Results for: they are all going to jail

Kim Davis Rally Showed Huckabee's Hidden Strength
– Actually, they are united in believing Davis should not have been jailed. … But beyond that, they are divided on gay marriage, and (the majority of) gay marriage opponents are further divided on how to press … Most Republicans, while they believe there should be a religious freedom accommodation for people like Davis, are not going to argue…
Intolerance for All
– I don’t remember anyone going to jail back in 2004 in San Francisco when Mayor Gavin Newsom directed city clerks to issue marriage … Are we to believe there weren’t other shops where they could have bought a wedding cake in a place as progressive as Colorado? … secretly, coercing them to pretend they were something they were not.…
Redistribution: The Unconquerable Delusion
– This pope is going wrong in the same way. The left's delusions of "social justice" seem indomitable -- impervious to evidence. … On the other hand, when that regime is bending all its efforts to make a good life for the people ... one cannot help but be in favor … , what are we to conclude?…
WHAT IF: A White Baptist Boy Brought A 'Clock' That Looked Like A Bomb To School?…y-brought-a-clock-that-looked-like-a-bomb-to-school-n2054331
They conduct suspicious acts to see how people will react (on planes, on the street, in schools, in malls) and then cry "racism" and … Their self-appointed "sharia court" was rightfully shut down by the city council, and now they're going to make Irving pay. … This little "victim" will end up at a madrasa, paid for by all of the fools who are donating money to him -- where he'll eventually…
Cuomo Pushes Gun Control at Aide's Funeral
– Using his slain aide's funeral as a podium, the liberal New York governor again insisted that politicians are not doing enough to pass … Cuomo said in his eulogy, "then our people should have the same resolve and threaten to shut down the government if they don't get … The answers, however, aren't going to be found by forcing fewer liberties on law-abiding gun owners.…
I Feel Sorry For Real Men In The Millennial Generation
– Now, more women are going to college. More women have careers. More women don’t need a man to take care of them. … Those are all good things, but they also undercut a woman’s need to get married and more importantly, stay married. … After all, what are you going to say? “Life’s not fair.” That’s the ultimate loser’s complaint.…
Threats to Freedom in “The Land of the Free”
– Harry deals with all kinds of cases where Christians are losing their rights to practice their religion in a land which has a constitutional … Unless you do all of these things that are being imposed upon you by the government, then you are going to be shut out; you’re going … You are going to be penalized and ultimately bankrupted, because you chose not to worship at the altar of Nebuchadnezzar.”…
The Brutal Truth About Persecution of Christians in China…utal-truth-about-persecution-of-christians-in-china-n2520938
– But there are other aspects of communism that they do not want us to see. It isn’t just about how the economy works.” … They are being forcibly installed inside church buildings to record 24/7 the entrances, stairwells, offering boxes, and Bible counters … In light of this ongoing crackdown on religious freedom in China, house church leaders are going back to underground practices and…
Pro-Abortion Left vs. Kavanaugh
– The efforts by liberals to derail Kavanaugh's nomination are driven by fear that he could be a threat to Roe v. Wade. … They are capable of anything, which is what we are witnessing now. … We are going to have to decide who we are as Americans, what values define us, and what code characterizes the law under which we live…
Seriously Mentally Ill
– In jail, they barely get treatment. As a result, they stay in jail longer than other inmates. … "They believe the only way New Yorkers will support improvements to mental illness policy is if they are convinced that everybody has … "If we're going to spend all our money on people who are anxious or can't sleep, what's left for the seriously ill?" asks Jaffe.…
Mika Brzezinski Implores Cabinet to Coup Trump Over ‘Horseface’ Jab: Trump Is ‘Not Fit to Lead,’ Unwell…over-horseface-jab-trump-is-not-fit-to-lead-unwell-n2529540
– We are losing our influence because this is the type of man who calls a woman a “horseface,”by the way, a woman he choose to have sex … To the extent that other sources are being used to support the U.S. mainstream media’s current narrative about Khashoggi, many of them … he could be arrested if they really wanted to assassinate him all along?…
Strategic Investor: This Supreme Court Ruling Can Make You a Fortune in the Years Ahead…rt-ruling-can-make-you-a-fortune-in-the-years-ahead-n2527265
– So all these numbers are estimates, but they start to look realistic when you add everything up. … This is all going to be good for team owners. It’s going to be good for the value of sports franchises. … It’s going to be good for average people who want to place a small bet on their home team and don’t want to risk going to jail or having…
Casey’s Case: How the U.S. Justice System Became Politicized
