Results for: national political news

President Obama's Redistributionomics
– far more attention than its domestic policy counterpart this week, but even though the domestic interview did not break any real news … making sure that while that growth engine is running, it is ensuring that enough of the gains and prosperity is shared so that the political … The federal government didn't even spend significant amounts of money on K-12 education until the National Defense Education Act of…
Two Big Fiscal Lessons from Colorado’s Pot Legalization…big-fiscal-lessons-from-colorados-pot-legalization-n1957426
– Simply stated, the political class is so anxious to get more of our money that they impose punitive tax rates that fail to generate … Let’s look at some news sources about what’s happened in Colorado. Here are some excerpts from a Daily Beast report. … And the closest thing we have to TABOR at the national level is the Swiss Debt Brake.…
Big Government and Corruption Are Inextricably Intertwined…ernment-and-corruption-are-inextricably-intertwined-n1956936
– A comprehensive strategy to boost the middle class has to include an aggressive assault on political corruption. … That’s good news for Washington parasite class (and their children), but it’s not good for America. P.S. … Some folks in Louisiana have a pretty good suggestion for dealing with political corruption. P.P.S.…
While the Politicians Talk, Soldiers Keep Shooting At Each Other…liticians-talk-soldiers-keep-shooting-at-each-other-n1956932
– Today's events at the airport indicate the Houthi political leaders are not in control of the militiamen or that the concern about … Comment: A Russian news service reported that the heads of government of France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia planned to make a joint … Comment: The timing of Flintlock might have influenced the willingness of the central African nations to form a new multi-national
Report: 20,000 Foreign Fighters Descend on Middle East to Join ISIS
– arrested en route, some died in the area and a small number are still fighting with extremists...Nick Rasmussen, chief of the National … Recent news reports suggest that while US-led airstrikes have helped make a dent in ISIS' leadership ranks and mitigate their progress … Embassy in Yemen and evacuated its staff because of the political crisis and security concerns following the takeover of much of the…
An Open Letter to Rachel Maddow About my Trip to Israel…pen-letter-to-rachel-maddow-about-my-trip-to-israel-n1956065
– Let me also clarify, I am neither a Republican National Committee member nor a registered Republican. … Salomon Melgen’s alleged relationships with underage prostitutes, and many other high-profile crimes being investigated— that most news … I detest Fischer’s remarks, but I detest even more a news industry that covers up crimes committed against children that are too horrible…
Audio: Marco Rubio Sure Sounding Like a Presidential Candidate…o-rubio-sure-sounding-like-a-presidential-canddiate-n1955635
– I meant to get around to this yesterday, but given the flurry of events surrounding Marco Rubio's political future and the incipient … His responses about "running against" Jeb, Hillary Clinton's vulnerabilities, and the headline-grabbing addition to his political team … As if he's a man gearing up for a national race, as has been reported for several weeks.  …
Obama Asks Congress To Rubber Stamp Endless War
– Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) poses a threat to the people and stability of Iraq, Syria, and the broader Middle East, and to U.S. national … a very clear signal to the people of this country, to our allies, and to our enemies that the United States of America and our political … This would be news to the vast majority of Americans, since 68% of them say Obama has no strategy when it comes to ISIS.…
Does Hillary Possess a Conscience?
– As far back as the 1992 presidential campaign when Hillary Clinton first became a national political figure many Americans quickly … A title echoed by the once again pliant news media. … As opposed to admitting she fabricated the whole story for a political purpose.…
"Je Suis Charles Martel": Obama's Crusade Benefits Islamic State…harles-martel-obamas-crusade-benefits-islamic-state-n1955699
– President Barak Obama didn't intend to make the Battle of Yarmuk (636 A.D.) a 2015 news item. … Christian abolitionists condemned slavery as evil and waged relentless political war on the slave trade. … The "Westphalian system" separated political and ecclesiastical power.…
Key Clinton Ally Bolts From Super PAC, Alleges 'Political Hit Job' On Other Pro-Hillary Groups…lleges-political-hit-job-on-other-prohillary-groups-n1955703
– fundraising machine seemingly led by fundraiser Mary Pat Bonner), Brock concluded that Priorities was planning “an orchestrated political … Bonner with helping persuade donors that news media monitoring and opposition research deserve large-scale financial support. … The National Journal reported that nearly $70 million dollars worth of ads were generated because of it.…
Jeb Bush: I’m A 'Practicing Reform-Minded Conservative' Named ‘Veto Corleone’…icing-reformminded-conservative-named-veto-corelone-n1964202
– Friday, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush decided to venture into less than friendly … territory by having a Q&A session with Fox News’ Sean Hannity that lasted almost 30 minutes. … The Sunshine State grew at 3.9 percent, whereas the national average hovered around 2.6 percent.…
Perry Shames Washington on Immigration: They Talk and People Die…washington-on-immigration-they-talk-and-people-die-n1963321
– world been more dangerous," former Texas Governor Rick Perry said not long after he took the stage at this year's Conservative Political … Perry, who served as Texas governor for 14 years, provided unwelcome news for the CPAC audience regarding America's shaky standing … The governor increased law enforcement presence on the border, including deploying the National Guard.…
The Obama Fraud
– According to the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “in his fifty-plus years he has never seen so many threats facing … And National Security Advisor Susan Rice has told us recently that “global warming” presents the biggest threat to our national security … One always hears about any intelligence failures since they are trumpeted by the news media and an administration’s political opponents…
Is Liberalism Exhausted?
