Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Judge Blocks California Law Targeting Trump Over Tax Returns…cks-california-law-targeting-trump-over-tax-returns-n2554032
Candidates for president or governor would’ve needed to disclose five years of their personal income tax returns to appear on the ballot … Democratic Gov. … Gavin Newsom said he signed the law because California has a "special responsibility" to hold candidates to high ethical standards.…
Dems Try to Censor Trump
Democratic presidential candidates are trying to censor President Trump and his spokesman, Rudy Giuliani, to prevent Trump from communicating … “His Twitter account should be suspended,” Democratic presidential wannabe Kamala Harris told CNN on Monday.   … Censorship of one’s political opponents is not something Trump would ever do, but his Democratic rivals think that censorship is the…
Hillary Clinton: I'm Not Endorsing Anyone
– Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told late night show host Stephen Colbert she is not endorsing anyone from the current … set of Democratic candidates. … In the early days of the presidential race, Joe Biden claimed he asked Obama to not endorse him.…
2020 Dems Demand Taxpayer-Funded Abortion on Hyde Anniversary…demand-taxpayerfunded-abortion-on-hyde-anniversary-n2553955
– But that wasn’t enough for the Democratic presidential candidates who took to Twitter to condemn the provision. … Like Harris, many of the other candidates accused the Hyde Amendment of targeting Americans with lower incomes.…
FBI's 2018 Crime Report: Handguns, Knives, and Blunt Objects Killed More People Than Rifles…es-and-blunt-objects-killed-more-people-than-rifles-n2553914
– firearm deaths is important as the issue of if AR-15s and similar types of rifles should be banned continues to intensify as Democraticpresidential candidates have called for outright bans and buybacks because of the deaths in mass shootings. … Donna Edwards, a former Democratic Maryland congresswoman, falsely asserted to MSNBC in early September that mass shooters are "getting…
Warren’s ‘Ultra-Millionaire Tax’ Is a Total Strike-Out
– Both contests (the World Series and the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination) promise to be full of suspense, shenanigans … Bostonians do, however, have a viable contender in the Democratic presidential contest: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). … In general, candidates can run on incremental changes (small ball) or all-out fundamental changes (long ball).…
Biden Campaign Demands TV Executives Stop Booking Rudy Giuliani On Shows...Or Else…ecutives-stop-booking-rudy-giuliani-on-shows-or-els-n2553881
– Former Vice President Joe Biden's presidential campaign on Sunday sent a letter to television executives at ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News … Saying simply that you will put a Democrat on, at a time when there are many declared candidates for the Democratic nomination for…
2020 Election: Mike Rowe Burns Democrats With His Post-Debate Observations…we-burns-democrats-with-his-post-debate-observation-n2554953
– There’s a reason why he never reached such status in past presidential bids; he’s just not that good. … After his serial gaffes on the trail, I think there are a lot of Democratic voters having second thoughts. … Funny—the Democratic agenda would do just that, but I digress. Everyone on stage is rich or pretty damn comfortable.…
The Party of the Foul Mouths
– I am talking about the Democratic National Committee cautioning its top-tier presidential candidates against using foul language that … Some weeks ago, ABC News, which broadcasted the debate aired in Houston on Sept. 12, cautioned the Democratic presidential candidates … urge its presidential candidates to tone it down.…
Dem Candidates Determined as Ever to Soak the Middle-Class…ndidates-determined-as-ever-to-soak-the-middleclass-n2554849
– Yet like the other Democratic candidates on the stage last night, Yang would vastly increase taxes on working Americans to finance … Candidates such as Sen. … Unless one of these Democratic candidates is able to engineer another decade of economic growth after massively hiking taxes (spoiler…
Beto: If AR-15 Owners Don't Surrender Them Then 'There Would Be a Visit By Law Enforcement' to Take Them Away…ont-surrender-them-then-there-would-be-a-visit-by-l-n2554826
– The former Democratic Texas congressman was pressed by "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough on Wednesday after the fourth Democraticpresidential debate.  … Democratic candidates, such as O'Rourke, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Sen.…
CNN and NYT Debate Moderators Did Not Ask One Question About China…bate-moderators-do-not-ask-one-question-about-china-n2554815
– While the fourth Democratic presidential debate hosted by CNN and the New York Times covered a wide variety of issues, one large topic … Topics the 12 Democratic candidates discussed on Tuesday included gun control, health care, the troop withdrawal in Syria, abortion … China was brought up by the some of the candidates for a few moments during the night.…
