Results for: voted to

Who Is Really Killing American Democracy?
– Days before Congress acted, the Randolph, New Jersey, board of education voted to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. … A backlash ensued, and the board quickly voted to rescind its decision. … Still under fire, the board voted to drop all designated holidays from the school calendar and replace them with the simple notation…
The End of Netanyahu’s Tenure
to stay in power.   … Or the Likud could tap new leaders to bring it back to power and push Netanyahu into retirement.   … The flip side to this is having clarity as to what brought them together.  …
Calm Down
– I have laid out the dynamics like that to make a few points. … To say the Southern Baptist Convention will move left because, on the final ballot, Ed Litton got 52% of the vote is to engage in hysteria … Of the men I talked to about this vote, overwhelmingly they voted for Litton not because Litton is liberal but because they think Stone…
Speaker Pelosi Is Stumped By This CNSNews Intern's Question on Abortion…oled-with-this-cnsnews-interns-question-on-abortion-n2591179
– She proceeded to ignore Johnson's attempts to get a complete answer. … I think I have some standing on this issue as to respecting a woman’s right to choose. Is it a human being? … The speaker then went on to recognize another reporter, pointing to that reporter with a "yes, yes ma'am."…
Church-Going Catholics Know What Too Many Do Not: Why Pro-Abortion Politicians Should Not Receive Communion
– And 51 percent of them voted for Biden. Would one say they are "eager to make an example of Biden?" … O'Loughlin (@MikeOLoughlin) June 16, 2021 On Wednesday, the bishops voted in favor of keeping time limits on the issue of whether to … Back to the document, it will likely be what it's described as, a teaching document, so as to provide clarity.…
House Democrats Block Defense Assistance for Israel
– technology to Israel was voted down by 217 House Democrats Thursday afternoon.  … The measure would have required President Biden and his administration to develop "contingency plans to provide Israel with necessary … against the amendment as 204 Republicans voted to reaffirm America's support for Israel's self-defense.…
House Repeals 2002 Bill to Use Military Force in Iraq
– The House passed a resolution today to repeal the authorization of military force in Iraq. … closer to ending forever wars. — Rep. … I am proud to support Rep. Barbara Lee’s legislation repealing the 2002 AUMF.…
Biden Continuously Assaults Alaska; Murkowski Is an Accomplice…inuously-assaults-alaska-murkowski-is-an-accomplice-n2591102
– not even Ronald Reagan was able to accomplish. … Trump recognized Alaska’s innate right to self-determination, and he removed roadblocks – in some cases, literally – to our ability … She voted to confirm his nomination while our other senator, Dan Sullivan, voted against him.…
Why Not Call it Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
– A New Jersey school district has voted to eliminate "the names of all religious and secular holidays from the school calendar ... … Americans should stand up to this nonsense when it comes to their communities and fight back." … various groups that want to "fundamentally transform America," as former president Obama pledged to do?…
The ‘Endless Frontier Act’ Is Not Merely a Wasteful Boondoggle, It Will Likely Slow High Tech Innovation…boondoggle-it-will-likely-slow-high-tech-innovation-n2591095
to listen to a tape of Neil Armstrong’s first moon walk. … I have grown to expect liberals to gladly fund such utter foolishness from our paychecks.   … Those who voted for this bill will undoubtedly defend their vote telling you that they want America to compete and win against China…
CNN Couldn’t Fire Jeffrey Toobin for One Simple Reason
– It really takes some balls to, er, I mean guts, to show your face again after being caught on a company Zoom call pleasuring yourself … to attack the women. … begging them to come on the show.…
Congress Sends Bill to Joe Biden to Make Junteenth a Holiday…sends-bill-to-joe-biden-to-make-junteenth-a-holiday-n2591114
– The bill now heads to President Joe Biden for him to sign. … This is an effort by the Left to create a day out of whole cloth to celebrate identity politics as part of its larger efforts to make … Joyful to preside over House passage of Juneteenth holiday bill, which now goes to @POTUS for signing.…
The John Lewis Act Is the Dems' Path to Permanent Power
– (I may have to check my notes on that.) … Oddly, Mississippi's election laws were also subject to approval by the DOJ -- despite the fact that blacks already voted at far higher … There's no disincentive to government lawyers pursuing frivolous cases to the end of the Earth.…
Biden Wants to Make Catholics Pay for Murder
