Results for: abortion pregnancy

Trump Suggests He Will Compromise With Both Parties on Abortion
–  On Sunday, Trump suggested he would make a decision soon on where he stands regarding abortion, adding that he aims to make both …  Trump previously promoted a ban on abortion after 16 weeks of pregnancy except rape, incest, and when the life of the mother … Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was promoting a six-week ban on abortion during his 2024 campaign, Trump said that it was a "terrible thing and…
Pro-Abortion Extremists Wield TikTok As a Weapon. The Pro-Life Movement Can, Too.
– More shocking is her claim that abortion is not a divisive issue. … That’s one thing pro-abortion and pro-life activists can disagree on. … Support can be found in Pregnancy Resource Centers around the country.…
Will This Abortion Messaging Guidance Help the GOP or Hurt Them?
– the territory of whether or not respondents believe abortion should be legal "in all cases," which means legal abortion up until birth … , and polling support drops for legal abortion later in pregnancy. … Kennedy Jr. for his flip-flopping on the abortion issue, Susan B.…
GOP, Stop Fearing What the Left Is Cheering.
– Fast forward fifty years, and Joe Biden cannot celebrate and promote abortion enough.He's become the abortion industry’s Cheerleader-in-Chief … pregnancy as the same. … They’ve passed and have introduced radical laws allowing taxpayer-funded abortion throughout the entire pregnancy up until birth (see…
Jen Psaki’s Take on Biden’s Pro-Abortion State of the Union Is Something Else
–  As Townhall previously reported, Biden’s address was chock-full of pro-abortion rhetoric. … First lady Jill Biden even invited Kate Cox, a Texas woman who underwent an abortion in her second trimester of pregnancy over the … Last year, Psaki claimed that “no one supports abortion up until birth.”…
Biden's Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda Was on Full Display at the State of the Union
– trimester of pregnancy over the fact that her unborn baby was diagnosed with a disability. … Wade, which allowed for nearly unlimited abortion without restrictions. … Cox eventually traveled out-of-state for the abortion to end her unborn daughter’s life.…
The Untold Stories of Women Suffering Abuse and Exploitation Under the FDA’s Abortion Drug Regime
abortion pills enables and perpetuates abuse against women and girls.A physician spiked his girlfriend’s tea with an abortion pill … age, discovered ectopic pregnancies, and received information on the risks and side effects of chemical abortion. … that women have been left in the dark by abortion providers as to the pain or trauma they would experience.…
Here’s a Roundup of Notable Guests Attending Biden’s State of the Union
– Cox eventually traveled out-of-state for the abortion to end her unborn daughter’s life. …  Kayla Smith The Democrats’ pro-abortion guest list doesn’t stop with Cox. Democrat Washington Sen. … Due to Idaho’s pro-life laws, she was unable to have an abortion in her home state.…
Two of the Nation's Largest Pharmacy Chains Will Start Selling Abortion Pills
– Two of the nation’s largest pharmacy retailers announced that they would be selling the abortion pill on store shelves. … center for the sake of abortion industry greed,” Daniel said. … using its accelerated drug approval authority and claiming pregnancy to be a “life-threatening illness”…
John Kennedy Gets Pro-Abortion Professor to Make Stunning Admission
–  “Is the fetus dead or alive after an abortion?”Myers paused.“The fetus would be dead after an abortion,” she said. …  “As a person, I have ambivalence about abortion. … @SenJohnKennedy questions a pro-abortion economist, who finally admits that, yes, abortion kills a baby.This is infanticide disguised…
Poll: Americans Favor This Common-Sense Abortion Limit By a Double-Digit Margin
–  Having an unplanned pregnancy is scary. … Give people a choice between abortion restrictions very early in pregnancy with exceptions, or the pro choice position, and the pro … pregnancy, funded by taxpayers.…
Empowering Both Mom and Baby With Comprehensive Support 
– But where the abortion industry says abortion is your only option, pitting mother against child with no real concern for either, the … And if she chooses abortion, we’ll still be there to offer her hope and help her find healing. … as an alternative to abortion.…
Viral Clip Completely Distorts Bernie Moreno's Response on Abortion and a 'Pro-Life Culture'