– MSNBC had thought it could mimic Fox News' success from the left. The problem is that it never understood what Fox News is. … You judge political movements not by their manifestos but by where they put their passion. … suggests political exhaustion.…
Answer The Questions. All of Them. Often.
– Thus do Mediaite, IJ Review, and The Federalist plus the more traditional media/political reporters at a host of key outlets such as … Bloomberg Politics, The Daily Caller, The Hill, National Journal, National Review Online, Politico, Roll Call, Time, The Washington … The National Journal's Ron Fornier wrote an excellent column on this subject yesterday.…
CPAC 2015 Kicks Off With Heavy 2016 Presidential Speaking Line-Up…ks-off-with-heavy-2016-presidential-speaking-lineup-n1962262
– The 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference kicks off today at the Gaylord National Harbor Hotel in Maryland, just outside of … play the largest role in picking the next GOP nominee in key states," American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp told Fox News … CPAC is one of the biggest political and media events of the year.…
Stop The Immigration Flood
– closing the agency will allow Democrats and their media flatterers another opportunity to blame Republicans and gain short-term political … Johnson appeared on "ABC News This Week," warning that Minnesota's Mall of America might be a terrorist target. … terrorists infiltrating America is before they arrive and attack shopping malls, not after their growing numbers threaten our national
Look Who's Making an Issue of Obama's Religion
– Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, attending a meeting of the National Governors Association, was  asked by two Washington Post reporters … Nor did it give any reason for treating Walker's answer as if it were headline news. … There are a thousand-and-one issues on which any national political figure can legitimately be expected to have an opinion.…
Repeal All of Obamacare? Nah, Just Kidding
– America who thought that you voted for Republican candidates last November so that they will repeal and replace Obamacare, I have bad news … The President created a new entitlement program when we can’t afford our current ones, and at a time when our national debt is larger … If that is true, and fortunately it is not, there really would be no need for two political parties.…
Media Still Attacking Walker Over Rudy's 'Patriotism' Controversy…attacking-walker-over-rudys-patriotism-controversy-n1961649
– the president's personal religious views, and that such inquiries help explain why so much of the public detests and distrusts the news … Some in the national commentariat seem determined to force Walker -- and other Republican candidates -- to remain trapped in this one-sided … Jim Geraghty also reminds us that Obama isn't above lying about matters of faith for political purposes: Obama [made a] 2008 declaration…
Truth Haters: Loathing Bruce - Loving Jenner?
– The only time a hate crime seems to be news worthy is when a straight male caucasian is the suspect. … Regardless, gender warfare destabilizes our national security as our military now seems more focused on political correctness than…
Exciting News Out of Salem Media Groupñoz/2015/02/24/salem-n…a-to-partner-with-cnn-during-presidential-primaries-n1961332
– Any reporter who is also a political junkie welcomes the chance to be on such a panel, which of course I do." … Additional Salem national radio hosts will be announced later as leading participants in future debate coverage. … The debates will also be extensively covered by Salem Media Group's news and opinion outlets, including SRN News and the Townhall Media…
25 Quotes That Prove Liberals Don't Love America
– an opinion on that and it’s important I not have an opinion on that as I sit here in my capacity right now. – David Westin, ABC News … ‘Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and our country’s national anthem.’ This is always an uncomfortable moment for me. … So, at risk of repeating myself, I must emphasize that our current crisis -- economic and political collapse, a surging right poised…
More of Ukraine is Ready to Fall
– The prospect that it might act soon is news and not confirmed by independent sources. … That accord created a political road map to which all main political parties and factions agreed. … Comment: It is more than a coincidence that the Nigerian Army is performing better, as national elections near.…
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