Results for: sign up to vote

Why We Lose – Every Time
– There’s this girl you’re really interested in, and you really want to meet her, but you’re too nervous to go up and introduce yourself … In this next phase of the culture war, we’re going to need converts to our side, and in this day and age no one wants to sign up with … If people don’t trust you they won’t vote for (or with) you. We are also allowing our enemies to define the argument.…
"What Difference Does it Make?" Here's a Few Reasons Why Hillary Won't Be President…e-heres-a-few-reasons-why-hillary-wont-be-president-n1838777
– And talking up his own job-growth record in his second term -- a not so veiled reminder of Obama's failure to strengthen economic growth … well enough to see changes that were sufficient to meet out legitimate objections to Iran's behavior," she said. … And in the end, was so unpopular, Democratic congressional leaders refused to bring it up for a vote.…
The White House's Strategy for the Midterm Elections: Lies and Damned Lies…tegy-for-the-midterm-elections-lies-and-damned-lies-n1837582
– Obama's claim was specifically aimed at "legislation," while the vast number of "cloture" motions to proceed to a vote did not deal … In making his spurious claims, he chose to reach back to 2007 and thus became entangled in his own deceptions. … this year, rather than sign up for coverage.…
Finding Ukraine
– As to the voters, we saw people who appeared to be happy to be voting. … He did, getting about 53 percent of the vote. Will Ukraine's problems now end? No way to tell. … dividends not to a small group of his friends, but to the people of Ukraine.…
Why Are Establishment Republicans Supporting Thad Cochran?
– Anyone that wants to know what is wrong with today’s Republican Party need only look to the state of Mississippi. … Cochran’s agenda is to continue to serve up government pork to Mississippi and protect the interests of his friends in Washington. … Less than 10 percent of our babies were born to unwed mothers in 1973 compared to 42 percent today.…
10 Reasons to Vote for Rep. Raul Labrador
To repeat: A vote for Labrador for Leader greatly increases the prospects of a unified GOP Congress to face down President Obama in … This is how Members have to look at this Thursday's vote: What is in the best interests of the country? … Tell them to vote Labrador.…
Books Are for Reading Not Just Banning Liberals
to make up new rights for certain sections of the population. … , as a sign of respect and the men to grow a beard? … I hear you won’t even have to show up to vote.…
Obama's Foreign Policy Rhetoric Does Not Match U.S. Actions
– in an election where millions in the eastern part of the country did not have the ability to vote. … For Washington, it was "illegal" for Crimea to vote to secede from Ukraine, but it was not illegal for a mob in the street to overthrow … In fact it is known that the weapons sent to "moderates" in Syria often end up in the hands of the radicals.…
Meet Kevin O: The New Majority Leaderñoz/2014/06/22/meet-mccarthy-the-established-conservative-n1854236
– The 49-year-old Republican from Bakersfield, California, was chosen to replace Eric Cantor, moving up the ranks from House Majority … Since then, his political prowess has skyrocketed him up the ladder and has allowed him to forge friendships with colleagues on both … He was one of the first Republicans to sign the earmark ban and was the only member from House leadership in 2008 to vote against TARP…
Pavlich Talks 'Assault and Flattery': "There Certainly is a War on Women and it’s Being Waged by the Left"…y-is-a-war-on-women-and-its-being-waged-by-the-left-n1860437
– Democrats want women to fall in line and when they don’t, there’s no sign of chivalry or basic respect. … Before women had the right to vote, they had the right to own a firearm. … It’s also important for Republicans to remind women of who fought for their right to vote and who fought against it.…
Dr. Strange-gov or: "How I Learned to Stop Worrying Because I'm a Libertarian"
– If every one of these “global change” dangers didn’t end up requiring the United States to give up sovereignty to the UN, I’d still … have proven to be false, they always come up with more reasons to ignore or ridicule him. … The average American voter needs to wake up to reality and stop listening to these Establishment shills, which Ransom seems to be a…
Obama: I Can't Work With Others; Sue Me
– The president planned on using his pen to sign executive and administrative orders and his phone to call outside groups -- not Congress … Kerry to vote for the Iraq War. … Now he's arguing with himself -- gearing up to deport children, encouraged by his own directive.…
