Results for: is the us at war with iran

SOTU - 2014
The Speech: Smart start to the speech by not proclaiming "The State of the Union is Strong …" or some variant. … in the balcony with his dad next to the First Lady. … The President's job approval is stuck in the low 40s. Obamacare is not going well. Unemployment is stubbornly high.…
Obama's UnReality TV is Creepy
– “In the view of the US administration, however, the US is consistent in trying to promote democratically elected government, despite … sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, al Qaeda … There is too much at stake for the United States and the West in the region.…
Talking With Robert Gates About Hillary, Benghazi, Putin, Biden and Much More…es-about-hillary-benghazi-putin-biden-and-much-more-n1784103
– *On Bush, post 9/11: " Had I been in office at the time, I’m not sure I would have differed with his approach." … "I believe it’s a mistake to cut off military assistance to the Egyptians at this point, because the future of the Middle East is so … He voted against the first Gulf War.…
Hope is Not an Effective Policy Against Iran’s Nuclear Program…not-an-effect-policy-against-irans-nuclear-program-n1782652
– It added that Iran "is not conducting any further advances to its activities" at Natanz, Fordo or the heavy-water reactor under construction … Comment: The US insisted that Iran must be disinvited, which is odd because Iran has invested soldiers and treasure to support its … The problem with boycotts is they disenfranchise the opposition and distort the significance of popular votes.…
What Did Our Wars Win?
– "He ended one war and kept us out of any other," is the tribute paid President Eisenhower. … Ike ended the Korean conflict in 1953, refused to intervene to save the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, and, rather than back the … Terrorism has returned to Egypt, the Sinai is now a no man's land, and almost all Egypt hates us now.…
Staying Out of Other People's Wars
– They are urging another look at air strikes. North Korea is warning that should the annual U.S. … The possibility of America being dragged into a new war is growing. … Dating back to the early years of the Cold War, in the 1950s, we signed treaties obligating us to fight for scores of nations on five…
The Journo-Wars: O'Reilly v. Milbank Edition
– He is as partisan as Rush Limbaugh, just with a much, much smaller audience. (Remember the orange hunting vest? … (Most recently with Paul Ryan on the cut to the COLA of the career military.) … the policy towards Iran-- but never not focusing on the key issues of the day.…
Oh My: Kerry Concedes WH Syria Policy is in Total Shambles
– Kerry is reportedly admitting behind the scenes that the administration's entire Syria policy has failed in discussions with members … The last thing the president's political team wants is another national debate over an unpopular potential war. … Oh, and speaking of Iran, as one international agreement with an Middle Eastern enemy is disintegrating, the administration is seeking…
Soros Trolls Hit Bottom of Barrel
– What is it with liberals and the Koch brothers anyway? You guys are obsessed with them. … Today the Dow is at only 14,810. And Obama's term hasn't ended yet. … with Iran since the late 1970s?…
Iran and Diplomacy vs. Engagement
– For example, Carl von Clausewitz, the early-19th-century German military theorist, who famously said, “War is the continuation of politics … America is the strongest dream of the faithful and revolutionary men around the world. . . . … Which brings to mind two other Clausewitz quotes: “To secure peace is to prepare for war,” and “The best strategy is always to be very…
The Obama-Clinton-Kerry Legacy
– where the peace has been forfeited and civil war begun again, Afghanistan where our scamper is underway and the Taliban is waiting … W, but most of the wrest of the wreckage is uniquely a work of the Obama-Clinton-Kerry tenure. … to Iran, pulled out of Iraq, played Spades with Reggie Love on the night of the bin Laden raid.…
Russia Gains Power as US Foreign Policy Collapses in Middle East…power-as-us-foreign-policy-collapses-in-middle-east-n1797013
– and installations in the event of a war with India. … Comment: Along with the collapse of talks in Geneva, the removal of Idriss signifies the failure of US policy at almost every level … For now, the US is on the sidelines in the Middle East.…
Another Galling Betrayal
The war in Iraq was more of the same. American troops won that war but our politicians lost the peace. … is it that Iraq's leadership took Iran much more seriously than it took the United States? … Today, the Iraqi government is much more accommodating to Iran than to the United States, despite the fact that Americans put them…
Americans, Where Have You Gone?