Trump Campaign To Fly Message Through The Skies Ahead of Tonight’s Dem Debate…sage-through-the-skies-ahead-of-tonights-dem-debate-n2554783
– Twelve presidential primary candidates will vie for the Democrat Party’s nomination during a debate tonight in the Buckeye State. … While the candidates will almost certainly lob attacks against President Trump during the course of the evening, the president’s campaign … presidential primary debates.…
Welp, Bernie Has Gone Full On Socialist Now. (Never Go Full On Socialist)
– Bernie came out of the hospital like a bat out of hell and is now taking a no-holds approach to his 2020 presidential campaign. … The Vermont Democratic Socialist slammed his presidential rival Senator Elizabeth Warren for being too much of a capitalist. … That's right, the Hydrox cookie of candidates Bernie Sanders is knocking a United States elected official for somewhat believing in…
It's a Middle-Class Boom
– If you ask Democratic senators and presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders, the answer to that question…
Blue on Blue: Democratic Candidates Attack Pete Buttigieg for Criticizing AR-15 Confiscation…er-pete-buttigieg-for-criticizing-ar15-confiscation-n2554706
– Some of the Democratic presidential candidates are going after South Bend, Ind. … Their criticisms comes as the presidential race is heating up and it shows that while they are willing to not go after each other directly…
Mike Check: Bloomberg Reportedly Thinking Of Running In 2020…ck-bloomberg-reportedly-thinking-of-running-in-2020-n2554698
– Apparently discontent with the current slog of big government Democratic candidates who want the long arm of the nanny state reaching … every nook and cranny of your life, former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg is reportedly considering hopping into the 2020 presidential
Felons Voting While In Prison In D.C.
– Bush narrowly edged out Al Gore by 537 votes in the 2000 Florida presidential election. … Since that time, according to presidential adviser Jared Kushner, “We’ve had more ex-felons register as Republicans than Democrats. … Felons are not just like everyone else — they are even more likely to vote Democratic than was previously believed.…
CNN Came In Last For Ratings During Their Entire LGBTQ Town Hall…last-in-ratings-during-their-entire-lgbtq-town-hall-n2554605
– CNN came in dead last for ratings during their almost five-hour "Equality Town Hall" event with the Democratic presidential candidates … During CNN's event, trans activists interrupted the candidates and questioners multiple times.…
The 2020 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates Were Just Announced!…l-and-vice-presidential-debates-were-just-announced-n2554598
– The Commission on Presidential Debates announced three presidential debates and one vice presidential debate for the general election … “The CPD was established in 1987 and has sponsored and produced all general election presidential and vice presidential debates since … Next week, the fourth Democratic presidential primary debate will take place on Tuesday, October 15th, in Ohio. …
Biden's Bogus Buffoonery
– Joe Biden's rhetoric grows more inflammatory with every new Democratic presidential poll, as rival Elizabeth Warren has surpassed … The entire field of Democratic presidential candidates is committed to a "living Constitution" and confirming Supreme Court and other … And that will be true of almost all the Democratic candidates; if they win the nomination, they will instantly move center to make…
The Democrats' Faute de Mieux Front-Runner
– Is Elizabeth Warren the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination? … Any Democratic nominee has a serious chance of beating Trump. … But it says something interesting about the Democratic party that its current three leading candidates are in their 70s and all are…
Ukraine Whistleblower Has Three Potential Biases Against Trump…stleblower-has-three-potential-biases-against-trump-n2554486
candidates." … It was not known which of the Democratic candidates the whistleblower had a relationship with. … Third, in these positions, our client has come into contact with presidential candidates from both parties in their roles as elected…
What's Next After Trump?
– Trump came in as a non-politician and knocked down 16 other Republican presidential candidates like they were bowling pins. … Democrats argue that Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president amounts to requesting foreign interference in a presidential … election, since Joe Biden is now a front-runner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.…
MSNBC Host Straight Up Asks Beto: Does The Whistleblower Have Any Connection to You?…to-does-the-whistleblower-have-any-connection-to-yo-n2554474
– On Tuesday, we learned the Ukraine whistleblower had a "connection" to one of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, although … candidates. … One of the 2020 presidential candidates joins me now, former Congressman Beto O’Rourke.…
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