Results for: national political news

Bill Kristol: A Neoconservative, Not a Conservative
– Of course, neither Kristol nor any of the other radio show hosts, Fox News contributors, and commentators who share his vehemence for … Neoconservatives also prefer to use the national government in order “to interfere with the market for overriding social purposes,” … Regarding “a great power,” like America, “the ‘national interest’ is not a geographical term [.]”  It is “ideological.”…
Sanders: Yeah, Things Could Get 'Messy' At The Democratic National Convention…uld-get-messy-at-the-democratic-national-convention-n2167759
– This is what national Democrats fear is going to happen in front of every major news network in the country: a devoted cohort of Sanders … Then again, Sanders told the Associated Press that life and democracy is messy—and that our political order isn’t always so gentle. … "condemn any and all forms of violence" but his campaign was bringing in newcomers to the process and first-time attendees of political
Matthews on New Mexico Riots: "I Don't Think They're that Violent... Trump Ignites These Kinds of Things"…re-that-violent-trump-ignites-these-kinds-of-things-n2168719
– Clashes erupt outside a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico — Telegraph World News (@TelegraphWorld … It’s intentional and it’s from the candidate himself,”  said Washington Post National Political Reporter Robert Costa.…
Pay for Play: NPR Under Fire Over Iran Deal 'Echo Chamber' Revelation…nto-whether-we-were-paid-off-to-boost-the-iran-deal-n2168227
– The revelation is quite serious: National Public Radio, a supposedly neutral broadcast entity funded by taxpayers, was paid six … It also funded reporters and partnerships with other news outlets. … Over time this group created a sophisticated campaign to reshape the national narrative on Iran.…
Smoking Out Clinton
– Enter the pollsters, with the news that Trump actually leads Clinton in voter preference (ABC/Associated Press) or trails her (NBC/ … One could call Trump a relic, as well, of an easier, looser time that overlaps with Clinton's, but his public exposure in the political … She's basically clearance merchandise; he, by contrast, has a style not seen around the national scene since ... probably ever.…
FBI Investigating Clinton Pal Terry McAuliffe Over Alleged Foreign Campaign Donations…pal-terry-mcauliffe-over-foreign-campaign-donations-n2167639
– Wang was previously delegate to China's National People's Congress, the country's ceremonial legislature. … Clinton, McAuliffe and DeBlasio are friends and political allies. … News of the McAuliffe probe comes one day after he held a high-dollar fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. (h/t…
Are You Ready For...Vice President Newt Gingrich?
– Really interesting stuff from National Review's Eliana Johnson, whose latest campaign dispatch sheds light on just how close Newt … Culvahouse to vet potential nominees, and Bloomberg News reported earlier this month that Gingrich is among a handful of people Trump … One thing is clear: Trump is not remotely averse to following his gut and taking astronomical, almost unthinkable, political risks.…
Polls: Voters Face 'Mr. and Mrs. Unpopular,' As Trump Gains…re-equally-unpopular--and-virtually-tied-headtohead-n2167094
– A new Washington Post/ABC News poll released over the weekend delivers dreary news to both major parties' presumptive nominees - … First, Hillary Clinton is a repellent political figure.   … Elsewhere, a recent Fox News poll measured a three-point Trump lead, while a NYT/CBS survey showed Clinton up by six.…
Ds r in Worse Shape Than We Thought. Sad.
