Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Some Democrats Secretly Want and Need Trump to Win in 2020…mocrats-secretly-want-and-need-trump-to-win-in-2020-n2553243
– Party and its presidential candidates insist they most care about. … Tens of millions of Americans in pain who are desperately turning to the Democratic Party and its presidential candidates for answers … Now, leaving aside the fact that none of the Democratic candidates honestly intend to spend “trillions” to fight climate-change, and…
As I Take the Helm of the House Freedom Caucus, Here’s What Americans Can Expect…ouse-freedom-caucus-heres-what-americans-can-expect-n2553233
– In contrast, Democratic National Committee Spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa said in a recent interview that the American people want the … Democratic presidential candidates to explain, “what will you do for me.”…
The Crackers and Frackers Could Hold the Keys to 2020
– MONACA, Pennsylvania -- All Darrin Kelly wanted for the energy workers in Western Pennsylvania was that the Democratic presidential … Kelly doesn't think he is entitled to the presidential candidates' time. … He just knows what happens when the energy labor force in Western Pennsylvania isn't behind the Democratic nominee.…
Daily Life in the Pigpen
– And what of the Democratic presidential candidates led down this noisome garden path? … What does it say of us as a society that formerly honored institutions, along with candidates for the presidency, suddenly see themselves…
Oh, So That’s Why the Star Witness For Christine Blasey Ford Changed Her Remarks…eand-her-allies-bullied-me-into-revising-my-remarks-n2553202
– concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — hours after virtually all 2020 Democraticpresidential candidates had cited the original article as a reason to impeach Kavanaugh.…
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: Don't Worry. Kavanaugh Won't Be Impeached.…tee-chairman-dont-worry-kavanaugh-wont-be-impeached-n2553180
– .”* Democratic presidential candidates are willing to ruin Justice Kavanaugh’s life for political gain.All very sad. — Lindsey Graham…
Chuck Grassley Explains How the NYT Kavanaugh Report Would Have Differed If They'd Bothered to Contact Him…ould-have-differed-if-theyd-bothered-to-contact-him-n2553125
– — Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) September 16, 2019 These points did not stop several of the 2020 Democraticpresidential candidates from demanding Kavanaugh's impeachment.…
These Are The Democrats Calling For Kavanaugh's Impeachment…e-democrats-call-for-justice-kavanaughs-impeachment-n2553120
– 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are calling for Justice Brett Kavanaugh's impeachment after the New York Times published an … to the pursuit of truth and justice.He must be impeached. — Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) September 15, 2019 But each of the presidentialcandidates had one common talking point: they felt the Department of Justice failed to properly investigate the allegations made by…
Democrats Are Buying Votes To Win In 2020
– Instead of discussing real issues and admitting the success of the Trump agenda, the Democratic presidential candidates have decided … Among the current field of Democratic presidential candidates, there are proposals for free healthcare, free education, the elimination … Yang is hoping this stunt will catapult him into the top tier of Democratic presidential candidates in this election.…
WATCH: Dem Senator Explains Why Beto's AR-15 Buyback Comments Are All Wrong…urting-the-party-when-you-say-you-want-to-buyback-a-n2553097
– Chris Coons (D-DE) warned 2020 presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke about the dangerous road he's going down when he calls for a ban … Specifically, Coons is afraid O'Rourke's words will be used against the Democratic Party for years to come.  … “I don’t think having our presidential candidates, like Congressman O’Rourke did, say that we’re going to try to take people’s guns…
Third Dem Debate was a Trip to Crazy Town, USA
– On Thursday, 10 Democratic candidates took the stage for the third debate in the 2020 race for the White House. … For the most part, 2020 Democratic candidates support socialized medicine; more specifically Medicare for All or a flavor of it. … This is where many of the candidates begin to struggle. Case in point is presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders.…
ICYMI: Pelosi Commended McCready For 'Winning the Campaign'... But Not the Election…cready-for-winning-the-campaignbut-not-the-election-n2553045
– The speaker added that McCready polled better than past presidential candidates have in the district. … Our current GOP strategy is focused on two truths that spell disaster for Democratic prospects in 2020. … First, House Democrats’ socialist agenda is wildly unpopular with voters and will be an anchor around the necks of their candidates
Castro Wasn't the Only One Who Questioned Biden's Competence Last Night
– One of the most jaw dropping moments of Thursday night's hoedown in Houston between ten of the Democratic presidential candidates
Klobuchar and Buttigieg Challenge Bernie on His 'Damn' Medicare Bill…uttigieg-challenge-bernie-on-his-damn-medicare-bill-n2553038
