Results for: Republican National Committee

BOOM: Anti-Gun Antics Spur Massive Spike In Donations To The NRA's Political Victory Fund…ssive-spike-in-donations-to-the-nras-political-vict-n2465171
– ’s political action committee had a 200 percent increase in donations—the vast majority of them from small donors (via Free Beacon) … : Donations to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) political action committee more than tripled in February in comparison to its … Supporters of the NRA appear to have responded by infusing more money into the organization's political action committee.…
DNC Chairman Perez Says Putting Citizenship Question on 2020 Census Is for 'Voter Suppression'…tizenship-question-on-2020-census-voter-suppression-n2465359
– Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez joined his fellow Democrats Tuesday in condemning the Trump Administration’s decision … "That is illegal and that is totally inconsistent with what the North Star of the census in Republican and Democratic administrations…
New Evidence: Yes, the Russians Hacked the DNC Servers
Committee, was in fact an officer of Russia’s military intelligence directorate (GRU), The Daily Beast has learned. … Committee. … Intelligence Committee, giving the legislation the leadership backing it previously lacked.…
The Facebook-Cambridge Analytica 'Scandal' Is a Nothingburger…ebookcambridge-analytica-scandal-is-a-nothingburger-n2463711
– But before the general election, the Trump campaign dropped Cambridge Analytica for the Republican National Committee data, reportedly…
Congress On Verge of Stopping US Taxpayer Money From Going to Palestinian Terrorists…stop-us-taxpayer-payments-to-palestinian-terrorists-n2463632
– U.S. aid should go toward supporting American interests and furthering values congruent to our national interest. … There is significant bi-partisan support in the Senate, with widespread Republican support along with support from some Democrats including … and Senators Cardin, Coons, Kaine, Menendez, and Markey, voting in favor of the bill last year in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Still Bleeding: The DNC’s Financial Situation Just Got Worse
– The Democratic National Committee under Tom Perez and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) has been anything but successful. … It’s a total disaster and the bleeding hasn’t stopped (via Daily Caller): The Democratic National Committee (DNC) reported more than … The Republican National Committee (RNC) has zero debt, according to the committee’s most recent FEC filings.…
DNC Black Caucus Chair At Town Hall: I'm A Former Black Panther
– Yet, the Democratic National Committee is in trouble. They’re millions of dollars in debt. … posted online by the GOP War Room, she asks blacks to vote for Democrats in the 2018 midterms and help take Congress back from the Republican
Funding of Aborted Baby Parts Research Up Under GOP
– has increased since Republicans won control of both houses of Congress in the 2014 elections, according to data published by the National … Yet, in December 2014, before the newly elected Republican Senate could take office, the House Republicans cut a deal with President … The Republican leaders had the moral high ground on this most profound issue and quietly surrendered.…
Trump, Democrats Create Logjam in Confirmation of Diplomats…emocrats-create-logjam-in-confirmation-of-diplomats-n2466468
– In 2012, Grenell served as national security spokesman for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney -- which made him the first … The Senate Foreign Relations Committee advanced Grenell in October. Then nothing happened. … When President Barack Obama owned the Oval Office, Democrats complained about Republican obstructionism.…
TOTAL LOSERS: DNC Suing Trump Campaign, Russia, And Wikileaks For Colluding To Win 2016 Election…ia-and-wikileaks-for-colluding-to-win-2016-election-n2472944
– talking heads for the Democratic Party say let’s move on from 2016, but Hillary Clinton, her inner circle, and the Democratic NationalCommittee keep bringing us back there. … Oh, and calling half the country deplorable for supporting the Republican candidate didn’t help either.…
NYT Reporter Dishes on Hillary Camp in New Book, Suggests Hillary Gave Up on Improving Image…proves-hillary-camp-wanted-trump-to-win-gop-primary-n2472923
– previously reported, there was an effort to elevate Trump into a so-called Pied Piper in order to tie him to the mainstream of the Republican … She also witnessed the Democratic candidate give up on trying to improve her national image. ‘Oh, what’s the point?" … In it, Brazile explains how the mismanaged Democratic National Committee tied her hands financially and let the Clinton campaign run…
Why Clinton’s Donors May Be Investigated In $84 Million Money Laundering Scheme…investigated-in-84-million-money-laundering-scheme-n2472549
– A pro-Trump political action committee has filed a complaint with the FEC alleging the Hillary Clinton campaign laundered $84 million … These limit computations require ridiculously absurd government mathematics because of the ways in which “party committee” contributions … HVF figured out how to maximize the permissible contribution numbers by calling themselves a “joint fundraising committee” comprised…
Top House Dem: Comey Memos Could Kill Russia Probe, Ensnare Deputy AG In Contempt Of Congress
