Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Donald Trump's Invisible Shackles
– He understood the vulnerabilities of the inevitable Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. … (Some never-Trumpers lament that he didn't run in the Democratic primary.) … for presidential and congressional candidates in the respective parties started converging -- to the point that in 2012, only 26 congressional…
To Change, or Not to Change
– The good news is that the presidential election is less than a month away. … The daily coverage of personality and problems of both major presidential candidates is unrelenting, making the election feel as though … Both candidates appear to have adopted a strategy of suppressing the voters of the other candidate.…
Poll: Trump and Clinton Are Tied. In Utah. At 26 Percent.
– 4. — Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) October 12, 2016 The Republican and Democratic … Meanwhile, the Salt Lake Tribune has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president: This election presents the two most unpopular candidates … being qualified and fit for the post is Hillary Clinton...Utah Republicans were perceptive enough to reject Trump in their March presidential
Trump Takes Charge
– Louis was a reminder of why Donald Trump dominated the field of 17 candidates who tried out for the Republican presidential nomination … Trump’s compelling performance in the second presidential debate was one that none of the other Republican hopefuls could have given … As if in response to the pundits who demanded that he be more disciplined and “presidential” in the debates, Trump gave what amounted…
Trump Guy-talk Controversy a Distraction From What Really Matters…controversy-a-distraction-from-what-really-matters-n2230841
– novel about a sadomasochistic sexual relationship between a wealthy young businessman and a college senior, then the second U.S. presidential … During the debate, the well-known sexual shenanigans of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's husband, Bill Clinton, were also rehashed … Women have far more important things to worry about, and the debate didn't give them the chance to ascertain how the candidates would…
Eight Women We'd Actually Like to See Become the First Female President…ually-like-to-see-become-the-first-female-president-n2230572
– While both candidates in this cycle have exhibited questionable behavior, one thing is certain: Hillary Clinton is not a hero or role … And in 2010, she won the governorship despite being a Republican in a predominantly Democratic state. … John McCain’s presidential campaign.…
Secondary Protocol? Paul Ryan Wants Trump Out, RNC Reportedly Redirects Funding To Down-Ballot Races…rnc-reportedly-diverts-funding-to-down-ticket-races-n2229724
– on the presidential race. … That means the RNC will push Floridians who support both Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican Sen. … Republican Congressman Joe Heck, who is working to take outgoing Democratic Sen.…
Biden: Trump's Words Are Sexual Assault
– It’s fractured the party and adds another obstacle for the Republican nominee on the eve of the second critical presidential debate … fiasco or the Clinton Foundation to pivot attention away from his antics, like when he went after a Gold Star family after the Democratic … In turn, Clinton’s polls numbers have sank, bringing this race to a statistical dead heat between the two highly unpopular candidates
Kaine Reveals Emptiness of Democratic Policies
– Because of his stellar debate performance, some think Mike Pence was positioning himself for a presidential run in 2020. … Kaine focused mainly on three things: smarmily interrupting and taunting Pence, mouthing tired Democratic talking points, and slamming … What is it with Democratic vice presidential candidates such as Kaine and Joe Biden that compels them to act like jerks in these debates…
Robin Hood Economics Falls Flat in Debates
– The two gimmicky catchphrases enunciated by the members of the Democratic presidential ticket seemed to land with a thud. … presidential nominee John F. … candidates.…
Analysis: Top Political Prognosticator Now Predicts Dem Senate Takeover
– Tough, very blue state in a presidential year. Solid Dem pick-up. … But the Democratic nominee is too liberal, and the Show Me State is looking too red. … One X factor could be the presidential race, where Mrs.…
Trump's Accusers: No Facts Required
– Attorney Gloria Allred, a two-time Hillary Clinton convention delegate and Democratic Party grenade thrower, flanked Virginia as she … Democrats have called on her to smear Republican candidates in the past, including presidential hopeful Herman Cain and California … But it didn't influence a presidential election.…
The Politics These Two Unpopular Nominees Hath Wrought
– These two may not be the most unpopular pair of major-party presidential nominees in history. James Buchanan and John C. … But the British polls weren't far off, and candidates' character wasn't a factor in those contests. … When Trump was running close to even, he was threatening to win previously safe Democratic states.…
