t new. Rep. … Biden could be considered old news and would be dealt a third presidential defeat in the primaries.…
AOC: We Must Overhaul America's 'Garbage' Status Quo, Which is Enslaved to 'Irredeemable' Capitalism…le-and-america-is-garbage-so-we-need-massive-change-n2542890
– Question for Democratic presidential candidates: Do you agree that the current reality in America is "garbage," and that the capitalistic … Allahpundit (@allahpundit) March 11, 2019 Meanwhile, here's an observation from the ex-Starbucks CEO, whose eyes are wide open to the Democratic … obliged to say: If even a successful businessman and entrepreneur like Governor Hickenlooper can't openly support capitalism in the Democratic
The Debate About The Debates
– It should come as no surprise that the Democratic Party will not allow Fox News to host a presidential candidate debate for the upcoming … presidential candidates. … This bias should have disqualified CNN from ever hosting another Democratic Party presidential debate, but, of course, since the network…
Joy Behar Nuances Herself Into the Far Left Corner
– Each of the many Democratic presidential candidates is trying to outmaneuver the others to the left. … Many of the Democratic presidential candidates have expressed varying degrees of support for the Commie-inspired Green New Deal, and … rank-and-file Democratic supporters are still infatuated with card-carrying socialist Bernie Sanders.…
Ari Fleischer: Omar Mess Is Bad News for Democrats' 2020 Platform…r-omar-mess-is-bad-news-for-democrats-2020-platform-n2542781
– If you think the Omar blow-up is bad, wait until Ds debate their presidential platform. … He suggested that the media start asking the candidates the right questions. … Reporters should ask D presidential candidates if they commit to supporting the long-standinging D position in their party’s platform…
Biden Is Set To Run in 2020, But Something He Said In 1993 Could Complicate Matters
– Biden Jr. presidential campaign are falling into place: His nucleus of advisers has begun offering campaign positions to seasoned Democratic … Black voters are a huge Democratic constituency. Mr. … It’s hard to say anything definitive since both of his previous presidential bids ended early and without much support.…
Blue Wave Backlash: GOP Flips Fourth State Legislative Seat of 2019…ash-gop-flips-fourth-state-legislative-seat-of-2019-n2542687
– district -- it was a seat that had been occupied by a member of Democratic leadership.   … The seat was vacated after the incumbent was appointed to a state role by newly elected Democratic Gov. … Ned Lamont’s administration...Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won by more than 23 percent in the 2016 presidential
Here's What Trump Has to Say About The DNC Saying 'No' To Fox News Hosting a Primary Debate…after-dnc-says-fox-news-cant-host-a-primary-debate-n2542741
– According to DNC Chairman Tom Perez, Fox News is unable to host a "fair and neutral debate" for the Democratic candidates. … Therefore, Fox News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 Democratic primary debates. … presidential debate.…
'Aw Shucks,' No Rematch? Trump Responds To Hillary Clinton's 2020 Announcement…rump-responds-to-hillary-clintons-2020-announcement-n2542647
– This week, the former first lady and two-time presidential loser announced that she’s not going to run in 2020 (via NYT): Hillary … Clinton, the first woman to win a major-party nomination for president, remains a complicated figure for the Democratic Party as both … Ahead of the 2020 election, she has been holding private meetings with many of the current and potential presidential candidates, including…
Bret Baier: It's a 'Shame' DNC Won't Partner With Us For Debates…er-its-a-shame-dnc-wont-partner-with-us-for-debates-n2542717
presidential debate. … @DNC excludes @FoxNews from hosting a Democratic debate. … 6, 2019Our large audience deserves to hear ALL the candidates who are running for the Presidency of the United States.…
The Democrat’s New Medicare for All bill Isn’t the Healthcare Americans Deserve––or Want…l-bill-isnt-the-healthcare-americans-deserveor-want-n2542703
Democratic Representative Pramila Jayapal and 107 other progressives introduced a highly-anticipated “Medicare for All” bill on February … Now it’s a staple in several Democratic presidential candidates’ platforms, especially after a late 2018 survey suggested 70 percent…
CNN Focus Group of Democratic Voters Reject Biden
– Even though Joe Biden is leading some polls of the 2020 Democratic field, a CNN focus group of Democratic voters outright rejected … the former vice president as their presidential nominee.  … Biden has not yet announced whether he will run but he is expected to join the growing field of Democratic presidential candidates
Hilarious: SNL Channels Dianne Feinstein's Impatience With 'Green New Deal' Emotionalism…nsteins-impatience-with-green-new-deal-emotionalism-n2542530
– But it has admittedly been entertaining to watch the old guard of the Democratic Party throw cold water on the socialist-leaning young … If Feinstein channeled Strong's version more often, she'd have the inside track on becoming my favorite Democratic Senator. … candidates, the bottom two are someone over the age of 75, and a socialist.  …
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