– Abortions past this point in pregnancy--which is past the first trimester--are also increasingly dangerous for women. … Of course, such language puts abortion in the most dressed up terms possible. … Rupar has also had a habit of being less than forthcoming about Republicans speaking out against abortion.…
Trump Reveals Support for Major Pro-Life Issue
– Trump has studiously avoided taking a clear position on restrictions to abortion since Roe v. … Trump often asks whether they are “OK on abortion.” … State ballot initiatives regarding abortion have all gone the way of the pro-abortion movement.…
Beware Those Who Intentionally Use Words to Lie
– Take abortion. Since the heyday of the eugenics movement, Democrats have generally been for abortion and Republicans not. … The two sides were labeled pro-abortion and pro-life. … to terminate a pregnancy seem more like a normal consumer transaction.…
#HeGetsUs Doesn’t Get Him
– The image of the young woman in the ad having her feet washed by a middle-aged woman outside of an abortion business (aka “Family Planning … Clinic”) could have, instead, been a young pro-abortion activist having her feet washed outside of a Pregnancy Care Clinic by a pregnant … Hate is not what drives sidewalk counselors to our nation’s abortion mills.…
Abortion Is Not a Sacrament
– Actress Alyssa Milano, articulated her pro-abortion stance, suggested that the decision to have an abortion should involve a woman, … The God card to promote abortion is nothing new but even Planned Parenthood has never used it to promote abortion at 40 weeks-term … abortion. …
Did Joe Biden Just Change His Position on Abortion (Again)?
– months of pregnancy.   … It would have gone well beyond 'codifying Roe' by establishing a nationwide regime of legalized abortion for all nine months of pregnancy … But at least in theory, Roe's broadly-legalized abortion early in pregnancy, with substantial restrictions allowed after the third…
Americans Need a Plan of Hope, Not 'All-Trimester Abortions'…ans-need-a-plan-of-hope-not-all-trimester-abortions-n2634805
– in the earlier stages of pregnancy. … Abortion activists oftentimes will couple their no limits push on abortion with a demand that government strip parental consent and … The abortion industry and politicians of both parties couldn’t be bothered to ensure that abortion facilities were inspected.…
Rape and Abortion: How My Life Was Saved
– Victims of sexual violence need authentic healing, not abortion huckstering. … Why don’t abortion advocates ever seem to talk about punishing the rapist? … But abortion activists will use rape as a cover to justify the nearly one million induced deaths caused by abortion each year in America…
Christians Are Not the Enemy
– conspiracy to violate the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act when they peacefully prayed and sang at the entrance to an abortion … blase about prosecuting those responsible for the 2020 riots or investigating dozens of violent attacks against pro-life crisis pregnancy … According to the memo, "Radical Traditionalist" (or "Rad-Trad") Catholics -- defined as those who attend the Latin Mass, oppose abortion
Biden DOJ Continues to Use FACE Act Against Peaceful and Prayerful Pro-Life Activists…o-use-face-act-against-prayerful-pro-life-activists-n2634399
– just found guilty in federal court after being prosecuted by Biden's DOJ under the FACE Act for protesting outside a Nashville abortion … Mike Lee (R-UT) also questioned Wray about the lack of information on arrests made against pro-abortion individuals. … of worship, and (3) pregnancy centers.How many prosecutions has Team Biden brought in the second category?…
White House Reveals Who Jill Biden Will Bring As Her Guest to the State of the Union
– of pregnancy.  … Cox eventually traveled out-of-state for the abortion, according to the Associated Press. … But by then, her lawyers said, she had already traveled out of state for an abortion.…
Abortion Doctor Claims Thousands of Pregnancies From Rape Occurred in Pro-Life States
– Pro-abortion supporters have long used the argument that abortion should be legal because women who are raped should not be forced … Indiana to obtain an abortion. … of their radical pro-abortion agenda. …
Pro-Choice Is a Misnomer
– Yet these crisis pregnancy centers are often targeted by pro-abortion extremists. … Harden continues, “Yet pro-life pregnancy centers help a woman with everything but abortion…for free. … And while pro-abortion politicians get re-elected on the coat tails of abortion propaganda, it is the pro-life pregnancy centers that…
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