Results for: Barack Obama Website

Boy Survives Waterpark Accident
– One of the more thorough post-operative debriefs of the launch of, and all the dysfunction of the Barack Obama administration … The seal of approval the Obama administration gave was an equally poor predictor of readiness. … The Obama administration allotted weeks.…
The CNN 'Scholar' Throwing Excrement
– Go to CNN's website. You'll learn he hosts "Believer With Reza Aslan," a "spiritual adventure series." … While responding to a tweet by author and Barack Obama critic Dinesh D'Souza, he fired off: "Hey Dinesh.…
This is a Turning Point
– the offices of the Family Research Council after seeing it listed as an anti-gay hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center's website … Eric Trump saying of Democrats, "they're not even people," is no more a call to condone violence than Barack Obama telling his supporters…
When Russia Became a Threat
Barack Obama ridiculed him stating that the 80’s was calling for its foreign policy back. … With all that occurred under the tenure of Barack Obama, Russia was NEVER deemed a threat. … The left has no recollection of all that preceded Donald Trump’s inauguration while Barack Obama was president.…
Oh Boy: AP Busts Vulnerable Dem Senator For High-Octane Hypocrisy on Outsourcing…dem-senator-for-highoctane-hypocrisy-on-outsourcing-n2355020
– Stewart Superior, which also has an operation in LaPorte, Indiana, says on its website that the company’s Mexican factory “brings economical … a scare last year (losing by just three points), McCaskill's record is one of a lockstep partisan who enthusiastically embraced BarackObama and then Hillary Clinton.  …
At the Mercy of Media Fakers
– For that, a look at Reddit, the social news aggregate website where "The_Donald" is its own subcategory, offers sharper insights. … By one estimate, Reddit is the eighth-most visited website on the internet. … Reddit posts turned sharply against then-President Barack Obama, reflecting the rebellious bent of Generation Z, the post-millennial…
The Democratic Economic Plan, Or How They're Hoping You’re Too Stupid To Notice It’s Clinton’s Agenda…n-or-how-theyre-hoping-youre-too-stupid-to-notice-i-n2358620
– That’s why 42 percent of Obama-Trump voters felt that the Democratic agenda favored the wealthy. This is the party of Hollywood. … Obama, who didn’t deliver. … Obama, overall, didn’t do poorly with working class voters, but years of inaction sucked the enthusiasm out of this segment.…
Chelsea Manning Tried To Pick A Fight With Ben Shapiro–Things Did Not Turn Out Well…fight-with-ben-shapirothings-did-not-turn-out-well-n2366847
– President Barack Obama commuted the sentence after Manning served seven years (via WaPo): Manning, 29, was an intelligence analyst … The trove of material she provided to anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks — documents known as the Iraq and Afghanistan “War Logs” — included…
CNN Host: Democrats Are Out Of Touch On Immigration
– On the Democrats’ website, by contrast, he noticed a set of links to “People,” and when he clicked on them he got to pages specifically … If you compare two groups of voters — those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016, and those who voted for … Obama in 2012 and Donald Trump in 2016 — the single biggest divergence on policy is immigration.…
Oh My: Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center Mentions Charlottesville White Supremacist Organizer as Former Occupy Wall Street, Obama Supporter…anizer-as-former-occupy-wall-street-obama-supporter-n2369506
– the white supremacist organizers of Saturday's rally in Charlottesville is a former Occupy Wall Street activist and supporter of BarackObama.  … Here's an excerpt from the information about Kessler published on their website:  Relying on familiar tropes of “white genocide” and…
Why Is Donald Trump Tougher on 'Fake News' than Real Bigots?…donald-trump-tougher-on-fake-news-than-real-bigots-n2368578
– Imagine if during President Obama's presidency, a supporter of Black Lives Matter ran his car into a crowd of white people, and Obama … During the campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly laid into Barack Obama for failing to utter the words "Radical Islamic terrorism." … And the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer put this out after President Trump's statement on the violence in Virginia: "No condemnation…
Shiite Cleric Says His Supporters Will Target Additional US Troops in Iraq…supporters-will-target-additional-us-troops-in-iraq-n2194439
– "They are a target for us," Muqtada Al-Sadr wrote on his official website late Sunday.   … The additional troops, approved by Barack Obama, will bring the authorized number of American service members serving in Iraq to 4,657…
Black Demands and White Fears
– That caption could run on the popular Drudge Report website, which after the murder of five police officers in Dallas had such headlines … Roger Williams, R-Texas, accused President Barack Obama of inciting "hostility" toward cops. … Bill O'Reilly has charged him with "passive racism," and Glenn Beck said Obama harbors "a deep-seated hatred for white people."…
BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA or BLM, What Difference at this Point Does it Make?…a-or-blm-what-difference-at-this-point-does-it-make-n2196413
– Tuesday night at the Republican Convention, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie indicted Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration … Her words prominently adorn BLM's website. BLM is a group inspired by cop killers of yesterday. … They inspire cop killers today, and are the people Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama side with over the police.…
You Just Shake Your Head
– I flipped down the keyboard on my iPad and, clickety-clack, pulled up the NY Times website only to find that it had Hillary up by seven … I said to the guy that I was looking at the NY Times website and it was not a one-point race. … Obama was a "founder of ISIS."…
Forewarned is Forearmed!
