Results for: national political news

Media Ignores Heinous Attack on Republican Lawmaker’s Home…ignores-heinous-attack-on-republican-lawmakers-home-n2590415
– The attack was widely condemned by Republicans but garnered hardly any national news coverage or denouncements from congressional Democrats … “Political disagreements are no excuse for harassing and vandalizing someone’s home.” … Mace said the reality is that political violence has increased and conservatives are being hunted by the left.…
Lone Star 'Hardball:' Battle Over New Elections Legislation Isn't Over
– Writing at National Review, Jim Geraghty sounds a note of irony about Lone Star State Democrats using the "filibuster-by-flight" maneuver … More provisions that made the final cut, and some that did not, are listed in this local news story. … Democrats have alleged the law is a form of voter suppression, and baseball caved to the political pressure.…
Riffed from the Headlines: The Struggle of Trump Being Correct…m-the-headlines-the-struggle-of-trump-being-correct-n2590286
– "I think a lot of people on the political left and a lot of people in the media made this mistake — they said 'wow, if Tom Cotton is … opposite of a public service that in the time of a pandemic, where even looking at people is said to put us at risk, that so many news … not only wrong for people and the environment, the driving problem cited for making meat a hard product to eliminate from the national
Joe Biden Is Sick
– When he was asked about it during the presidential campaign, he responded in anger and accused the news reporter who posed the question … Obviously, it is one of the reasons that he only held one formal news conference in his first 130 days in office. … He is a political columnist, the author ofAmerica's Last Chanceand provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel…
A Decision to Celebrate!
– And the good news is: The Supreme Court agrees with Eberstadt. Things have gone too far. … It might just dial down our political and cultural temperatures. … Kathryn Jean Lopez is senior fellow at the National Review Institute, editor-at-large of National Review magazine and author of the…
Crackdown on Social Media Censorship Exposes Conservative Fault Line…l-media-censorship-exposes-conservative-fault-lines-n2591192
– mention the harm that befalls conservatives with speech regulations: the since-rescinded “Fairness Doctrine” required broadcast news … Twitter, the argument goes, has a First Amendment right to ban whatever speech, user, or political candidate it would like. … Next, under the Commerce Clause, States may not impede a national market in pursuit of purely local benefits.…
The Myth of Republican Obstructionism
– For the first time in contemporary history, a political party unilaterally crammed through a national reform without any buy-in from … asked ABC News senior national correspondent Terry Moran, rhetorically. … The system is built -- and political parties exist -- to stop each other's excesses.…
Who Is Really Killing American Democracy?
– vote of 30 to 1 in the House, with unanimous support in the Senate, Juneteenth, June 19, which commemorates the day in 1865 when news … racial revolution dethrones the icons of America's past, who are still cherished by a majority -- irreparably fracturing that national … Are they themselves imperiling the political system at whose altar they worship? The country is not the polity.…
'Do You Think My Black Kids Don’t Know the History?' Harris Faulkner Puts Pro-CRT Dem on the Spot…rris-faulkner-puts-procrt-dem-surrogate-on-the-spot-n2591142
– Fox News host Harris Faulkner had something to say when California Democrat surrogate Laura Fink asserted Critical Race Theory is … about redlining in cities and the Tusla race massacre, adding "to attack [CRT] whole cloth is really without nuance and it has a political … motivation" because it is just a distraction from bigger political issues.…
Making America Safe Again: Right to Keep and Bear Arms Almost Fully Realized…n-right-to-keep-and-bear-arms-almost-fully-realized-n2591149
– As the shooting gained national attention, Richard Feldman, the National Rifle Association state lobbyist for New York and a colleague … of mine at the NRA, held a news conference in New York City with the late Roy Innis, National Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality … Shortly after Bernie Goetz made national news, gun rights leader, Florida’s Marion Hammer, an iconic figure in NRA history, led the…
Getting the News About Israel’s New Government…the-news-about-israels-new-government-the-day-after-n2591135
– For a country of news junkies, Israelis sure have had a lot of news the past week. … The news that’s unfolding is as divergent as the parties are that make up the new coalition, which is news in and of itself.   … We saw the first cabinet meeting of the new government broadcast live on national TV.…
Dems Caught in Bald-Faced Lie Over CRT in Schools…slight-on-critical-race-theory-going-down-in-flames-n2591086
– They have become media darlings in conservative circles and made the debate over critical race theory a national issue. … One big thing is getting in the way of the NBC News and Terry McAuliffe's rewriting of history here. … To suggest that it's some newfangled political trend for angry, dispossessed conservatives is just a flat-out lie. …
Citizen Trump: A One-Man Show with a Second Act?