– It is now clear that until the next election at least, Republicans alone can't stop his power-mad constitutional assaults, so unless … great strides in moving us away from equal opportunity, which guarantees the most prosperity for the most people, and toward the goal … When will the frightened conservatives and the Democrats who can't possibly agree with this madness join us in opposing the theft of…
Intervene? Or End Syrian War?
– Whether saber rattling or not, word is out that the White House is "rethinking its options" on intervening in the Syrian war. … Our frustration is understandable. Yet it does not change the reality. This is not America's war. Never was. … At the time of Rwanda we said, "Never again!" Yet it is happening again.…
Russia Considers Taking Over Lower Peninsula of Ukraine
– However, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is based at Sevastopol under a leasing arrangement with Ukraine. … Russia's relations with Europe and the US have sustained a major setback. Russia-Ukraine war of words. Russia. … If Iran and Saudi Arabia are making long term contingency preparations for a Sunni vs Shiite showdown in the future, the US as well…
America's Quiver of Outrage is Empty
– "A red line for us," the president warned, "is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. … Assad moved over that American red line, using chemical weapons to gas his own people, and is now winning the war against the Syrian … with the Iranians.…
What Now for Ukraine Economy -- Bailout?
– First, it is the next stage -- after large US arms purchases -- in Saudi Arabia's preparations for an eventual war against Shiite Islam … Second, Saudi Arabia is reducing its reliance on the US for its defense and is diversifying its weapons sources. … While on the surface the Kyiv struggle is being described as a fight for freedom and rights, there is a significant incongruity in…
Liberal Apologists Must Keep Clinton Files Zipped
– Kessler points out, Monica Lewinsky, the intern who is half Bubba’s age and with whom Mr. … Kessler writes that “Clinton denied her claim at the time, but under oath in 1998 he acknowledged a sexual encounter with her.” … campaigns against her and other women linked to her husband and that “Hillary Clinton is the real war on women.”…
Sons of Iran’s Islamic Revolution
The fact that it was beginning in Iran was not the point. … He is today professor emeritus at Princeton University and the UN’s “special rapporteur” on the Palestinian territories. … Which brings us to the present: As negotiations with Iran resume this week, President Obama and his envoys continue to believe that…
What Would the GOP Do?
– His CPAC speech is described by the L.A. … While China is indeed moving to claim the East and South China seas, bringing her into possible conflict with Japan over the Senkakus … A showdown between non-interventionists and the neocon War Party, to determine which way America goes, is long overdue.…
Obama’s Poison Pill for Putin and other Quick Takes
– Guess what, you anachronistic idealists: First: he had to contend with an existential foe in the Soviet Union, a war he won without … President, the 80s called. They're worried. They want to teleport us a president with foreign policy skill and judgment. … At least it used to be. This is worse than the 70s. But here's the thing.…
"I Told You So" is Good Politics
– Obviously the situation has now caught up with us and everyone who was on the wrong side of history is delicately eating crow. … The thing that people who want us to stop gloating are missing, even as they acknowledge it happened, is the importance of Sarah Palin … the same nonsense narrative that Russia was no threat even as Putin defied us with Iran, relations continued a downward slope and…
Crimea River
– For us, war was unthinkable. … war in Vietnam simply to prove that the Democrats could be trusted with national security. … So now, another Russian leader is playing cat-and-mouse with an American president -- and guess who's the mouse?…
It's 3 A.M., and Obama's Phone is Ringing
– Putin is portrayed at home as man of action, the strongman of Russia who tames bears and conquers other wild beasts, sometimes with … Like at the famous 2012 photo-op in Seoul with Putin's acolyte, Dmitry Medvedev. … "Because the Cold War has been over for 20 years."…
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