Results for: Barack Obama Website

Economy Stalls As Obama Targets Businesses
– Their friend President Barack Obama has become nothing short of an enemy to one of the world’s greatest economic engines – American … It’s insufficient to say that President Obama isn’t helping small businesses, or that the President isn’t “trying hard enough.” … The Obama Administration is proactively attacking small businesses, as though they were domestic terrorist cells – while at the same…
Desperation: Smells Like O Team Spirit
– The only “aggressive steps” Barack Obama has taken regarding American jobs has been to undercut our oil and coal industries, NASA and … is claiming on his website (with my slightly snarky responses in red).  … Obama did not pay off all your student loans although he did lower monthly payments. …
RNC Chair Stands Up for Allen West
– an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, who queried Priebus about West's recent remarks concerning economic slavery under President Obama … importance of lowering taxes, minimizing regulations on business and bringing jobs back to the Treasure Coast, West slammed President Obama … “Barack Obama’s the one that put out this ‘Life of Julia’ website. I think we all know what that is.…
In Obama’s America, A Somewhat Less-Free Press
Obama. … Obama and the company he keeps. … Sunstein laments the supposed “lie” that emerged during the 2008 presidential race, that “Barack Obama pals around with terrorists.…
Colbert's Campus Coddlers
– Post-Network Era" (Colbert on the cover); -- "Entertaining Politics: Satiric Television and Political Engagement" (Stewart and BarackObama on the cover). … wring an estimated $1 billion in additional carriage fees, but they removed online streaming of full episodes on the Comedy Central website
Obama: Anti-Founders Debt-Accumulating Spendthrift (Part 1 of 2)
– administration's fiscal debt record:"January 20, 2009: The National Debt Was $10,626,877,048,913.08 (Obama Takes Office). … (Treasury Department, accessed 5/23/12)"Obama Has Been In Office For 1,219 Days (1/20/09-5/22/12). … And people want to re-elect President Obama? Why?…
Is the President Dishonest Or Ignorant?
– The Obama administration, having nothing to show for the largest single check the government ever wrote, scrapped every unit of measure … on behalf of the president – the defense he’s claimed on Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal, the website … So, it’s no surprise Barack Obama was “too busy” to take a half-hour helicopter flight to mark the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg…
Fast Food Thursday, Because Big Labor Bullies Need A Beatdown…thursday-because-big-labor-bullies-need-a-beatdown-n1756365
– Like the Chupacabra, or a working website or that Lindsay Lohan is an actress. … (Difficult, I know, in the Barack Obama economy; The same economy that has some people working these jobs because there are no other…
Hope for a Cure to ObamaCancer
– Forward, Barack Obama, is not forwarding health; he’s forwarding cancer. … Obama and AARP “care enough” to take over Hallmark Greeting Cards! … If the government cannot build a website, itcertainly cannot oversee our personal health.…
Socialism is the "New" Middle Ages for Dummies
– All you have to do is cross Obama as JP Morgan did. … Obama rarely owns any mistake he’s made. … Explain Joe Biden, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton without using the word torture. Seriously.…
Obama Kills the Collective...for a Moment
Obama. … Six years into the Barack Obama experience, the president still treats the economy and jobs like Michael Vick treated pit bulls. … Some, like Vick, work hard and find success, some, like Obama, just get lucky.…
Poll: Americans Blame Obamacare for Inferior Coverage, Higher Costs…cans-blame-obamacare-for-less-coverage-higher-costs-n1763360
– claimed will not be affected by the law's changes: Americans who already have health insurance are blaming President Barack … Keeping the refurbished website running smoothly is just one of Obama's challenges, maybe not the biggest. … the public's dissatisfaction with's error-rife debut, calling into question Democrats' wishful thinking: "With the website
Fighting Irish Stiff-Arm Barack
– Notre Dame made the blunder of bestowing pro-abortion President Obama with an honorary degree and inviting him to deliver the May, … Obama simply refuses to negotiate. Period. Obama likes to say he won’t negotiate with “a gun at my head.” … But no one, especially a bishop, has ever held Barack at gunpoint.…
A Report Card for America's Top Community Organizer
– President Barack Obama was elected in 2008, it marked the first time that a local "community organizer" had risen to the highest … Obama is now apparently using his community-organizing skills to get kids involved in cleaning up his mess. … Speaking at a White House youth summit on December 4, Obama said to the kids in attendance: "So I'm going to need you all to spread…
You’re Invited! Barack Obama’s Ugly Sweater Party
– You’re invited to Barack Obama’s Ugly Sweater Party! … It’s time to give Obama a taste of his own medicine. … President Barack Obama: Mr.…
And They Called Me Pure Evil
– Thanks GM/Obama. … I mean really: How do you run against each other for president as Mitt Romney and Barack Obama did and pretend like there is that much … Bill Clinton was even a more talented guy than Barack Obama is; he’s a wretched person, however.…
Obamacare’s Next Broken Promises
– has been drilled into the American consciousness to the point where it will likely go down as one of the most iconic moments of Barack … Two more recent offenses are the administration’s initially confident assertion that the troubled website will be fully … President Obama has emerged as a national boy who cried wolf, with a plummeting approval rating now at an all-time low of 37 percent…
Is Obamacare Barack Obama’s Vietnam?
website. … But what guarantee do we have that the Obama Navigators will undergo detailed and reliable background security checks to demonstrate … Barack Obama may have forgotten the violence and anti-Americanism of the radical left, but millions of Americans remember it with painful…
USA Today: On Obamacare, 'Consternation and Confusion' Still Reigns
– Consternation and confusion over applications sent through the federal website continue into the last seven days before … These ongoing issues explain why the Obama administration released their new "guidance" regulations last week, "suggesting" that insurers … Barack Obama is the Big Data president -- surely his team has access to these statistics, right?…
Here's the Real Issue
– So far they haven't even got past the first stage, designing a website that lets Americans buy health insurance, and they're already … --Barack Obama, December 3, 2013. Do you believe that? Did you ever?…
America, We Have a Problem -- It's a Constitutional Crisis
– On the day before Thanksgiving this news was posted at a blog on the website of the Department of Health and Human Services: The … Consider what has been happening in our nation’s capital: President Barack Obama has asserted and acted upon the notion that he can … President Obama has by edict changed provisions of laws governing welfare, drugs, education and especially ObamaCare, changing the…
Rand Paul Announces Anti-Snooping Lawsuit Against Obama
– Rand Paul announced today that he will be filing a class action lawsuit against the Obama Administration over the NSA's surveillance … program, and is asking Americans to join his lawsuit on his website: I've asked Internet providers and phone companies to join … me in a class-action lawsuit to STOP Barack Obama's NSA from snooping on the American people.…
Reality Beckons
– Last October, President Obama in a White House speech, said, "Let me remind everybody that the Affordable Care Act is not just a website … On March 23, 2010, Barack Obama declared, "After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care … The cost of not having insurance in the jobless recovery of Obamanomics is far less than the cost of having the insurance Barack Obama
The Year of the Dud
– The more the Obama administration wanted a landscape of alternative energy, the more it seemed traditional oil and natural gas gushed … It should have been a banner year for the re-elected Barack Obama. … Why the sudden unpopularity of the mellifluous and charismatic Obama?…
Michael Moore: Obamacare is Awful
– I believe Obamacare’s rocky start — clueless planning, a lousy website, insurance companies raising rates, and the president’s telling … When right-wing critics “expose” the fact that President Obama endorsed a single-payer system before 2004, they’re actually telling … This has been a long-time goal of big government liberals Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Kathleen Sebelius and Barack Obama.…
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