– Unlike Charles Foster Kane, Donald Trump will likely have a second act on the national stage either as a political figure or as a … In the film, Kane was brought down by an extramarital affair his political opponent publicly exposed while Kane was running for governor … But the media strategy that served Trump so well in dismantling his political opponents and in combatting unsubstantiated allegations…
Is This the Worst Argument for Unions Ever?…ted-pariah-makes-the-worst-argument-for-unions-ever-n2591082
– MUST WATCH: Australian news anchors make fun of Joe Biden and the way American "news" media gushes over him. … The national outlet that feeds so many news sources has come out with a dramatic announcement. … DNC PR Firm – THE 19TH FINALLY, women have a place where they can go to find political news!…
Democrats Trapped in Progressive Echo Chamber
– necessarily represent the views of Latino men who work in the oil fields, for instance," top Third Way official Lanae Erickson told National … The report is good news for Republicans. … Examiner at Byron York is chief political
Exposing Media Bias Is a 'Bad Faith' Argument?
– They are not "responsive to the needs" of all citizens but to the political needs of one party. … Then there's the tone of this "news" reporting. … Liberals imagine that "legacy news organizations" must never be "delegitimized" by calling them partisan, even as these "news" people…
A New Kind of Private School
– On the other hand, as schools do reopen, our children are encountering a level of sexual and political indoctrination never before … The good news is that we can. We have the means, if we’re willing to use it. … The solution would be for these community-based, church-sponsored private schools to form their own national accrediting body—focused…
NYC Needs a Positive Transformation
– Mayor Bill de Blasio, according to the National Catholic Reporter (1/16/14), “is now perhaps the nation's most visible ‘none,’ an icon … According to the NYC Daily News(12/19/20), gun violence doubled in NYC in 2020. … and Judeo-Christian teaching like the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule) are “indispensable supports” for our happiness and political
Surreal New WH Talking Point: Actually, Republicans are the 'Defund the Police' Party…ctually-republicans-are-the-defund-the-police-party-n2591742
– Some political talking points are so utterly ludicrous on their face that they hardly require a rebuttal. … All of this is coming from the political Left. … within said political party have loudly and frequently confirmed the alleged lie.…
Nike CEO: Our Company's Brand Is 'Of China and for China,' You Know
– Domestic competitors made human rights abuses a matter of national pride, stirring something of a consumer backlash against the American … news and analysis, always with a decidedly antigovernment slant and an irreverence antithetical to what the Communist Party would … But when Beijing moved to quash resistance to its rule in the city with a powerful and sweeping national security law that squeezed…
Whistleblower Comes Forward to Tell Fox News Host What the NSA Is Allegedly Doing To Him
– Democrats are spying on their political opponents.  … Fox News host Tucker Carlson made a serious allegation on his show last night. … They're liberal in their political beliefs, and they know they can get away with it. …
Whistleblowers Are Not Sanctified When They Help Conservatives…want-sympathy-and-chris-cuomo-has-the-weirdest-flex-n2591747
– Reporting On The Mirror – FOX NEWS The only thing left is to have a screenplay made for the animated special. … This is what logrolling in the cable news sphere looks like. … I’m watching a Fox News segment on CNN’s coverage of Fox News. tonight….Meta. — Claire Atkinson (@claireatki…
Now More Than Ever, Twitter Isn't Real Life
– That is because, within moments of a car crashing into the parade, news reports led with stories about a white man in a pickup truck … Jump on Twitter ahead of a big political race like the New York mayoral primary on Tuesday, and you'd be inclined to believe that one … Salena Zito is a national political reporter and columnist for the Washington Examiner as well as a weekly columnist for the New York…
Derangement: Time for Another False Smear Against Ron DeSantis
– Many left-wing critics, including the echo chamber news media, appear to be phenomenally afraid of DeSantis as a political figure and … deployed anyway... — Amy Swearer (@AmySwearer) June 27, 2021 This is yet another instance in which a national … was to imply that the governor wasn't focused on the disaster: Hours after a building collapsed in Florida, Ron DeSantis is on Fox News
Axios Reporter: Biden Crew Did Some Grade-A Gaslighting Over Infrastructure Bill…w-doing-some-gradea-gaslighting-over-infrastructure-n2591668
– He also said expect some more tweak to occur before it’s signed into law—typical (via Fox News): President Biden’s complicated infrastructure … plan has only led the American public away from reality, Axios national political correspondent Jonathan Swan suggested on "Fox News
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