– I think we should have a national "Only Write Like Donald Day." … Rating an front page report, the Washington Post/ABC News poll showed Trump actually leading Clinton 46 percent to 44 percent. … On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: Links to the WaPo/ABC News poll, to the Bernie vs Debbie article, to the fury of the Clinton…
Democrats in Disarray - Even in California
– The Bernie Sanders disarray sweeping the Silver State is now frying the Democratic National Committee. … But red meat conservatives are restoring the political palate once again. … For a state political party chairman, he just played a rookie mistake: don’t hate on your base.…
No, Hitler Was Not a Christian
– Bad news, kids. Herr Führer was your guy, too. … He did so, and as he would later admit, for the singular purpose of disseminating political propaganda. … “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will.…
The Gathering Storm In Philadelphia
– While media coverage masquerading as “news” wasn’t lacking when it came to potential Republican strife, actual conflict brewing on … The political left has a long history of purging and infighting over philosophical differences insignificant in the grand scheme of … The prospect of a repeat of Nevada on the national stage has Democrats terrified.…
Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserve
– She enters the general election stage of the campaign as one of the most disliked and distrusted political figures in America, and … Several weeks ago, a Democratic operative basked in the afterglow of Donald Trump's effective nomination victory, crowing on Fox News … Based on her deliberate, national security-endangering conduct, as well as a string of clues and actions by federal investigators,…
Ryan's Endorsement Of Trump A Bitter Pill To Swallow
– Trump asked reporters at a positively unhinged news conference last week. "I'm not changing." Yet Ryan endorsed him anyway. … Ryan has been fighting that perception all his political life. … Democrats claim that conservative immigration and national security policies stem from animosity toward Latinos and Muslims.…
Obama, Immigration Propaganda and Our National Identity
– Fox News reports that the White House has drafted a social media script on immigration for its Hollywood zombies to disseminate. … We must not have open borders and further Balkanize our society and dilute our national identity. … A sovereign nation has no duty to commit national suicide. In fact, it has a duty to its citizens not to do so.…
Cults and Tall Tales in Indiana
– Obama, who has increased America’s national debt by nearly $10 trillion – more than all his predecessors combined. … His threat to withhold federal funds dominated the news and triggered lawsuits from 11 states. Nothing to see here. … Taunting his political opponents, including talk-show hosts, Mr.…
Wow: Sanders Rips Hillary On The … Clinton Foundation?…reign-donations-flowing-into-the-clinton-foundation-n2173978
– That’s not true, and Tapper ripped that claim apart in a fact check segment for the news network. … “are charged with reviewing any deal that could result in foreign control of an American business or asset deemed important to national … Whenever you give money to the Clinton Foundation the pattern usually goes that some socioeconomic (or political) reward is reaped.…
Hillary Clinton Refuses To Say We Have A Constitutional Right To Bear Arms…to-say-we-have-a-constitutional-right-to-bear-arms-n2173893
– On Sunday, former Clinton political operative and host of ABC News’ This Week George Stephanopoulos interviewed Hillary Clinton, where … Now, say the National Instance Background Check System completes the background check and finds that the transfer was to a person who…
Mr. Sanders' California Dreamin'
– District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel who is overseeing a Trump University case as being, according to CBS News: "a member of a club … That led Newt Gingrich to say on Fox News Sunday: "This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made. I think it's inexcusable. … If so, that might tell us even more about the thickness (or thinness) of Trump's political skin.…
Do You Know The Way Of San Jose
– and particularly unpopular political speech — in maintaining a free society. … According to the report by the San Jose Mercury-News, the mayor also “praised the police restraint.” … “I can say if there was a single excessive baton blow on anyone in that crowd that would have made national news,” Mayor Liccardo further…
Race-Baiting and Violent Assaults: A Dark Night in America
– The two major political parties have seen fit to nominate historically unpopular individuals -- one of whom is overwhelmingly seen … Our national polarization is almost palpable. … We're angry and blind to one another's concerns, fueling an increasingly-supercharged political environment.…
The Rigged Information Game
– In the lifetime of Baby Boomers, however, the Progressive Establishment, abetted by most news and information outlets—State Media—and … In a story that carried a distinct lack of outrage from State Media, Ben Rhodes—Deputy National Security Advisor at the White House … Completing the top five is News Corp with Fox Broadcasting, 27 television stations, Fox News, Fox Business, Fox Sports, the Wall Street…
Surprise: Hillary Camp Planted Suggested Questions at 'Unscripted' Events…ign-issues-suggested-questions-at-unscripted-events-n2172302
– That fixation on planning has sometimes pulled local officials uncomfortably into the political arena. … On that note, Fox News' Catherine Herridge is reporting that government sources view last week's blockbuster Inspector General report … Most of the officials asked for anonymity to discuss a domestic political issue.…
Former Bill Clinton Pollster: It's 'Increasingly Likely' Hillary Will Lose to Sanders in California…y-likely-hillary-will-lose-to-sanders-in-california-n2172333
– “If she loses California, which is now increasingly likely,” Douglas Schoen, former pollster and political adviser to Bill Clinton, …  said on Fox News. … Obama and adviser Valerie Jarrett might begin sending signals to the Democratic National Committee and to the vice president that a…
Principled Conservatives Could Put Hillary in the White House…conservatives-could-put-hillary-in-the-white-house-n2172278
– Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to head his national security team. … Other members of Trump’s national security team are also standouts, such as Dr. … and expert who often appears on Fox News to explain terrorist developments.…
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