Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Jim Jordan: ‘We Definitely Are’ Investigating Fauci if Republicans Win Back the House in 2022…e-investigating-fauci-if-republicans-win-back-the-h-n2601945
– “Are you going to investigate Anthony Fauci should you take the control and the majority of the House?” Baritoromo asked. … I think the real question is, who are these 33 percent? Who are the people who actually think he’s doing a good job? … the street, and oh by the way, we’re also going to let illegal immigrants vote.’…
Question for Chuck Schumer: Does He Support NYC's New Law Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote?
– Is there any question that the endgame for many of these activists is to extend the franchise to illegal immigrants, too? … immigrants there are allowed to vote now. … Those are the stakes of 2022.…
What the TSA Told Illegal Aliens to Present for Air Travel Only Shows How Lost Biden Is on Immigration…ns-to-present-for-air-travel-only-shows-how-lost-bi-n2602151
– As if the secret night flights carrying illegal aliens across the country aren't bad enough, this is what the TSA is telling them that … Yes, that will do (via Daily Mail):  The Transportation Security Administration revealed that unlawful immigrants who are unable to … You cannot make this up, but here we are, right? God bless that whistleblower, by the way.…
Bill Melugin's Startling Comment About the Exploding Border Crisis…startling-comment-about-the-exploding-border-crisis-n2622993
– Guy, we are seeing numbers that are up to record levels. … As we so often mention, the encounters are one thing.  The 'got-aways' are another.   … Well over six million illegal immigrants have entered the US since Joe Biden took office in 2021.  Six million.  …
KJP Gets Snippy and Condescending When Called Out on a Blatant Lie
– Let's start with the lie, in case you missed it: KJP: “When it comes to illegal migration, you have seen it come down by more than … But as you can see from the numbers, illegal immigration is not down by anywhere close to 90 percent. … And is Adams racist for relocating illegal immigrants to the doorstep of our neighbor to the north, whose Prime Minister sometimes…
Border Towns Are Already Overwhelmed With Illegal Crossings
– The predicted massive surge of illegal immigrants for when Title 42 ends has already started, with little more than a week to go until … (@RNCResearch) May 3, 2023CNN reports on illegal immigrants camping on El Paso’s streets as the city is overwhelmed:“It’s difficult … Notably, sanctuary cities are already saying they can't take any more people, either, again, all before more people are expected to…
Border Patrol President: 'They WANT This Chaos'
– He laid out exactly what has fallen apart and how bad it is on our Southern border and even on our Northern Border.  … The problem is all of the resources of the border patrol right now are dealing with just processing this flood of people who are allowed … immigrants from entering the country. …
Is the Biden Admin Failing to Remove Illegal Aliens on Terror Watch Lists?…necessarily-removing-illegals-on-terror-watch-lists-n2623473
– As a troubling number of illegal immigrants match identities of individuals on U.S. terrorist watch lists, there's been a curious … "DHS has previously indicated in congressional correspondence that illegal aliens 'with terrorism related records who are encountered … But with the number of illegal immigrants flagging on terror watch lists now reaching monthly numbers greater than multiple previous…
Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin From Releasing Illegal Migrants Without Court Dates As Title 42 Ends…ng-migrants-without-court-dates-as-title-42-expires-n2623158
– A federal judge blocked the Biden Administration from executing a policy that allows for the release of illegal migrants without court … "unquestionably cynical, in bad faith, and contrary to both the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and the APA. … As Title 42 ends, the Biden Administration is preparing for an expected historic surge of illegal migrants to storm the border.…
'Sanctuary' City Residents Explode Over Plans to Take in More Illegal Immigrants…plode-over-plans-to-take-in-more-illegal-immigrants-n2623115
– In any case, how are things going in the enlightened city of New York, where providing aid and comfort to illegal immigrants is Who … New Yorkers, is this Who You Are? Oh, and what happened to this?   "We should protect our immigrants." … Outgoing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot once called Abbott a bad Christian for busing illegal immigrants to her apparently-not-so-'sanctuary…
Asking the Right Questions About Immigration
– Illinois spent $4.89 billion on illegal immigrants in 2022. … The number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants has also exploded in the past few years. … Human trafficking is facilitated by Biden's policies; 72% of people trafficked in the United States are immigrants.…
NYC's New Plan to 'Crack Down' on Shoplifting Is Insane
– Some engage in shoplifting as a trade, while others are driven by addiction or mental illness; the police did not identify the 327 … The automakers are blaming, well, the criminals doing the illegal stealing. It's astounding that this is even a debate.   … I'll leave you with more breathtakingly bad decisions in Illinois: Illinois offers health benefits to illegal immigrants.…
