Results for: is the us at war with iran

Here's What Trump Had to Say About Iran's Attack on Israel
– So he managed the escalation to avoid a war. Is Biden capable of thinking this way? … that he was "worried" it would be Trump who would get the U.S. involved in a conflict with Iran. …  Flashback: Joe Biden warned America before the 2020 election that Trump "is going to get us to war in Iran."…
Why Biden's Ill-Timed Vacation Could Be Viewed As a Dereliction of Duty…uld-happen-this-weekend-but-went-on-vacation-anyway-n2637754
– Yes, this isn’t the first time Iran and Israel have duked it out, though their shadow war was always fought through their proxies. …  An unprecedented attack is about to happen against one of our allies, and this guy goes to the beach. Is it arrogance? … The man thinks he’s hot stuff when we laugh at him. Biden is aloof, half-brain dead, and the epitome of political mediocrity.…
The Two Faces of Joe Biden—Senile Old Fool or Political Genius?…ces-of-joe-bidensenile-old-fool-or-political-genius-n2637777
The image with the most publicity is that of a cognitively- impaired puppet who signs whatever is put in front of him. … .”If Biden is fit for the job, why would he want us to think he is an incompetent halfwit? … The ultimate aim of CRT and the left wing of the Democratic Party is the destruction of America as we know it, replacing it with a…
America’s Moral Authority Is at Stake in Gaza
– of the world than with the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. …  The same is no doubt true of the Islamofascists of Hamas and their enablers in Iran and Qatar. … She is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies…
Joe Biden Is Now Chasing the 'Death to America' Voter
war against Hamas; they want all 7 million Jews in that tiny country dead or scattered into dhimmi.Where is the outrage from the folks … Where are all the government officials who keep warning us that anyone wearing a MAGA baseball hat is probably the next Timothy McVeigh … at The Federalist.…
Biden Does a Reversal on Defeating Hamas
–  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today with IDF recruits slated to be fighters at crossings and field observers in the various … No force in the world will stop us." … Gaza Strip, extending the war on behalf of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Iran, continues to be stolen.Hamas controls the Rafah…
Israel Is Risking Losing This War by Caring What People Who Hate It Think…ng-this-war-by-caring-what-people-who-hate-it-think-n2637467
– Israel is going to go to war against Iran’s catspaw to the north, and the only question is when. … Lebanon is not a country anymore. It is a puppet of Iran whose Hezbollah forces are actually the army of the country. … the war at the wrong end of the battlefield.…
Someone Should Tell the 'Ceasefire Now' Idiots That Hamas Just Rejected Another Proposal
Iran-backed terrorists rejected the offer. …— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) April 8, 2024Despite Hamas being the sole reason there is a war in the region … city at the southern edge of the Gaza Strip.…
What is the Democrat, Progressive Socialist End State for America?…emocrat-progressive-socialist-end-state-for-america-n2637477
– This, of course, continues to this day with financial support and restitution directed towards Iran by the Democrats. … Why is that acceptable to the Democrat party? What is their end state? … a firearm and shot a police officer.But to the Democrats, that criminal is not the problem; the problem is YOU, the one who has the
From Beirut to Tel Aviv - Taking the Pulse of a Tense Israel…irut-to-tel-aviv-taking-the-pulse-of-a-tense-israel-n2637426
–  For me, living here amid a war, with the threat of a further escalation from day one (we are now six months into the war) has …  By jamming the GPS, the expectation is that those pointed at particular targets will miss their mark. …  The war in Israel is likely to get much worse before it gets better.…
Our Clueless Leaders
Is the program real? Is that the goal of the US administration? … The US blew up a wedding party in Afghanistan, hey but that was part of the fog of war. … Saudi Arabia, and it likewise is good for the US in making Iran less of a threat to world stability with its open support for terror…
Good Infidel, Bad Infidel
–  At the beginning of the war against Hamas, President Biden “threatened” Hezbollah and Iran against escalating the war by saying …  Coupled with the US releasing to Iran $10 billion in frozen funds, the US policy has gone from acceptance and appeasing to actually … Basically, the US has given Iran the green light to target Jews anywhere else, just not in the US.Since December, Iran has admitted…
Iran's Breathtaking Hypocrisy
– Zahedi and Rahimi were cut from the same cloth and had the blood of thousands on their hands.It is hardly surprising that the Israelis … 7 is also well documented, again involving the IRGC and its Quds Force. … Indeed, the killing of three US military personnel in Jordan at the end of January by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating…
