Results for: cardin

Democrats Are the Silent Majority -- For Now
– Warren, Sherrod Brown, Ben Cardin, et al. vote with socialist Bernie Sanders because -- despite a gag order on the pundit class --…
Who is the Best Candidate for the RNC Chairmanship?
– Senate to Ben Cardin in 2006, ran GOPAC and moved into the Chairmanship of the RNC.…
Obama’s Anti-Energy Policies Help Russia, Not America…obamas-antienergy-policies-help-russia-not-america-n1864679
– As the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal wrote, “Some Senators who dislike fossil fuels—such as Maryland's Ben Cardin —are…
Ivory-tower Obama Can't Abide Views He Doesn't Share
– it's interesting that no Republican senators have spoken up for him and that liberal Democratic senators like Bob Menendez and Ben Cardin
What's Next for Ben Carson?
– Senator Ben Cardin in Maryland. “That would have been confusing,” he chuckles, “Ben Cardin, Ben Carson....”…
The Dirty Politics of "Clean" Energy
– The National Journal reports that Senate Democrats such as Ben Cardin (MD), Robert Casey (PA), Kay Hagan (NC), Thomas Carper and Christopher…
Reid Goes Nuclear For Union Bosses
– The Senate was in session; Senator Ben Cardin had gaveled in the new session of Congress just the day before. D.C.…
Fallacious Claims Prop Up Ethanol
– Democrats are finally questioning their party’s “steadfast support” for policies that promote “renewable” energy over oil and gas: Ben Cardin
Obama to Landrieu: I Don’t Need You Anymore
– liberal contingent -- senators such as Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Tom Udall (D-NM), Al Franken (D-MN), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Ben Cardin
Bipartisan Concern Grows on Capitol Hill Over Iran Nuclear Deal
– Ben Cardin, D-Md: Corker was joined on the show by Sen. … Ben Cardin, D-Md., also a member of the chamber’s foreign relations committee. … “We are very concerned as to whether Iran will live up to these agreements,” Cardin said.…
This Is How Iran Just Trashed Another Obama Foreign Policy Initiative…ust-trashed-another-obama-foreign-policy-initiative-n2546011
– Even in an era of pitched partisanship, the likes of Chuck Schumer and Bob Menendez and Ben Cardin could not bring themselves to endorse…
Kamala Harris Makes Move to Condemn Calling COVID-19 the 'Wuhan Virus'…condemning-calling-covid19-as-wuhan-virus-as-racist-n2569168
– ), Tina Smith (MN), Dick Durbin (IL), Catherine Cortez Masto (NV), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Patty Murray (WA), Mark Warner (VA), Ben Cardin
Congress Manages to Create a Bipartisan Campaign During Coronavirus Debate…find-a-bipartisan-issue-related-to-the-coronavirus-n2571965
– Boozman (R-Ark.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Hawaii), Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), Ben Cardin
Nancy Pelosi Asks 'What's the Point' of Enforcing Immigration Law…i-asks-whats-the-point-of-enforcing-immigration-law-n2548923
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) all support enhancing "barriers" at the southern border. Watch Pelosi's Comments Here:  …
Budget Reconciliation’s Dark Side
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) was caught on a hot mic telling Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg that they would have to use…
How House Impeachment Managers Caught Senate Dems, White House Off Guard…se-had-no-idea-impeachment-managers-were-going-to-p-n2584699
– Ben Cardin (D-Md.), adding that Democratic senators "have social conversations" with their House counterparts but "don’t talk strategy … Summing up the position Democratic senators decided on, Cardin said: “If the managers believe it would help their presentation, we…
Ted Cruz Issues Crucial Reminder About Democrats' Treatment of Dianne Feinstein…inder-about-democrats-treatment-of-dianne-feinstein-n2622221
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) by unanimous consent, Cruz explained that the majority leader could have also attempted to do so by a full vote.…
Lindsey Graham Formally Blocks Schumer Naming Replacement for Feinstein on Judiciary Committee
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) by unanimous consent, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) request was formally blocked by Sen. … Ben Cardin (D-MD). There  needs to be 60 votes though in favor, something that is looking increasingly unlikely. … Schumer says he would replace Feinstein with Ben Cardin on committee.…
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