– Well, it's at least the new Obamacare, if you ask some of the Democratic presidential frontrunners. … And tonight he challenged the progressive candidates to put a price tag on their plan. Sen.…
Democrats' Promise to End Fracking Isn't Going Over Well With Voters in Key States…o-end-all-fracking-isnt-going-over-well-with-voters-n2553001
– During a CNN town hall last week on "climate change," 2020 Democrat candidates vowed to ban all fracking in the United States. … In addition, candidates like Senator Elizabeth Warren vowed to stop additional oil exploration.  … From AP: Several Democratic presidential candidates are running on a promise to ban fracking — and stepping on unstable political…
Epic: One-On-One Basketball Battle Between Sen. Ted Cruz and Andrew Yang…ketball-battle-between-sen-ted-cruz-and-andrew-yang-n2553019
– The next Democratic presidential primary debate will take place later tonight in Houston but another event will probably happen soon … Yang recently did an interview on a basketball court and when he was asked a question about which one of his fellow Democratic candidates … I like the other candidates a great deal, we all get along quite well and we’re all unified in beating Donald Trump in 2020.” …
Here’s Why You Should Tune in to the Next Democratic Debate…hy-you-should-tune-in-to-the-next-democratic-debate-n2552997
– I’m recommending something that I never thought I would — I want every American to watch the Democratic debate on Thursday. … The Democratic presidential candidates have accused President Trump and conservative commentators of exaggerating their positions, … This sort of unrestrained radicalism is what today’s Democratic Party sounds like without a media filter.…
Soundbites Won’t Solve the Student Loan Crisis
Democratic presidential candidates have offered ludicrous “solutions” like free college for all or promises that the government will … This is a question I doubt many presidential candidates are ready to answer, but I invite them to leave the soundbites behind and have…
Should Rahm Emanuel Run for President and Save Democrats From Joe Biden?…run-for-president-and-save-democrats-from-joe-biden-n2552917
– the withering lights at the third Democratic presidential debate. … Just days before the Democratic presidential debate in Texas, Emanuel went on the attack, trying to draw blood from the Democratic … Voters may have forgotten that, in a previous debate, Democratic presidential candidates were asked to raise their hands to virtue…
Andrew Yang Campaign: He's Going To Do Something That's Never Been Done Before At Tomorrow's Debate…ng-thats-never-been-done-before-at-tomorrows-debate-n2552951
– Andrew Yang’s campaign promises that he’ll do something that’s never been seen before at tomorrow’s Democratic debate. … The video came from the AAPI Democratic Presidential Forum in Costa Mesa, Calif., where Yang and his fellow 2020 candidates Rep. … Despite his lack of political experience, Yang has accumulated significant support for his 2020 presidential bid, currently coming…
CNN Anchor: Trump Is Building An Enormous Voter Turnout Machine…trump-is-building-an-enormous-voter-turnout-machine-n2552915
– You help down-ticket candidates (via Fox News): Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairwoman Cheri Bustos acknowledged … The Democratic National Committee is debt-ridden. The Trump campaign and the Republicans are flushed with cash. … The Democrats have a presidential debate tomorrow. They’re still going to claw at one another, maybe they’ll bash Obama again.…
NRSC Condemns Hickenlooper for 'Racially Insensitive' Comment About Black Pastors…or-racially-insensitive-comment-about-black-pastors-n2552911
– And now that he's bowed out of the 2020 presidential race and joined the race for Colorado Senate, the video is resurfacing.  … pastors, said they were “so articulate”The video, which has not been previously reported on, comes as Hickenlooper is seeking the Democratic … Hickenlooper's Democratic opponents are also affectionately calling him the Joe Biden of the race.…
Tulsi Gabbard's So-Called 'Moderation' Highlights How Radical Her Party Has Become on Abortion…deration-is-the-bare-minimum-in-a-civilized-society-n2552865
– As Cortney covered yesterday, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. … And to further reinforce how unpopular and extreme the emerging Democratic consensus has become, here's a data point from a recent … But the 2020 Democratic frontrunner’s emerging policy agenda is anything but moderate — at least compared to the party’s last presidential
7 Dem Debate Questions Jorge Ramos Won't Ask
– TV network that unapologetically elevates illegal immigrants over American citizens, you get to be a "moderator" at the next Democraticpresidential candidates' debate. … Linda Qiu of The New York Times) claims, why is it that every last Democratic candidate marches lockstep on the side of exponentially…
Democrats Once Again Embrace Population Control to Save the Planet…again-embrace-population-control-to-save-the-planet-n2552815
– Of all the preposterous proposals put forward by the Democratic presidential candidates during the CNN climate change town hall meeting…
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