– The News: A Letter to President Barack Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of August 19, 2016 was signed by a bipartisan … On Aug. 2, the MOIS website stated its opposition to the residents ever being allowed to leave; and Iraqi militias will prevent the…
False Feelings of Insecurity
Obama than under George W. … There is some uncertainty because of the caps imposed by the 2011 budget deal between Obama and Congress. … "In the years since 9/11," write John Mueller and Mark Stewart on the Foreign Affairs website, "Islamist terrorists have managed to…
Obama Economy Continues to Struggle
– WASHINGTON -- The declining, perpetually weak Obama economy is nearing the end of its eighth year, a testament to his failed policies … in the first six months of this year, with economists saying it will likely slog along at this dismal pace for the remainder of Barack … And the Gallup Poll puts the real unemployment rate at 10 percent, not at the Obama administration's dubious 4.9 percent.…
Watch: Powerful NRA Ad Frames Second Amendment as Women's Rights Issue
– Clinton has stepped up her support for gun control after attacking Barack Obama from the right on the issue in 2008. … , 2016, by campaign spokeswoman Karen Finney and communications aide Betsaida Alcantara, was attached to an email posted on the website … One of the individuals behind the website provided the Free Beacon with a password to access that email and others sent to and from…
An Open Letter To Conservative Activists
– After I write a column that rips Barack Obama up one side and down the other, talks about our debt or the fact that we essentially … Did you know he was one of the four people who helped found the biggest hardcore liberal website in America, the Huffington Post? … Well, what about putting together a giant eye-catching paper mache Barack Obama that can draw some press for the next political rally…
Income Transfer, Not Income Tax
– Campaigning for reelection, President Barack Obama often talked about the importance of everyone paying their "fair share" of taxes … Based on what Obama said during his reelection campaign, one might imagine that those who make less are bearing the bulk of the burden … Additional points of interest come from Mark Perry, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, who wrote on the AEI website: "The top…
ICYMI: Hillary Changed Her Stance On Colombia Free Trade After A Few Petro Checks Were Made Out To The Foundation…a-few-petro-checks-were-made-out-to-the-foundation-n1985036
– Giustra is listed as the founder of Pacific Rubiales on Endeavour’s website, and Toronto's Globe and Mail newspaper has called Pacific … The International Business Times added that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton opposed the agreement when they ran for president … The agreement between the Clinton and the Obama administration regarding increased donations to the Clinton Health Access Initiative…
Hillary Clinton And The 'Scooby' Diaries
– towards Obama's record on the economy is a huge gamble, one that Team Hillary seems willing to take if they can reconstitute the old Obama … Standing nearby, Emily Holley, 30, said O'Malley could win Iowa "if he puts on the same moves as (Barack) Obama did in 2007 and 2008 … said Mike Glover, an iconic Iowa journalist who retired from The Associated Press in 2012 and now writes for an Iowa Democratic website
Stop The Presses! Hillary's Getting Battered By Her Liberal Friends In The News Media…g-battered-by-her-liberal-friends-in-the-news-media-n1991687
– favorability rating had fallen below 50 percent since April 2008, "when she conceded the Democratic nomination for president to BarackObama," the Post said. … Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors," the Times noted.…
The Next President
– And Barack Obama … Well, never mind. If I want limited government and individual freedom, to whom do I turn? … It also bothers me that he praises states’ independence but then criticizes President Obama for giving states a tiny bit of free rein … Hillary Clinton’s website doesn’t even give any specific policy positions.…
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