Results for: national political news

Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Them
– Unjustifiable, it is true, but not inexplicable.Fauci, of course, is the recently retired head of the National Institute of Allergy … Public Radio’s Chicago-based news quiz show, “Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me!” … In fairness, it must be noted Sagal and “Wait, Wait” have hosted a range of political luminaries over the years.…
Here's the Part of the Trump-Musk Interview That Prompted UAW to File Complaints With the NLRB
– The United Auto Workers union filed complaints with the National Labor Relations Board against President Donald Trump and Elon Musk …  Under federal law, workers cannot be fired for going on strike, and threatening to do so is illegal under the National Labor … "Based on recent news, it looks like this guy will join them!"…
Kamala Harris Sure Did Have an 'Unexpected' Path to Becoming the Democratic Nominee…unexpected-path-to-becoming-the-democratic-nominee-n2643810
– "And let me say, I know that there are people of various political views watching tonight. …  Biden promised the same, but political divisions grew worse during his presidency. Harris is part of this administration. … He also called into Fox News to share his reaction to Harris' speech. …
While Many Vulnerable Democrats Hid From DNC, These Ones Took the Stage
– Every decision he has made has been driven by his own political ambitions, not the good of the people. …  Served as a rubber stamp for the Biden-Harris administration.The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) also slammed … for the ways in which he prompted Harris' candidacy before his speech as well as afterwards, during his Sunday appearance on CBS News
Columnist: 'Trump Needs Someone to Tell Him...He's Losing.' But Is He?…trump-needs-someone-to-tell-himhes-losing-but-is-he-n2643475
Political commentator Bernie Goldberg is attempting something of a political intervention-via-column, not entirely dissimilar to a …  As things stand right now, ahead of Democrats' weeklong infomercial in Chicago next week, national polls suggest that Harris …  Republicans will pick this one (I'll note that Fox's polling has not historically been terribly kind to Trump):New FOX NEWS national
Tim Walz's Replacement in the National Guard Wrote to Him Years Ago About His Rank
– It turns out they've been raising concerns for years, as a report from ABC News revealed.. … They couldn't believe it," Behrends said in an interview with ABC News....In the National Guard, Walz began serving as command sergeant … Sergeant Major," said the letter, a copy of which was provided to ABC News.…
Dem Spokesman Offers Absurd Spin on Why Harris Has Been Ducking Interviews
– In a segment on Fox News from the convention hall in Chicago, I was asked about this state of affairs. …  I called it "embarrassing" and "ridiculous," noting that the so-called 'news' media had broadly been supine and compliant in … ;Harris, by virtue of not being Biden, and basking in the glow of virtually nonstop media adulation, has taken the lead in the national
Attack Press Hides the Knives for the DNC, and J.D. Vance a Victim of a Fake Sandwich 'Scandal'…c-and-jd-vance-a-victim-of-a-fake-sandwich0-scandal-n2643670
– NBC NEWSSo even when they are available for the press, the press is not interested.Last month, we covered how at the Republican National … of the Democrats that is rather divorced from reality:Democrats arrive here, a city that’s played host to so many drama-filled political … speaking to the totality of the country, the multicultural, multiethnic country we live in…— Vigilant News
Joe Biden, the Forgotten Man
–  Either way, Harris does not have to defend these ideas because she has not submitted to a news conference or an interview in … His schedule is more relaxed and includes more non-political activities, like his trip to New Orleans, where he extolled a federal … During the Democratic National Convention, Biden was given a speaking slot on Monday night.…
The American Voter: Enlightened or Buffoonded
–  Minnesotans have experienced the impacts of Governor Walz’ progressive regime and now have front row seats as his national “narrative …  Buffoonded – the feeling one gets watching ridiculous, hypocritical interviews, actions and news stories while being amused by … Blender to redefine her far left political past and cringeworthy remarks.…
The Cycle of Lies Surrounding Tim Walz
– More than 1,000 people signed on to this lie and in doing so, they managed to keep the issue of Waltz’s integrity in the news cycle … He never went to war because he subverted the chain of command to retire after learning his National Guard unit was preparing …  Walz isn’t being called a bum for serving 24 years in the Minnesota National Guard; I think that’s fantastic.…
National Polls Show Harris Isn't Actually Doing That Well After All
–  According to the national poll, Harris leads Trump 47.6-47.0 percent in a head-to-head matchup. … Kennedy, Jr is at 4.9 percent.New national poll by @cygnal🟦 Harris: 48%🟥 Trump: 47%---🟦 Harris: 44%🟥 Trump: 44%🟨 RFK Jr: … "That's very very bad, because Republicans do not get that close in national polls. They don't.…
New Details: Walz Also Blatantly Lied About His DUI
–  He knew the deployment was likely, acknowledged as much, then left to pursue a political career. … “The DUI charge was dropped for a Reason: it wasn’t true,” Walz’s then-campaign communications director told local news in …  Lying about all of it, for political gain, appears to be reflective of this man's character.…
Will Poll 'Hype' and 'Joy' Affect the Election?
