Results for: Republican National Committee

We Don't Want Globalist Government
– People were distressed that Clinton had a stranglehold on the Democratic National Committee in 2016? … But when you're the president of the United States whose chances for the Republican nomination -- much less the election -- were viewed…
Republicans Stepping Up to Counter Dems on 'Medicare For All'…ans-stepping-up-to-counter-dems-on-medicare-for-all-n2555214
– The new plan from the Republican Study Committee, out this week, goes a long way to achieving these results. How? … Andrew Lautz is a policy and government affairs associate with the National Taxpayers Union, a nonprofit dedicated to advocating for…
Did The FBI Give Trump And Hillary Different Counterintelligence Briefings in 2016?…ary-different-counterintelligence-briefings-in-2016-n2555206
– On September 20, 2017, the Senate Judiciary Committee wrote to the FBI about defensive briefings provided to the Trump campaign. … Grassley Chairman Committee on Finance Ron Johnson Chairman Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs cc:       … Senator Richard Shelby Chairman Senate Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Michael E.…
Rep. Stefanik's PAC Supporting GOP Women Makes First Round of Endorsements…porting-gop-women-makes-first-round-of-endorsements-n2555179
– ), the youngest GOP woman every elected to Congress, has established herself as not only an effective lawmaker, but a face of Republican … This effort came to life after Stefanik served as the first female Recruitment Chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee … Joan Perry received the group’s support, but ultimately lost her bid to Republican Greg Murphy.…
Why Mark Zuckerberg Wants to Recruit Outside the Ivy League Liberal Bubble…ts-to-recruit-outside-the-ivy-league-liberal-bubble-n2555126
– "The person who runs policies of the company is quite a prominent Republican. … A whopping 40% of the 250 top American public sector decision-makers are Ivy League graduates, according to a National Journal survey … He will also testify next week before the House Financial Services Committee about his cryptocurrency project, Libra.…
BREAKING: Dems Block GOP Measure to Censure Adam Schiff
– Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican-lead resolution to censor Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) with the Democratic-led … Justin Amash, a former Republican turned Independent, sided with Democrats, CBS News reported. … When it comes to matters of our national security, that responsibility is even greater.…
Former State Democratic Party Chair Goes Off On DNC Chair...And Went On Record With This Brutal Remark…y-chair-goes-off-on-dnc-chair-and-went-on-record-wi-n2555118
– The chasm between the Republican National Convention and their Democratic counterparts is immense. … National Committee have raised more than $300 million this year for his reelection — more than any other sitting president in history … Committee had at this time in his successful re-election run.…
RNC Fundraising Totals For September Leave DNC In the Dust
– The Republican National Committee has once again far surpassed its Democratic counterpart in fundraising for September, according … Earlier this month, the RNC launched a “Stop the Madness” national counter-impeachment campaign, targeting those House Democrats and…
Did the Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Give Away the Game on Democrats’ Impeachment Push?…st-tweets-only-reinforces-the-anti-trump-deep-state-n2556063
– Adam Schiff (D-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and other House Democrats are quarterbacking the effort. … This person is a CIA agent, a registered Democrat, had worked in the Obama White House as a National Security Council staffer, and … And prior to the House impeachment vote, Republican members on the committees conducting the now-former secret interviews with witnesses…
Mississippi Voters Promote GOP Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves to Governor…i-voters-promote-gop-lt-gov-tate-reeves-to-governor-n2555991
– Mississippi's Republican Lt. Gov. … Reeves will now be the state's third Republican governor in a row. … President Donald Trump and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel congratulated Reeves on his victory: Congratulations…
Former Obama Campaign Manager: Our Nominee Is Going to be 'Broke and Tired'…manager-our-nominee-is-going-to-be-broke-and-tired-n2555885
– According to Plouffe, this is about the Democrats playing catch-up with Trump and the Republican National Committee.  … President Trump and the Republican Party have continually raked in large sums of cash. … The Republican National Committee has had continual record-breaking fundraising months.…
Cheney Says Pelosi 'Completely Neutered the Intelligence Committee'…se-transcripts-from-their-bogus-impeachment-inquiry-n2555800
– House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) on Friday sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, demanding she immediately release … The selective leaking in which the House Intelligence Committee has been engaged must end immediately and the full and complete record … Cheney argued that Democrats have put politics over national security by telling the House Intelligence Committee to focus solely on…
Well, We Now Know Who President Trump’s Enemies Are At The State Department…ment-push-is-ripping-the-state-department-to-shreds-n2555751
