Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Reality Check: The Biden Administration Will Never Stop Gaslighting Us on the Border Crisis…will-never-stop-gaslighting-us-on-the-border-crisis-n2616017
are in.   … And amazingly, within this context, some Congressional Democrats are circulating the idea of further incentivizing illegal immigration … travel agents for illegal immigrants, and are casually smeared by political leadership at the highest levels.…
Heritage Action Sounds the Alarm on Disastrous Amnesty Plan
– Sinema have agreed on an ‘immigration reform’ framework that would grant amnesty to two million illegal aliens and add funding to speed … This would be a virtual free pass to two million immigrants who have not been fully processed, and would only encourage millions more … We are currently in the middle of the largest ongoing epidemic of minor smuggling in history.…
Tillis Amnesty Deal Is Dead
– a bill granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. … On the other side, keep looking for how major labor unions, who are no fans of rampant illegal immigration, react to this bill. … immigrants — including a frightening number of individuals on terror watch lists — into the country.…
There Won’t Be a Border Crisis Much Longer
– Americans (especially white conservatives) are bad, foreigners good, so flush the “bad” and restock the country with the “good.” … into the very thing the illegal aliens are running from—crime-ridden streets, political oppression, inflation, socialism, economic … It’s Leftism those people are fleeing!…
Sinema: Look, It's a 'No Brainer' for a Certain Someone to Finally Visit the Unsecure Southern Border…erson-to-finally-visit-the-unsecure-southern-border-n2617393
– Obama was bad on immigration, but not nearly this bad.   … It doesn't "meet the moment," as politicos are so fond of saying these days, for reasons I've discussed at some length.   … Given this crew's track record, I fear the chances of that really happening are slim to none.  …
Most Americans Don't Know How Bad the Border Crisis Is
– When asked how many illegal crossers are entering the United States, they grossly underestimate the number. … The pollsters asked: "How many border crossings by illegal immigrants do you think are occurring each year?" … How is it that so many people are so ignorant of what is happening?…
The Rampant Chaos Is Escalating and Title 42 Hasn't Even Ended Yet…o-end-this-week-and-the-rampant-chaos-is-escalating-n2617307
– Title 42 is a pandemic-era remnant that has allowed border officials to rapidly expel large numbers of arriving illegal immigrants … Per this and other reports, Mexican officials are not "escorting busloads" of illegal migrants directly to the US border.   … Over the first two-plus months of the new fiscal year, illegal crossings are already up by more than 50 percent over last year -- and…
Riffed From The Headlines: Continuing The 2022 Media Mayhem Honors - Part 2…ines-continuing-the-2022-media-mayhem-honors-part-2-n2617758
– departures in the press from journalistic standards and ethics it stands to reason we would have even more mayhem to compile as we are … As explained, this column covers the dysfunctional actions in the press which are sorted into categories for ease of explanation, so … Why this was considered bad is not fully explained. However this framing that the Roe v.…
Climate Warrior Joe Biden Had the Omnibus Bill Flown to Him in St. Croix for Signing…e-omnibus-bill-flown-to-him-in-st-croix-for-signing-n2617727
– The optics of Biden's vacation were already bad, too. The situation along the U.S. … -Mexico border continues to devolve into greater chaos as more and more illegal immigrants stream into the country with border authorities … Nothing says "leadership" quite like leaving the mainland for a Caribbean vacation while people are still being found frozen to death…
El Paso Migrant Camps Cleared Ahead of Biden's Visit
– Due to the recent influx of illegal immigrants in the El Paso Sector, local shelters have been out of capacity for weeks, forcing many … But there are now reports of the camps being cleared ahead of Biden visiting the city on Sunday: The hundreds of people camped out … "Crime was getting bad and many residents were complaining.…
Surprise: US, Mexican Officials Reportedly 'Ran Out of Time' at Summit Before Discussing This Key Issue…of-time-at-summit-before-discussing-this-key-issue-n2618338
– Despite his 'empathy' brand, Biden has a penchant for coldly ignoring or downplaying conditions or ordeals that are politically unhelpful … The incentives, as usual, are exactly backwards.   … immigrants.  …
House GOP Moves Forward With Another Priority: Filing Articles of Impeachment Against Mayorkas…ity-filing-articles-of-impeachment-against-mayorkas-n2618183
– There are also concerns with fentanyl as well as the process being used to detain illegal immigrants.  … There have now been 20 straight months with over 150,000 illegal border crossings. … Customs and Border Protection to quickly expel illegal aliens.…
Movin' on Up: Prominent American Sanctuary City Now Sending Illegal Immigrants to Canadian Border…y-now-sending-illegal-immigrants-to-canadian-border-n2619238
– On numerous occasions, he's whined about the various stresses the influx of illegal immigrants has placed on his city's resources, … Apparently, it was "human trafficking" when Ron DeSantis sent a plane of illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, but not human trafficking … Shanker (@Neoavatara) February 6, 2023The hustle and bustle of New York City are just too much for some illegal aliens, so they are