– As of early Wednesday morning, RealClearPolling has Harris up by +1.1 at the national level. … — Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) August 13, 2024Cook Political Report also recently changed their forecasts in key battleground states … More recently, POLITICO Toplines claimed on Tuesday how "Kamala Harris is defying the laws of the political universe."…
The Washington Post's 'Rambunctious Rah-Rah' Coverage of Walz
– The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, but it reads like it's owned by the Democratic National Committee.Consider the bias by … When it comes to appearing with leaders who endorse Hitler and terrorism, Walz's fervent words of praise were enough of a political … Reporter-activists Ben Strauss and Ben Terris found all the good news they could muster from the old days at Mankato West High School…
Where Is the Defense of Tim Walz From Those Who Served With Him?…defense-of-tim-walz-from-those-who-served-with-him-n2643295
– you seen any of the soldiers who served with or under Walz, who I affectionately call “Fraudie Murphy,” during his time in the National … The usual suspects have – political talking heads and “cable news contributors,” not only didn’t serve with him, but likely never thought …  That hasn’t happened…yet.Don’t think Democrats aren’t hunting for someone, anyone, who did time in the National Guard with Walz…
If the Judge Does This to Trump in the Hush Money Case, It's Election Interference…ed-for-trump-to-be-sentenced-to-prison-in-september-n2643409
National Review’s Andrew McCarthy, a former assistant US Attorney, is giving us plenty of warning right now: be prepared for Judge … McCarthy said the intent is clear: smear Trump as a felon who just got sentenced to the slammer weeks before Election Day (via Fox News … Therefore, the judges and the courts going rogue to eliminate a political threat to the Democratic Party is not out of the question—it…
Trump-Vance Campaign Responds After Harris's Latest Position on Medicare for All…s-to-kamalas-position-on-socialist-medicare-for-all-n2643387
– alleging she has flip flopped on her positions — this time saying she no longer supports socialist Medicare for All," Trump Campaign National … (Fox News)🚨FLASHBACK🚨“I support Medicare for All, I always have” — Kamala Harris, 2019 … Harris articulate her thought process, she runs the risk of leaving voters to wonder whether she is just shifting with the political
The Legacy Media's Last Gasp?
– interview, Colbert began to ask Collins a question, in all sincerity: "I know you guys are objective over (at CNN), you just report the news … He proceeded to crumble on national television.And for approximately three weeks, the media did their jobs. They asked questions. … deemed incompetent and awkward, the same vice president they had once deemed irrelevant and off-putting, was now a goddess of political
Why Tulsi Gabbard Was Put on TSA's Suspected Terror Watchlist…i-gabbard-was-put-on-the-suspected-terror-watchlist-n2643239
– audacity to tell the truth: that Kamala Harris would essentially be a mouthpiece and puppet of the Military Industrial Complex and National … “Sadly, this is what we can expect from the ‘Harris’Administration.”Gabbard said, via Racket News, that she didn’t think much of it … “It’s bringing to the forefront… how brazen the political retaliation and abuse of power continues to be under the Biden-Harris administration…
Tim Walz’s ‘Stolen Valor’ Fiasco Is Quickly Becoming a Disqualifying Spectacle
– his departure from the National Guard and his characterization of his service already have come under attack. …  Army Lieutenant Colonel Kristen Augé, the state public affairs officer for Minnesota National Guard, told Just the News on Wednesday … And some news outlets and hosts, like CNN’s Jake Tapper and ABC News’ Selina Wang, need to update and apologize for their segments…
The Reason Why Harris Refuses to Speak With the Media Is Downright Laughable…a-temporary-work-around-regarding-press-conferences-n2643148
–  For a vice president who arguably damaged herself most gravely with her June 2021 interview with “NBC Nightly News” anchor LESTER … They’re not reading the national press.” …  What a ridiculous position; no one reads the national media.…
Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor...Empty Words to the Democrat Party…or-integrity-valorempty-words-to-the-democrat-party-n2643270
– nominee for vice president.It cannot be refuted, because military records do not lie, that Walz did, in fact, abandon his Minnesota National … is Bowe Bergdahl, the epitome of a traitor and coward, yet he was praised by Barack Obama and Susan Rice, who appeared on Sunday news … Their ideological agenda and their political advancement are far more important than the silliness of Duty, Honor, Integrity, and Valor…
JD Vance Continues to Own the Libs With His Sunday Show Appearances…es-to-own-the-libs-with-his-sunday-show-appearances-n2643296
– During ABC News' "This Week," Jonathan Karl interrupted to claim that Harris wasn't the border czar while Vance was pointing out the … I'm criticizing the fact that he lied about his service for political gain."— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees … "She's not running a political campaign. She's running a movie. She only speaks to voters behind a teleprompter.…
The Battle Lines Are Drawn
– now appears that the 2024 presidential battle lines are finally drawn, barring an admittedly unlikely surprise at the Democratic National … In a political race like this one, the attempted development of a favorable aura surrounding a particular candidate often forces the … Judge Ginn has also been featured on Fox News, CBN, Newsmax, Decision Magazine, The Christian Post, Townhall and many others.…
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