– Who leaked the conversation between then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak? … And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election … The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who supported Hillary Clinton, led an effort to link the Republican campaign…
How The NRCC Decided To Help Out Battleground Democrats After Trump Impeachment Vote…boxes-to-democrats-in-competitive-races-after-impe-n2555745
– Still, that didn’t stop the National Republican Congressional Committee from sending moving boxes to these competitive districts represented … — NRCC (@NRCC) October 31, 2019 The National Republican Congressional Committee sent packing boxes to several…
Sounds A Bit Coup Coup: Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Hid Contacts With Schiff From Inspector General…ukraine-whistleblower-hid-contacts-with-schiff-from-n2555655
– He’s an Obama holdover, a registered Democrat, a CIA agent, and worked with a Democratic National Committee operative, Alexandra Chalupa … And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election … Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chairman of the House intelligence committee.…
'This Ain't Over': Doug Collins Calls on Schiff to Testify About His Relationship With the Whistleblower…s-for-schiff-to-testify-as-part-impeachment-inquiry-n2555685
Republican Congressman Doug Collins is calling on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to testify as a witness after … "Come to the Judiciary Committee and take every question asked of you [Schiff]. … Did Schiff have ANY access earlier than Committee & if yes, why did he not immediately share this with his Committee? ????…
Sums It Up: Dem Rep Dresses In Batman Costume As Congress Continues Impeachment Clown Show…ostume-as-congress-continues-impeachment-clown-show-n2555672
– Democrats prepare to officially blow up their Majority with impeachment, @RepKatiePorter is prancing around dressed as Batman," the NationalRepublican Congressional Committee tweeted. …
REPORT: 'Whistleblower' Who Complained About Trump's Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky Revealed…complained-about-trumps-call-to-ukrainian-president-n2555644
– And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election … Former FBI Director James Comey and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. You can't make this stuff up.  … One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.…
NYT Writer on Dem Fundraising: 'They Can't Get it Right'
– The Republican National Committee brought in over $27 million in September, according to the Federal Elections Commission.…
Trump Calls Pelosi's Bluff
– "Powerful testimony from multiple state and national security officials," the Hill reports, adding up to a "scathing picture of Trump … After all, without evidence of grave wrongdoing, the Republican-controlled Senate won't remove this president from office. … Additional witnesses are scheduled to appear before Schiff's committee later this week.…
CNN Hack Who Endorsed Josef Stalin Over Trump Retracts Comment Saying ISIS Leader Wasn't A Coward…mp-apologizes-for-saying-isis-leader-wasnt-a-coward-n2555528
– Sun: Baghdadi was "a sick and depraved man." — Max Boot (@MaxBoot) October 28, 2019 As pointed out by NationalRepublican Senate Committee senior advisor Matt Whitlock, Boot is the same person who also said, "I would sooner vote for Josef Stalin…
Congress Will Finally Allow Seniors to Reap Cost Savings From Generic Drugs…low-seniors-to-reap-cost-savings-from-generic-drugs-n2555474
– The bill, which is estimated to save $345 billion in Medicare spending, did manage to pass Committee by a vote of 30-22. … David McKinley (R-W.Va.) received assurances from committee leaders Frank Pallone Jr. … After all, just weeks ago, Senate Finance Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) also promised Sen.…
WATCH: Katie Hill Paints Herself As a 'Victim' in Teary-Eyed Video About Her Resignation…ers-at-everyone-but-herself-in-new-video-explaining-n2555484
– She made the resignation announcement Sunday night after the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Hill. … on Political Action• National Beer Wholesalers Association PAC• New Democrat Coalition PAC• Writers Guild of America, Inc. … PAC• Sierra Club Political Committee• NARAL Pro-Choice PAC• League of Conservation Voters Action Fund• Committee for a Democratic Future…
Oregon Republican To Retire From The House
– Oregon Republican Greg Walden announced Monday that he will not seek re-election 2020 after a 20-year career.  … Walden is now the 17th Republican retiring before the 2020 election.  … The Oregon Republican has previously departed from President Donald J.…
Pelosi Peril: Impeachment Not Looking Too Popular in These Key Swing States…achment-not-looking-too-popular-in-key-swing-states-n2555417
– As things currently stand, national surveys show a clear majority in favor of the inquiry, with opinions split on the question of conviction … President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office, while 51% do not want him impeached and removed from office...A look at the national … This developing sequence is no accident, says a Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee: John Ratcliffe: Change In Status…
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