– Of course, I think that there should only be two laws: One, do all that you say you’re going to do. … It doesn’t mean he’s going to be a good judge. Both current methods of seating judges are very problematic. … For instance, the chances of a serious trade war with China are rising rapidly. If that comes to a head, all bets are off.…
'Clinton Affair' Producers Explain How They Got Lewinsky to Participate in Documentary…arians-explain-how-they-got-lewinsky-to-participate-n2536067
They explained to Lewinsky that the project was about more than just her affair with the president. … Gibney said when they approached Lewinsky it felt as though she was "on the verge of being ready" to tell her story. … Lewinsky was more comfortable once she discovered she was going to be part of the larger narrative.…
Fannie Mae and 'Freddie Maxine'
– , investment houses and insurance companies, "We are going to do to them what they did to us." … I'm not going to cry too many tears for Wall Street since they poured money behind the Democrats in these midterm elections. … Instead of going to jail or at least being dishonorably discharged from Congress, he wrote the Dodd-Frank bill to regulate the banks…
Sessions' Firing Displays Trump's Strange Definition of Loyalty…iring-displays-trumps-strange-definition-of-loyalty-n2535614
– He says it's very important to him. … But whenever that claim is put to the test, they reveal they are more committed to Trump himself. … This is all one piece of the broader tapestry of what Trumpism always boils down to when put to the test: a cult of personality.…
Toddler's Aunt Already Faces Life Sentence
– "Criminal sanctions are ways of creating a deterrent to bad behavior or to negligent behavior," Brown continued. … Does he think she should go to jail? "No. Jail's not a place for her. … that they have failed to protect their child.…
The Dirty Little Secret About The Difference Between White And Black Americans On Ferguson…rence-between-white-and-black-americans-on-ferguson-n1880207
are going to be spoken and we're all going to deeply disagree. … I think it’s appropriate to take the police to task if they shoot a DOG unnecessarily; so you bet it’s not okay for them to blow away … Policemen do incredibly difficult work and they deserve a lot of respect for that, but they also have to be held to the highest standards…
In Alaska And Texas, Democrats Struggle To Pin Their Willie Horton Ads On Republicans…uggle-to-pin-their-willie-horton-ads-on-republicans-n1886502
– “You are tearing this family apart to the point that your ad was so shocking to them they now want to permanently leave the state as … It’s something you need to deploy if you’re down; a risk you're going to have to take in order to win on Election Day.  … These are dirty tactics no doubt, but Sullivan and Abbott didn’t go to prison, nor were they convicted of heinous offenses.…
More Swiss Banks Give Eric Holder One-Finger Salute
– And while the Swiss banks don't have anything like that at stake, they do have the one thing that Swiss banks are supposed to care … For labor unions around the country, this last Labor Day served as a painful reminder that when they decided to go all-in for Obama … Well, they wanted to be in politics. Congrats, Mr. Union. You are now in politics. Card check?…
Goodell Has Got to Go
– Rice deserves to go to jail for the assault. … You see we are going to war again against a group of Islamic terrorists. … It does not matter that Janay now says she loves Ray and that they should be left alone. They all do that.…
Favors and Loot for Sale
– Here are my questions to you: Why do people and organizations cough up billions of dollars to line political coffers? … A far better explanation for the billions going to the campaign coffers of Washington politicians and lobbyists lies in the awesome … Part of their agenda was to help get Congress to outlaw incandescent light bulbs so that they could sell their more expensive compact…
Ernest Hemingway’s Grandsons Continue Their Granddad’s Disgusting Legacy…randsons-continue-their-granddads-disgusting-legacy-n1897307
– “They got out, set up chairs and took out the drinks, as if they were going to watch the sunset. Soon, a truck arrived. … Few people, after all, had such access to Castroism’s crime scenes. … Similar to another drug-addled utopian fantasist, all they are saying is: give tourism a chance.…
House Republican: If Tahmooressi Isn’t Released, Mexico Will No Longer Be Treated as our Friendñoz/2014/10/01/sgt-andrew-tahmooressi-hearing-n1899198
– I am not going to make it through the night. There are hit men in the cell with me and they told me they are going to kill me. … Whatever you do, do not come down to ask questions or investigate because they are going to kill you, too. … I tried to kill myself because the guards and the inmates were going to rape, torture and eventually execute me for information.”…
Dinesh D’Souza Criminally Sentenced While John Edwards and Other Liberals Skated…tenced-while-john-edwards-and-other-liberals-skated-n1897959
– Many campaign laws today make little sense, because they were passed into law due to the influence of powerful special interests. … It was easy for prosecutors to show the 60 were straw donors, because they were virtually all employees of Edwards’ attorney’s law … Berman is a former executive director of the New York Alliance to Save Energy, which states that part of its goals are to “lessen greenhouse…
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