Results for: national political news

Progressives Unhinged
– Thanks to political correctness and leftists’ bullying tactics, it is entirely possible for people to live their entire adolescence … By their own account, these reporters set out not to report the news, but to manufacture it. … “News anchor” Brian Dorman, in setting up the “package” on Memories Pizza, said, “We went into small towns tonight for reaction to…
Why Two States West of the Jordan?
– How can you oppose what Secretaries of State of both great American political parties have embraced? … Hillary Clinton famously cackledon national TV when Qaddafi was killed by a vengeful mob of his fellow Libyans in 2011. … Hat tip to Jon Karl, ABC News White House Correspondent, for not swallowing that particular camel.…
What We Owe The World
– Because it happens to be in our national security interest to fight ISIS does not change the fact that it’s in their interest as well … The political left is more than willing to ignore that reality in the name of blackening the eye of the president. … But if their political score-settling puts American lives at risk, it will be important to remember come the next election.…
Poll: Majority Supports Trump's Executive Orders on Sanctuary Cities, Refugees
– Let's start with the one Trump will like -- and not dismiss out-of-hand as "fake news." … All in all, these numbers represent decent political news for the Trump administration, which has been dogged by endless media criticism … But wait, Quinnipiac's new national poll finds Americans narrowly opposed (46/51) to the travel ban: US Voters Oppose #ImmigrationBan…
The U.S. Army Moves Back to the Future
– coordinate the "elements of national power." … But there are always political costs. Some costs are immediate and tangible. … Other political costs, however, emerge over time.…
Why Canada Has Resisted Populism
– Justin Trudeau, one of the few Western leaders staying the globalist course while other countries opt for a greater degree of national … So that's good news for Canadians worried about national security, right? … leverages discrepancies between image and reality -- illusions that can be used to appease both the left and right sides of the political
An Appeal to the President and Vice-President to Reconsider Their LGBT Strategy…and-vicepresident-to-reconsider-their-lgbt-strategy-n2282396
– That is inevitable, although regrettable, but if there is any political leader on the planet who is more concerned with acting on convictions … been tremendously heartened by some key choices you have made, and we were encouraged by the forcefulness of your speech at the National … Pence – when the vice president recently appeared on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos, discussing this very issue, Mr.…
One Word That Describes Opposition To Trump's SCOTUS Nominee: Splintered…atic-opposition-to-gorsuch-will-be-hard-to-maintain-n2280602
National Review’s Ed Whelan took Bridge’s claims to the woodshed: In labeling Gorsuch a “threat to privacy” (p. 14), American … So, Gorsuch is qualified, he’s getting endorsements from both sides of the aisle, some of the icons in news media are accepting that … be confirmed 100-0, but if Democrats try and fail to defeat him, the world should know that they are the authors of their own political
This Isn’t The First Time The Judge Who Issued A Stay On Trump’s Executive Order Dabbled In Controversy…ay-on-trumps-executive-order-dabbled-in-controversy-n2281664
– Sure, he’s name is all over the news after he issued the stay on Trump’s order, but he also ruled against the Seattle Police Union … deem to be appropriate Second, Andrew McCarthy noted how this doesn’t violate Hart-Celler since this order was issued as a national … The fact is that while former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates clearly had a political opinion, and not a legal one in her letter…
Answering 15 Questions Liberals Wanted to Ask a Conservative Part 2…stions-liberals-wanted-to-ask-a-conservative-part-2-n2281354
– @paolobacigalupi Are you at all concerned that Trump is undermining our national security? Kremlin links? Australia fight? … Long story short, there could certainly be problems with how Trump handles our national security, but so far, so good. 6) Alex … Since that’s political suicide, nobody will openly make that argument, but eventually politicians will sneak in a VAT or some other…
Top DNC Chair Candidate: You Bet Impeaching Trump is Already On the Table
– Perez or Ellison — or one of six other long-shot candidates — is positioned to capture the required majority of the 447-member national … ABC News' Rick Klein suggests that the return of impeachment talk -- which was rarely uttered by Republicans during President Obama's … term, yet was cited by lefties as evidence of the GOP's radicalism and racism -- could end up being a political boon to Trump and…
Kellyanne: I Won't Call Myself a Feminist Because I'm Not Anti-Male or Pro-Abortion
– House counselor Kellyanne Conway, far from being “sidelined,” was the first speaker to take the stage at the 2017 Conservative Political … Action Conference at the Gaylord National Convention Center on Thursday. … Money, power and prestige were “not a political motivator” for him.…
Honest Democrats Fear Trump-effect Wipeout in 2018