– appointed a U.S. attorney to oversee the release of documents related to the FBI’s 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton amid Republican … The House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. … Yet, these memos could produce a fight, as the top House Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Rep.…
Pompeo In The Clear: Thanks to Red State Democrat, Senate GOP Have The Votes To Confirm Him…o-red-state-democrat-senate-gop-have-the-votes-to-c-n2472611
– Pompeo needs Democratic votes to gain approval from the panel where one Republican, Senator Rand Paul, has pledged to oppose him. … The committee includes 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats. Nine of the 10 Democrats have announced they oppose Pompeo. … Even with a failed committee vote, Pompeo’s nomination was still bound to come to the Senate floor for a vote.…
The RNC's Scathing Response to Comey's Interview
– Former FBI Director James Comey's ABC interview was full of inaccuracies, according to the Republican National Committee. … The committee also called Comey's bluff when he suggested he handled the Clinton investigation properly. … He acted with political inclinations, the committee noted, echoing White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.…
Trump Prosperity: Economy Sets New Record on Jobless Claims, Manufacturing Optimism Approaches All-Time High
– manufacturing industry -- often cited by politicians in both parties -- is experiencing a burst of optimism and growth, thanks to Republican … There is simply no question that tax reform is largely responsible for these gains, along with the Trump administration and the Republican … The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is launching a five-figure digital ad campaign, which was shared first with The…
Here's How the RNC Will Be Reminding Voters About Tax Reform this Weekend
– The Republican National Committee does not want voters to forget about the tax cuts they've received in the aftermath of the comprehensive … It is the key to maintaining a Republican majority in November, according to the committee. … The committee has also been breaking fundraising records.…
Comey Didn't Tell Trump the Infamous Dossier Was Financed By Hillary Clinton…he-infamous-dossier-was-financed-by-hillary-clinton-n2470628
– In the fall of 2016 just before the presidential election, then FBI Director James Comey informed Republican candidate Donald Trump … Committee acknowledged it helped fund opposition research on President Donald Trump that ultimately resulted in the dossier. … Not surprisingly, Clinton misrepresented the original hiring of Fusion GPS by a Republican donor.…
The Meaning of Ryan's Departure
– Nearly single-handedly, Paul Ryan had managed to put tackling entitlements on the national agenda. … As chairman of the budget committee, he convinced his colleagues to endorse modest entitlement reform. … centrality of nationalism to Republican success.…
Oof: RNC Launches Website Dedicated to 'Lyin' Comey'
– Ahead of the launch date, the Republican National Committee is playing offense and has launched a new website titled "Lyin' Comey."…
DOJ Caves On House GOP's Impeachment Threat, Turns Over Document That Set Off Russia Probe…s-impeachment-threat-turns-over-docs-that-set-off-r-n2470059
– Devin Nunes (R-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, threatened to hold FBI Director Chris Wray and Deputy Attorney General … Justice Department has picked a U.S. attorney in Chicago as the official to oversee the production of troves of documents to Republican … provided one with a few redactions that it deemed necessary for national security.…
Pelosi to Send Impeachment Articles to Senate Next Week
– "I have asked Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler to be prepared to bring to the Floor next week a resolution to appoint managers … during a December 5 appearance on [CNN], leading Pelosi to propose it to leading members of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee … Read the full letter below: Dear Democratic Colleague, For weeks now, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has been engaged in…
Pelosi's Embarrassing Impeachment Blunder
– Yet, to hear Time tell it, Pelosi has micromanaged every step of this process, from signing off on every committee report and press … Nadler and Schiff both argued that Trump's tenure in office constituted a national emergency, and that the only way to save the republic … Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin now says that acting on the Clinton precedent means that moderate Republican senators such as…
I'm Sorry This Is Happening To You: WaPo Loses It Over Altered Photo Of Pelosi In GOP Fundraising Post…o-you-wapo-loses-it-over-altered-photo-of-pelosi-in-n2559248
– How is this worthy of being national news? … Pelosi has dug in, refusing to send them over to the Republican Senate where it awaits certain death. … The tweet marks the second time this week that a House Republican has tweeted a photo that appears to have been manipulated.…
The Moment a Senate Democrat Told Nancy Pelosi Her 'Rolling Impeachment' Gamble Failed…ll-but-tells-nancy-pelosi-to-end-impeachment-articl-n2559110
– Adam Schiff (D-CA) brought before the House Intelligence Committee didn’t back up their elaborate impeachment scheme. in fact, it only … House voted on the impeachment articles, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld them because she wanted assurances that the Republican … Senate Republican leaders did a final vote check Tuesday morning to make sure they have the votes for McConnell’s plan, according to…
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