to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them," Biden wrote. … it means to receive Holy Communion, the bishop must declare that the individual is not to be admitted to Communion." … should force Biden to try to explain -- which, of course, he cannot -- how any state has the authority to force its citizens to pay…
Surprise: Violent Crime Soars in Atlanta Amid Reduced Police Presence and Morale
– An illustrative anecdote is a city council member, currently running for mayor, who'd voted to reduce police funding watching helplessly … back it up: Last year, he voted to withhold $73 million from the $218 million budget of the Atlanta Police Department's budget. … to fight crime in Atlanta.…
Republican Who Won Election in Latino-majority Town Explains How That Happened…n-in-latinomajority-town-explains-how-that-happened-n2590937
– Speaking to Fox News’s Neil Cavuto, Villalobos said he believes Hispanic voters are “opening their eyes.” … So, I think it’s going to open up the doors for a lot of people.” … elections, I think things are going to be changing.”  …
Benjamin Netanyahu's Term as Israeli Prime Minister Comes to an End…ahus-term-as-israeli-prime-minister-comes-to-an-end-n2590921
– With little in common except for a desire to end the Netanyahu era and political impasse that led to four inconclusive elections in … new Israeli government will not do enough to stand up to Iran:  Then Netanyahu rose to speak. … stand up to Biden on Iran.…
Did G7 Leaders Just Ensure We Will Never Know How Wuhan Coronavirus Really Started?…ill-never-know-how-wuhan-coronavirus-really-started-n2590911
– Members of the G7, which includes France, Germany, the United States, Canada, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, voted Sunday to … “China has to cooperate with that transparency, access for international experts, information sharing that has to happen,” Sec. … Blinken says “China has to cooperate with that” but has zero answers for what the US would do to bring pressure.…
New Jersey School Board Votes to Take All Holidays Off School Calendar to be Inclusive…ke-all-holidays-off-school-calendar-to-be-inclusive-n2590892
– The Board of Education in a New Jersey town voted unanimously Thursday to replace holiday names on the school calendar with the more … The vote follows criticism over last month's decision to change Columbus Day on the school calendar, which led to board members receiving … phone calls and emails from those in opposition to the change, according to TAPinto.…
Students for Life and Sen. Mike Braun Continue to Put the Pressure on Fauci…en-mike-braun-continue-to-put-the-pressure-on-fauci-n2590881
– At the focal point, we want to see Dr. … Mike Braun (R-IN) to share more about their efforts on the issue.  When it comes to the experiments, Sen. … Braun and Lankford voted against the bill, while Sen. Daines voted in favor.  Sen.…
The Death of Democracy is Overstated
– He asked: "Are the very Republican senators who voted to impeach Trump because of actions that led to an attack on our democracy unwilling … to support actions to strengthen our democracy? … Korean voters tend to be Christian.…
Joe Manchin: Racist or Profile in Courage
– of the right to filibuster it, to talk it to death. … He is refusing to provide his 50th vote in the Senate to bring about an outcome that he believes would further contribute to the division … Why would they be wedded to something that has those results? Their voters need to know that."…
Pursuing the Lab Leak Hypothesis is Worth More to America than Merely Knowing its Origins…rth-more-to-america-than-merely-knowing-its-origins-n2590839
– Senate unanimously voted to cut taxpayer funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the Biden Administration ordered an … The funds were used to capture wild coronavirus-infected bats, bring them back to the lab, and conduct animal experiments to manipulate … WIV was manipulating coronaviruses to make them more contagious to animals and humans, known now more widely to the public as “gain…
Joe Manchin Continues to Stick By Principles: 'I’m Going to Support Hyde in Every Way Possible.'…ples-im-going-to-support-hyde-in-every-way-possible-n2590824
– Joe Manchin (D-WV) continues to stick by his principles. … Manchin was one of three Democrats who voted for an amendment to keep Hyde protections in the American Rescue Plan, joining Sens. … THREE Democratic senators voted to apply the Hyde Amendment to the COVID relief bill.1. Tim Kaine (former VP nominee)2.…
Secretary Becerra Still Denies Federal Law Banning Partial-Birth Abortion…ll-denies-federal-law-banning-partialbirth-abortion-n2590809
– again better to say to you that a woman in this country has a right to exercise reproductive choice and we will defend that-- Daines … , and that's why I continue to repeat to you, that what is the law is the right of a woman under Roe v. … Daines ended his line of question by noting: Let the record reflect that the budget you presented to Congress to force taxpayers to
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