– rather because, as Americans living paycheck to paycheck, they came to despise the entrenched establishments of their respective political … pragmatic Democrats are realizing that more and more working-class Americans are embracing President Trump's messages of enhanced national … Democrats also are realizing that the something-for-nothing, PC-driven utopian-fantasy messages of the Nanny State are the real "fake news
Alan Colmes Passes Away At Age 66
– Fox News broadcaster Alan Colmes passed away on Thursday at the age of 66. Colmes' death was announced on Fox. … A really nice person who made a profound contribution to the national political dialogue.…
CPAC's Odd Tango with Milo Yiannopoulos
– Saturday, Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, which sponsors the premier conservative confab the Conservative Political … Yiannopoulos is a hero for many because he fights political correctness and is transgressive. … He advanced their worldview primarily from his perch as a senior editor of Breitbart News, the website formerly run by Stephen Bannon…
NSA Wiretap Net Much Larger Than Previously Reported
– accusations are well founded, and the claimed evidence does exist, and the participants are indicted, this could lead to the largest political … , but agents of the United States government would be unable to communicate privately with each other in discussing matters of national … We have news media fervently and unceasingly trying to disable the new administration, and a disloyal opposition party, to whom Party…
GOP’s Hold On White Working Class Traps Liberals With An Electoral College Nightmare (Even With Favorable Demographic Shifts)…laim-rural-america-and-that-looks-like-a-tall-order-n2273643
– As Wald noted, it would necessitate “a dramatic realignment of political resources away from the traditional battlegrounds. … They were clear before WikiLeaks published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee. … They’re the dominant political force in the country, but like everything, this Trump coalition is tentative. They swing.…
Former Clinton Campaign Chair: 'Forces' Within The FBI Wanted Clinton To Lose…chair-forces-within-the-fbi-wanted-clinton-to-lose-n2288904
– So, in terms of lawfare being used to score political points, no—it’s not unprecedented. … Hackers associated with the Russian government hacked the Democratic National Committee and Podesta’s emails, which were posted on … And that fact that you continue to whine about the FBI is emblematic of the entire political left right now.…
Glenn Greenwald: What The ‘Deep State’ Is Doing To Trump Is ‘A Prescription For Destroying Democracy’…to-trump-is-a-prescription-for-destroying-democracy-n2288815
– Greenwald, then writing for The Guardian, reported on Edward Snowden leaking surveillance and data-mining methods used at the National … That principle does not change based upon which political party controls the White House. … You just listed off in your news—in your newscast that led the show, many reasons. They want to dismantle the environment.…
Trump and the Media
– We seem to have gotten into a national free-for-all over the behavior of the media -- my profession for half a century. … Donald Trump is not wholly right about the "fakeness" of the news he delights in castigating. He is not wholly wrong, either. … We can't all be friends, in the political sense anyway, owing to cavernous philosophical divides that the 2016 elections exposed,…
Bill Maher: Russia Fixing The 2016 Election Is 'The Worst Political Scandal In American History'…was-the-worst-political-scandal-in-american-history-n2287557
– when he declared on his show Real Time last Friday night that the alleged Russian collusion to fix an election was “the worst political … Which is, I would say, this is the worst political scandal in American history, and it's not going away. … When news of the DNC hacks broke, even then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper reacted with a shoulder shrug.…
President Trump Has Been Far Too Nice To The Mainstream Media…trump-has-been-far-too-nice-to-the-mainstream-media-n2287759
– Tell you what – I’ll believe you when the National Guard shows up to shut down CNN by padlocking the makeup room. … Another day, another example of Fake News. … In any case, the whole National Guard v.…
Hate Is Our Business
– “We’re not really set up to cover the extreme Left,” was the response SPLC gave to National Review’s Charles Cooke, when he inquired … All five men arrested were part of Occupy Cleveland (a fact that ABC News also decided didn’t matter enough to mention). … The recent headline in National Review best sums up the SPLC worldview: “Everyone Who Disagrees with the SPLC Is Hitler.”…
Media Lapdogs Become Rabid Attack Dogs
– past few weeks, the media has been involved in a feeding frenzy trying to harm the new administration by focusing on one “fake news … The most recent controversy involves the resignation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and his conversations with … Yesterday, in his first post inaugural news conference, President Trump held court for 77 minutes and enjoyed himself while scolding…
Polls Collide: What is President Trump's Approval Rating, Anyway?
– If that proves true, Trump will be in pretty solid political shape. … A recent Morning Consult/Politico national poll gave Trump a positive (49/45) score.   … On the latter front, the GOP will have a heavy advantage in terms of political turn.  …
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