Hypocrisy is the Name of the Dems' Down-Ballot Gameñoz/2016/10/24/hypocrisy-is-the-name-of-the-dems-downballot-game-n2236408
– The Clinton’s surrogate team is confident with their presidential prospects, and now are turning to down-ballot elections. … President Obama has made headlines the past week for his attacks on GOP House and Senate candidates. … Obama himself would be guilty of this after the hard fought democratic primary in 2008.…
WSJ: Major Clinton Ally Funneled $675,000 to Wife of FBI Official Overseeing Email Probe
– He co-chaired Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and both Mr. and Mrs. … The Virginia Democratic Party, over which Mr. … McCabe was noteworthy, but he sent even more aid to two other State Senate candidates that cycle.…
Professor With "Remarkable" Record of Predicting Elections Says Trump Will Win…record-of-predicting-elections-says-trump-will-win-n2236279
– Norpoth, who has accurately predicted the last five presidential elections, uses two models. … The first, he told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, is the primary model, which tracks how the candidates are performing, and “it usually … primary races in South Carolina and New Hampshire for the 2016 election, where Trump won and did better than Clinton did in the Democratic
What Hillary Clinton's Support of Partial Birth Abortion and Donations from Qatar Have in Common…th-abortion-and-donations-from-qatar-have-in-common-n2236188
– Our nation is in a very sad place when our two major presidential candidates have gotten where they are not in spite of, but maybe … candidates will be more deserving to represent the beautiful legacy of the United States of America. … But in our democratic republic, your non-action is an action because it permits others to choose for you. …
Trump Trumps Trump
– He can't even look presidential. … That affected voter turnout on the West Coast and Democrat down-ballot candidates were hurt. … The only thing worse than President Hillary is President Hillary and a Democratic Congress.…
USA Today: The Cascade of 2017 Obamacare Premium Hikes Has Arrived
– This means that for the months, weeks, and days leading up to the election, the Democratic presidential nominee and all of the party's … Congressional candidates are going to have to contend with news of sky-rocking rates coming from Obamacare as insurers struggle to … Arizona's Democratic Senate candidate calls her vote in favor of Obamacare one of her proudest moments. She's getting smoked.  …
The Candidates' High Court Priority — and the Constitution's
– Once it was considered inappropriate for presidential candidates to talk about subjecting Supreme Court nominees to litmus tests on … But now, every presidential election is described, with panicky hyperventilation, as "the most important in our lifetime," because … Clinton's — to choose justices likely to vote for the Democratic agenda.…
Hillary Clinton and the Battered Black Voter Syndrome
– Hacked email to and from staffers at the Democratic National Committee and to and from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman … Concern for lack of diversity: One email, three months before she announced her presidential candidacy, shows Clinton's future campaign … Last year, a staffer for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent an internal memo to Democratic House candidates, calling…
This Election Year Features More Than One Presidential Race…ction-year-features-more-than-one-presidential-race-n2234684
– A presidential campaign is figuratively called a "race." … But the 2016 presidential campaign has spawned lots of weird races. … A third race is one of defections within the candidates' respective parties.…
Hillary's Advantage: The Media; Trump's Advantage: The Issues
– The official GOP used to send its candidates out with ankle weights, a 75-pound backpack and blinders. … the American people about it, between lecturing us about morality with the unctuous sanctimony that passes for policy in the Democratic … Three weeks before a major presidential election.…
New Poll: Clinton Leads By Nine. Also, She's Taking The Lead With Men…on-leads-by-nine-also-shes-taking-the-lead-with-men-n2234718
– for Trump’s indefensible remarks about groping women caught on a 2005 Access Hollywood tape, the James O’Keefe tapes showing democratic … told Trump that he would be on his own for the next 48 hour period after the Access tape broke the weekend prior to the second presidential … In the overall two-way contest, Clinton leads 50 percent to 41 percent, the same margin as when third-party candidates are included…
State By State Breakdown: The Battle for Senate Control Couldn't Be Much Closer
– their quest to net four seats in the upper chamber, which would constitute a 50-50 "majority" if/when Hillary Clinton wins the presidential … The issue was a hot topic at the candidates' recent debate: In Indiana, Evan Bayh is still struggling to defend his … Oh, and apparently the presidential race is closer in Texas than it is in Pennsylvania, yet the House probably isn't in play.  …
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