Ted Cruz Brutally Slams Biden White House's 'Alternative Way' for Dealing With Hamas
– He pointed out "there's an alternative way to do deal with is left wing Democrat activists that the White House is terrified about, … " with the anti-Israel base in the party. … Cruz pointed out that "the Prime Minister of Israel is still saying that to Joe Biden, but sadly the entire Democrat Party is with
What Did Antony Blinken Just Say About Israel and Hamas?…the-israel-hamas-conflict-come-from-antony-blinken-n2637405
– that Israel could end up becoming indistinguishable from Hamas.The Israel-Hamas conflict currently playing out is entirely the fault … In describing the call between Biden and Netanyahu, Blinken noted that the president "made clear that U.S. policy with respect to Gaza … of NATO," which would thus drag more countries involved into the war against Russia under Article 5.…
Airstrike Kills Senior IRGC Official in Damascus
– "Taking out a top-tier figure in the hostile axis that runs from Tehran through Damascus to Beirut is an effective way of getting the … , emphasized that “Iran and Hezbollah are seeking to normalize a permanent war on Israel’s northern border," but "Israel is not going … as his vehicle traveled through Baghdad.This is the near equivalent of the Qassem Soleimani targeted killing carried out by the US
Some Unpleasant Truths About Islam and the West
– One sees Islamic countries at peace with Israel, and it is our hope to visit one of them in the future. … At the same time, Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and all of the Palestinian factions (including the Palestinian Authority) wish to minimally … The war that Israel is fighting is one phase in the larger battle against Islamic violence.…
Is the U.S. Being Set Up for Another September 11th ?
– in 2011, taking the war on terror to our enemies? … Don’t at all doubt that they will cooperate with each other as a matter of convenience if it furthers their efforts to attack the United … As the old saying goes, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”The bottom line is that the failures of the Biden Administration are more…
Iran: The Narco State
– Its involvement in the worldwide cocaine trade is well documented, with senior commanders from the IRGC using the proceeds to finance …  Meanwhile, there is growing evidence that the Iranian regime is working closely with the Taliban boosting the Afghan drug trade … The billions of dollars flowing into Iran from these drug cartels, has provided the Iranian regime with the means to finance and supply…
Eight Months to the Fate of Our Nation
– He is concerned about our ability to turn things around and at what cost. Will we need to fight a second Civil War? … To have us become just another country on earth, nothing special, and to others not a place that is the best example of freedom. … The Ties That Used to BindOver the years, he has kept up with high school and college friends who lean left but is finding it arduous…
Yes, Israel Is Now a Partisan Issue
– terms, Schumer is on the side of the Hamas boosters in Dearborn and Islamist regimes. … Biden administration hiring a Hamas-boosting Rob Malley to "negotiate" with the Jew-haters in Iran, maybe you're not pro-Israel. … A ceasefire now, when Israel is at the cusp of eliminating the terror group, is a pro-Hamas position.Obviously, there is antisemitism…
Netanyahu Has a Message for the 'Ceasefire Now' Brigade
–  They are doing so by means of an effort to bring about elections now, at the height of the war. … They are doing this because they know that elections now will halt the war and paralyze the country for at least six months. … No international pressure will stop us from realizing all of the goals of the war: Eliminating Hamas, freeing all of our hostages and…
The Biden Administration Undermines a Beleaguered Ally
– Yet that is precisely what America is forcing on Israel in the Gaza War with our persistent calls for ceasefires, which allow the beleaguered … The dynamic duo have virtually assured that Iran will soon be nuclear armed.At a time when the world order is changing and new alliances … Make no mistake, the world is watching.…
Here's What Biden Had to Say About Schumer's Election Interference in Israel
– following the war in Gaza." … following the war in Gaza.Let us rededicate ourselves to a world where people of all faiths are free to live without fear.— President … Specifically at hand here is the city of Dearborn, which has the the largest Muslim population in the country per capita and is included…
The State of the Union Ain't Strong and Certainly Not Getting Stronger
The American people see what is happening at the pump.The State of our Union is not strong when Biden supports a policy of undermining … Our US Marine Corps is now at World War I levels, less than 200,000. … Hamas is empowered because Biden empowered Iran.…
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