The Biggest Victims of the Border Crisis Are Mothers and Children…ctims-of-the-border-crisis-are-mothers-and-children-n2623538
– Unaccompanied minors are tragic pawns for bad actors on the border as children are “recycled” repeatedly in fake families to help them … Even if they are caught by border patrol agents, illegal immigrants are being released into the United States with court dates years … Teens are tricked into purchasing tainted pills and our young people are dying from fentanyl poisoning in record numbers.…
How Biden's Border Crisis Contributed to Another In-Custody Death…rder-crisis-contributed-to-another-in-custody-death-n2624017
– Whenever there is overcrowding at Border Patrol facilities, there are many things that can go wrong. … The New York Times reported Anadith and her family crossed into Brownsville, Texas, on May 9 with other illegal immigrants, right before … That is exemplified by the historic high number of illegal immigrants dying at the southern border under the Biden administration.…
The Ungrateful Left
– Maybe I missed something, but all I ever hear from supposed leaders on the Left are complaints. … Nobody knows how many illegal aliens are in the U.S. but the number is probably in the tens of millions, with $60 billion in remittances … Americans are the most tolerant people around.…
Crisis: Border Encounters in February Spiked 63 Percent Over Last Year, Plus New Unaccompanied Minors Surge
– US agents encountered nearly 165,000 illegal immigrants at the Southern border in February, the shortest month of the year.   … Their investment in pro-illegal immigration policies and incentives is that powerful.   … will make the illegal immigration magnet even stronger.  …
Top General Confirms Biden Admin Is Asking the Military for More Help at the Southern Border…g-the-military-for-more-help-at-the-southern-border-n2605044
– Biden administration is working on a new request for additional help from the U.S. military to deal with the continued influx of illegal … things are. — Sen. … Now, under President Biden, we've had 12 straight months of +150K illegal immigrants stopped at the border," Inhofe tweeted.…
8-in-10 Americans Worry About Crime As Violence Spikes…0-of-american-worry-about-crime--highest-since-2016-n2605602
– It's no surprise, then, that Gallup's latest survey found more Americans are worried about crime than they have been since the time … Like other problems that have returned after fading during the Trump years, worries about crime are back in a big way as federal crime … are on issues which Democrats have generally ignored or failed to adequately address.…
Biden Makes His Most Unpopular Move Yet
immigrants into the United States is his most unpopular decision yet — and that's saying something.  … Even in areas where there is barbed wire along the banks of the Rio Grande, the illegal immigrants simply have trampled and put blankets … "Only time will tell how bad Eagle Pass will get hit once the full crossing season is in effect."…
It's Time to Put American Workers, Families First
– The border patrol caught 1.6 million illegal immigrants last year. … Before this bill passed, America accepted about 300,000 immigrants each year. … But they have been bad for American workers. That needs to change. …
Small Town of Eagle Pass Becomes Big Part of Border Crisis
– On Monday, I saw those advantages in action as illegal immigrants crossed the river to turn themselves in to Border Patrol.  … This leaves mostly Texas national guardsmen, deployed under Operation Lone Star, to encounter the illegal immigrants before Border … Even in areas where there is barbed wire along the banks of the Rio Grande, the illegal immigrants simply have trampled and put blankets…
Thank Pence for Biden's Trainwreck
– A dismantling of the southern border and an invasion of illegal aliens by the millions. … A staggering 20% of America’s population will be composed of illegal immigrants. We will lose our republic. … The duties of the Vice President are ambiguous, given the language in the 12th Amendment to the U.S.…
Finally, Someone Who Dares to Sue Public Universities
– With this sleazy tactic, many universities across the country are actually becoming the largest real estate developers in their states … immigrants in-state tuition that was lower than what American citizens attending the school from out-of-state paid. … Some leading conservatives are also willing to help take on ASU.…
Critics Blast Biden Admin Attempt to Use Veteran Resources for Border Crisis…attempt-to-use-veteran-resources-to-handle-illegals-n2606488
– sent to care for illegal immigrants. … The Title 42 Order has been used over one million times and has been essential for CBP to deny entry to illegal immigrants. … Reports indicate that your Administration is aware of the inevitable surge of illegal immigrants once this authority ends…There is…
So the DHS Secretary Decided to Gaslight Congress About the Biden Border Crisis…gaslight-to-congress-about-the-biden-border-crisis-n2606420
– resulted in large numbers of illegal immigrants being able to get away from Border Patrol. … @SecMayorkas: “Yes I am, and we are continuing to work to make it more secure.” ?? … The myth that open border radicals WANT you to believe is that we arrest all the "bad" people.…
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