Results for: is the us at war with iran

Merry Christmas, Comrades
is the only way to preserve the social order. … No, not Al Qaeda, but Iran: From NightWatch: The real concern of the US, Allied powers and the UN should be that this rocket … The customer in this instance is Iran.…
Jihad 101
– It was articulated concisely by the scholar Ibn Khaldun: “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of theThe OIC is the most powerful block at the United Nations, an organization that the U.S. continues to generously fund. … The “Hard Jihad” is fought with violence.…
How to Combat an Arrogant China?
Is there a new Cold War developing between China and the United States? … Surely the J-20 flight was a snub to Washington. Surely China's whole military buildup is aimed directly at us. … At the end of the day, the best thing the U.S. can do to protect its own interests with respect to China is to adopt Ronald Reagan's…
Who Lost the Middle East?
– turn to leaders who will pull away from America and stand in solidarity with the Palestinians.Turkey is a case in point. … The general was with us.Yet this raises anew the question: Why do they hate us? … Through World War II and much of the Cold War, the peoples of the Middle East saw America as the champion of liberation from imperial…
Sudanese Crossroads
– Today, the US is not feared or respected as it was six years ago. … Both during the post-World War I breakup of the Ottoman Empire and with the breakup of the British and French empires after World WarThe current Arab-European claim is that the Arab imperialist war against Israel is a Jewish imperialist war against Arabs.…
The Pragmatic Fantasy
the political war against Israel raging at international arenas throughout the world. … With this balance sheet at the end of the "era of peace," between Israel and Egypt, it is far from clear that Israel was right to sign … which called for the Hizbullah-dominated Lebanese army to deploy to the border with Israel at the end of the 2006 war, so Livni failed…
Canada Stands Up to Iran
– But it is really Iran’s despots who tell the story. For example, in 1980, war broke out between Iran and Iraq. … ; America is the “enemy of Allah” and “the Great Satan.” … Iran has since collaborated with al-Qaeda and a long list of other terrorists groups – the evidence is overwhelming – while also training…
Peace in Our Time?
– Still, there is one aspect of the song from South Pacific that is worth pondering. … It is no use simply to call — as many voices have done in the wake of the eruption of vitriol following the Tucson massacre — for a … And what is a more “arrogant idiocy” than the attempt to construct morality out of little more than the feeling that the only thing…
Yoav Galant’s Depressing Defeat’s_depressing_defeat
– First on the list of threats is Iran. … In short, the ways the IDF thinks about war, plans for war, arms for war, trains for war and wages war are all going to have to change … Still, since the issue at hand is administrative, not criminal, it is far from clear that the Supreme Court would have ruled against…
Ideology vs. the National Interest
– But with the end of the Cold War and the coming of George W. … He fought beside us in Desert Storm and stands with us in the War on Terror. … not the will of an elite," Egypt will become more Islamic, more hostile to us and Israel, and more supportive of Iran.…
As With Other Fallen Allies, Egypt Will Vex the U.S.,_egypt_will_vex_the_us
– We entered World War I allied with the odious regime of czarist Russia. … We won World War II only with the aid of the even more horrifying communist regime of Josef Stalin. … Let's hope that the outcome is one we can live with at least as well.…
Israel and Arab Democracy
– Today, with between 1,500 and 3,000 members, Tunisia’s tiny Jewish community is among the largest in the Arab world. … That is why for most Israelis, the issue of how Arabs are governed is as irrelevant as the results of the 1852 US presidential elections … state of war with the Jewish state.…
Mideast Bribery Done Right
– that meddling in the politics of other nations is typically a disaster -- but only because these nations are disasters to begin with … And shouldn't our money come with the promise to be better? … And the position of the administration is that as an example the foreign military financing that's in the budget should be without…
Hooray for Hollywood
– Brunei is a member of the OIC. … A tiny state (just 2,226 square miles with a population of a about 4200,000) on the north coast of Borneo, it is the first country … He is known as a guy who wants to party all the time with infidel women from the U.S. and Europe.…
Modern World is Still Premodern in Many Ways
– For years, Western aid groups have pleaded with the State Department to at least put Boko Haram on the official list of terrorist groups … What do we do in the face of 19th-century evil that is unapologetic, has lethal weapons at its disposal and uses savage rhetoric to … The truth is that much of the world never left the 19th century and is not too worried that it hasn't.…
Uncertain Trumpet, or: The President Sounds Retreat
The usual charade of negotiations with Iran continues in palatial settings like Geneva, home of the defunct League of Nations, and … This is only the beginning of the reckoning, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless … But it is not Barack Obama's purblind view of a world collapsing all around him and the rest of us that was the saddest part of his…
Shimon Peres' Legacy
with the US. … And now that it is obvious that the US will do nothing to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power, Peres behaves as though there is … In his meeting earlier this month with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, Peres scoffed at the mounting danger of a nuclear Iran with his…
That’s the Problem: Obama Doesn’t Give Himself Enough Credit…department-obama-doesnt-give-himself-enough-credit-n1845259
– ’s not getting enough blame, according to the teenage Bieber fan who is currently serving as the spokesperson for the State Department … Libya, and parts of Nigeria, and parts of Syria); Iran is using the billions of dollars that the Obama Administration released (as … Putin is getting the Soviet band back together; the Middle East is engaged in a shooting war over who hates Americans more; and the
The 10 Worst Parts of Obama’s Horrible West Point Speech
– As General Eisenhower, someone with hard-earned knowledge on this subject, said at this ceremony in 1947, ‘War is mankind’s most tragic … Of course the deliberate provocation of war is wrong; but from the birth of our nation to the need for its reassembly the next century … I have walked with and among the honorable U.S. troops who are fighting the War on Terror in our hemisphere at that facility.…
Is Obama Blundering Into a Syrian Quagmire?
– He got us out of Iraq and is taking us out of Afghanistan. … They dislike Iran, but like that the president is negotiating with Iran. … us or the Jordanian monarchy that is playing host to U.S. advisers?…
Time to Share the Foreign Policy Vision (If Any)
– It is true that polls show growing discontent with the incoherence and flabbiness of the Obama foreign policy. … The same with China. They don't really want a war -- do they? In the moral leadership vacuum known as Washington, D. … Nice of him, if so, finally to share the news with us.…
Ukraine's New President is Ready to Get Tough with Pro-Russian Activists…ent-is-ready-to-get-tough-with-prorussian-activists-n1843588
– "The reason for the emphasis placed on the continuation of combat, is not because of the war-mongering of the Islamic establishment … Satan and the Satanic front are the US and the other five negotiating parties. … One reason is that the Touaregs have the military advantage for now.…
No Big Deal: American Media Fail To Scrutinize Obama’s Economic And Foreign Policy Mishaps…rutinize-obamas-economic-and-foreign-policy-mishaps-n1848914
– Acceptance of the Obama Administration’s agendas and assertions is so enmeshed in the culture of journalism that most practitioners … negotiate with Iran. … Given our nation’s abandonment of our ally Israel and our embracing of tyranny in Iran, Egypt, and elsewhere, the world is left to…
No U.S. Dollars to this PLO “Terroristan”
– Every thoughtful observer of the Mideast knows that Hamas is funded by the current regime in Iran. … The Second World War ended on September 2, 1945 on board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. … The difference between total victory in World War II and this seemingly endless war on terror is simple: In those days, we only funded…
Obama’s Performance At West Point
At the U.S. … Obama at odds with every U.S. president since World War II. … The speech was rife with such muddles.…
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