Artificial Intelligence Isn’t Ready To Replace Us Just Yet…cial-intelligence-isnt-ready-to-replace-us-just-yet-n2619729
– Not bad sounding, though I’d toss in that the style is more conversational and contains a lot of humor, but what does a fake being … Then came this, “Here's my attempt: Title: Democrats' Failed Policies are Killing the American Dream.” OK, I guess. … Thanks to the Biden administration's open borders policies, we're seeing an unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants flooding into…
News Dump: Biden Admin Reveals Multi-Decade High Border Encounters in January, Despite 'Slow' Season…gh-border-encounters-in-january-despite-slow-season-n2619469
– And now it's confirmed that the new calendar year is also posting bad numbers:  NEW: CBP reports there were 156,274 migrant encounters … guypbenson) February 10, 2023 The Biden administration seems determined to make the border crisis look better, which is how cynics are … This will reduce the 'encounters' statistics, while shifting around incentives for illegal immigrants and their cartel traffickers,…
Biden’s Delusional State of the Union
– It’s no wonder his approve/disapprove numbers on the economy are so bad: According to the RealClearPolitics polling average of Biden … immigrants – has risen to about 145,000 in FY 2021 and almost 200,000 in FY 2022.   … The result is a massive wave of illegal immigrants surging across our border – 1.7 million in FY 2021, and 2.4 million in FY 2022.…
As Crime Soars, Here's What the DC City Council is Focused On
– And that they've responded to "democracy under attack" by permitting illegal immigrants and Russian and Chinese spies to vote in local … I'd love to see a poll on how Americans feel about illegal immigrants and hostile nations' spies being allowed to vote in our nation's … Both are conscious. Female suspect fled on foot.…
One City Has Announced Kids as Young as 5 Will Soon Need to Show Their Vaccine Papers
– The mandate on young children is also occurring in a city where illegal immigrants are allowed to vote in local elections, conservative … "This city is living proof of bad government."…
How Biden Responded When Asked About Plan to Give $450K to Illegal Immigrants
– President Biden on Sunday was asked about the administration’s plan to pay illegal immigrants who had been separated from their families … WOW: Asked if the administration is planning to offer illegal immigrants $450,000 for breaking the law, Biden just stares confusedly … Biden wants to pay illegal immigrants $450,000 for their hardship while breaking our laws.For perspective, if a service member is killed…
Here We Go: Is Manchin Planning to Punt or Tank Biden's 'Build Back Better' Scheme?…ing-to-punt-or-tank-bidens-build-back-better-scheme-n2598956
– The bad new numbers are landing at an inopportune time for Democrats, who got shellacked last week in the off-year elections, quasi-panicked … It's becoming clear that the American people are not clamoring for this monstrosity:  YouGov poll: Biden's 'Build Back Better' plan … He said illegal immigration was seasonal, but it isn’t. He said paying money 2 illegal immigrants was garbage but it’s true.…
Next Year is an Opportunity to Restore American Values
– These days the changes feel less incremental and more alarming because Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are undermining our American values … Making matters even worse, Biden wants to dole out $450,000 of taxpayer money to illegal immigrants. … Illegal immigration puts American communities and jobs at risk.…
Biden’s Socialist Spending Spree Is Poisonous for America…s-socialist-spending-spree-is-poisonous-for-america-n2599301
– On the international stage, undermining U.S. energy means we are more reliant on bad actors like Russia and petty Middle East cartels … Again and again, President Biden and congressional Democrats are putting America, and our citizens, last. … In the middle of a historic border crisis, the BBB offers amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants who knowingly broke our laws and…
A New Contract with America
– Millions in building materials are left to rust and rot. Illegal immigrants are welcomed, bused or flown throughout the US. … This is a winning issue for minority voters who are tired of their children being trapped in bad schools. … They know they are in danger of losing in 2022, so they are going for all they can get!…
It Only Took One Year for Biden to Destroy America
– Neither group knew how bad things would get and how quickly the situation would deteriorate. … Accusations that Biden's economic policy isn't proactive enough are dismissed as "malarkey." … Record-setting numbers of illegal immigrants are being apprehended, and even more are getting away or not showing up for court dates…
The Moment Joe Biden Finally Lost His Credibility
– He has not been that guy since he invited, through ill-considered policy changes, untold numbers of illegal immigrants across our borders … that a winter of "severe illness and death" is coming for the unvaccinated because your aim is to bring people together; those words are … They might not remember all of the words, but they will remember Biden's vicious, nasty, bad-faith accusations, his flagrant falsehoods…
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