Obama on Border Crisis: I “Don’t Prefer” Issuing Executive Orders to Solve Problems, But I Will Anyway…xecutive-orders-to-solve-problems-but-i-will-anyway-n1857478
– “But for more than a year Republicans in the House have refused to allow an up or down vote on that Senate bill -- or any bill -- to … “They’ve proven again and again their refusal to stand up to the Tea Party for what’s best for the country,” he added. … And so he essentially argued that it's now up to him to act unilaterally.…
Unions Putting the Squeeze on Home Health Care Workers
– Quinn the Justices ruled 5-4 that Illinois could no longer force home-based caregivers to pony up “fees” for SEIU. … convince them to sign off on union representation on the spot. … (Curiously, the state has since been unable to present any evidence that it ever verified the vote.)…
One Year Later: HB 2 and the Pro-Life Movement in Texas
– Legislature because it was the right thing to do. … I am proud to have shepherded the Parental Notification Act, the Parental Consent Act, and the Women’s Right to Know Act onto the governor's … to protect the preborn before six months and the 28th state to order the highest standards of care at abortion facilities.…
The King of Bryan College
– When a college or university begins to knowingly cover up sex scandals it simply invites more sex scandals. … The alteration also calls for faculty to sign a specific rejection of macro-evolution. Under the leadership of Dr. … Yet he refuses to leave. This is a sign that there is something seriously wrong with this man.…
Krugman’s “Gotcha” Moment Leaves Something to Be Desired…ugmans-gotcha-moment-leaves-something-to-be-desired-n1867208
– Kudos to Krugman for having read Atlas Shrugged, or for at least knowing that Rand sometimes referred to to “looters and moochers.” … There is, I’m sorry to say, no sign of the promised catastrophe. … It’s then an empirical question to figure out if revenues go up a lot, go up a little, stay flat, or decline.…
Kurdish Forces Struggle Against ISIL
– Comment: In the north ISIL is proving that it can stand up to the Kurds. … Israel-Gaza Strip: Israel agreed to extend the ceasefire under its current terms, according to an Israeli official. … to the resistance in the field."…
Obama; Cruzin'
– I bet, that if you wanted to start a real shouting match with the Obamanistas, it wouldn't do to compare President Obama to George … I want to talk about the fact that Barack Obama appears to be hell-bent on setting up a fight to the finish with, at least, the Republican-led … American history that a Senator went to visit House Members on their own turf - and convinced the Cruzettes to vote against a bill…
Election Day: Michigan, Kansas, Washington, and Missouri Head To The Polls…an-kansas-washington-and-missouri-head-to-the-polls-n1875236
– Pompeo garnered 62 percent of the vote to Tiahrt’s 37 percent. … Voters do not have to declare a party affiliation to vote in the primary.” … Benishek it in the clear, winning 70 percent of the vote to Arcand’s 29 percent. Rep.…
Stop the Coming Obamnesty!
– According to Rep. … But this divided Congress is not going to pass any such law. Nor would Obama sign it. … What problems of America -- from sinking test scores, to collapsing roads and bridges, to endless borrowing to save our social safety…
Father of Obamacare Makes a "Speak-O"
– those enrollees who sign up via state-funded exchanges. … But only 14 states agreed to set up their own exchanges. … So Obama simply picked up his pen and rewrote the law to give the tax credits to the federal exchange as well.…
CA Insurance Commissioner: Individual Premiums 'Skyrocketed' in 2014…tic-insurance-commissioner-our-premiums-have-soared-n1871884
– He wants voters to approve a ballot measure that would hand the government -- and him, specifically -- the power to reject proposed … rate increases deemed to be 'excessive.' … One of the CNBC anchors speculates that young, healthy people have the strongest incentive to kick their plans to the curb.…
The Other America Is Still There
– I want to switch gears here from politics to culture, because culture drives politics. … Just the other day, I noticed a giant book in a Chick-fil-A restaurant in northern Virginia for people to sign to let the people of … They’re all going to die.” Undeterred, the boy continued to reach down.…
The Week In Stupid
– Sadly, the current line-up of Current TV, Jennifer Granholm, Eliot Spitzer, The Young Turks, Joy Behar, etc., are not expected to be … who sign the front of paychecks), a funny thing happened on the way to direct deposit. … The payroll tax is back to where it was before President Obama needed your vote, and a lot of his supporters are confused.…
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