Results for: Republican National Committee

Obama Never Blamed for Bad Security
– Instead, the post-shooting "news" focused on how the Republican love of "assault weapons" and hatred of homosexuals are the obvious … When the Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee computer network to gain opposition research on Donald Trump, who was blamed…
The GOP Civil War Continues
– The Republican establishment and Donald Trump have never really had friendly relations, but in the past few days their relationship … On Sunday, there was a conference call that included over a 1,000 people, including Republican delegates.  … Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee spokesman, attacked this movement on Twitter on Friday. …
Waking Up From a Nightmare... in a Cleveland Hotel... Not Owned by Trump…a-nightmare-in-a-cleveland-hotel-not-owned-by-trump-n2180689
– The Republican Party’s standard-bearer. … In fact, Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee’s communications director and chief strategist, felt the need to issue the … Republican natives remain restless.…
Why They Hate Us
– Clinton to Senate Democrats and the media, there is nothing out of bounds when it comes to what a progressive liberal can accuse a Republican … draped in crosses and screaming “Make America Great Again,” walked into a gay bar and murdered 49 people on direct orders from RepublicanNational Committee headquarters located in the basement of the National Rifle Association’s headquarters, naturally, in a space they…
Here We Go: Trump to Announce Running Mate Next Week?
– The presumptive Republican nominee will choose from a narrowing list of potential running mates that represent a wide range of styles … Bob Corker chairs the foreign relations committee and appeared jointly with Trump yesterday, but doesn't seem to add much strategic … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 6, 2016 Oh, and keep an eye on the next round of national polling, as Hillary Clinton is…
May Free Speech Reign and Scientific Inquiry Prevail
– The reporting says: “Millions of individuals contribute with their use of fossil fuels, while national governments have done little … Late last month, five Republican Senators sent a letter to Lynch demanding that: “the DOJ immediately cease its ongoing use of law … In response to the “retreat,” Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology said: it…
Benghazi Panelists to Media: Actually, Our Report Includes Lots of New Information
– Quite right; enough of this Republican carnival.  … (Incidentally, in her statement yesterday, Clinton went out of her way to decry the $7 million spent by the committee over the course … National Review's house editorial is even more blistering, laying out the timeline of politically-motivated deception undertaken by…
WH Dismisses Benghazi Report as Taxpayer Funded Effort to Take Down Hillary…port-as-taxpayer-funded-effort-to-take-down-hillary-n2185328
– The White House on Tuesday dismissed the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s report, saying the two-year investigation was nothing … "The variety of conspiracy theories that have been flowering on the Republican side of the aisle are politically motivated fantasies … Moreover, Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, wrote an email to high-level administration officials…
Scalise and Duke, Democrats and Castro. Let’s Compare
– (Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the same issue.) … Senate and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations (Robert Byrd) was an ex-Klansman. … His recent honors include addressing the 2012 Democratic National Convention.…
Reports: Walker Assembling Team For Possible 2016 Run, Jeb Raising Cash
– Walker, who was sworn in to a second term in Madison this week, quietly brought on Rick Wiley, a former Republican National Committee … Plus, he may be one of the few national figures positioned to earn the trust of the GOP establishment and grassroots.   … Ben Carson is being subjected to the unforgiving glare of the national spotlight.  …
Paul Ryan’s New Way Forward
– House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) has been an intellectual leader of the Republican Party since he released … Townhall’s Guy Benson sat down with Ryan to discuss his new book, the state of the Republican Party, and the future of the United States … Ryan: I am hoping to do my part to help grow and create a conservative movement that can win national elections, a conservative movement…
Hershey Retreat: Lawmakers Prepare For King v. Burwell And Securing The Border…prepare-for-king-v-burwell-and-securing-the-border-n1944378
– Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, gave a brief overview of Obamacare, according to a Republican aide present … Yet, while Obamacare continues to dominate discussion within Republican circles, lawmakers need to prepare for the King v. … The bill was referred to the committee and will move through regular order. The bill's co-sponors are: Reps.…
Heckuva Job: Top Obamacare Official Steps Down
– Republicans on the House Oversight Committee last month grilled Tavenner about the miscount, which had helped push the first-year enrollment … Conference of CPA Practitioners’ tax-policy committee. … The IRS -- which is still being led by this man, by the way -- has warned that new Obamacare complications and Republican-orchestrated…
Boom: First GOP Presidential Debate is This August
– Mark your calendars: The Republican National Committee has just blasted out the 2016 presidential primary debate schedule. … So far there are nine confirmed debates on the books -- and three others pending: Today, at the Republican National Committee … Chairman Priebus will become the longest serving Chairman in modern history and is only the seventh person to serve four years as Republican
Confirmed: 2016 RNC Convention Slated for Late July
– The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced last summer that the 2016 RNC Convention would be held in Cleveland, Ohio. … Thursday night, however, they blasted out official dates: The Republican National Committee has selected July 18-21 as the official … dates for the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.…
Kind of a Drag
– Bruce and I were colleagues during one of my several turns as communications director at the National Republican Congressional Committee … That means the Republican bench - candidates for the U.S. … It is a Republican seat, but it is a Republican seat in Northern Virginia which is not known as a center of GOP power in the Commonwealth…
John Boehner, Speaker Of The House, Progressive Scourge
– fierce rhetoric Boehner has parlayed into big wins a small stake and an impossibly weak political hand — a narrow and fractious Republican … tax revenues from the recovering economy and has sharply curbed agency spending as part of thebudget deal between Democrat and Republican … When we had a Republican House and Senate and a Republican in the White House, we couldn’t get that. And so, not bad.’”…
The Stupid Party Strikes Again: GOP Flirts with Gas Tax Hike…id-party-strikes-again-gop-flirts-with-gas-tax-hike-n1941642
– Inhofe (R-Okla.), new chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. … Higher gas taxes at the national level are the wrong approach for several reasons. … Corker, with the new Republican Congress in place, don’t turn the GOP into the dumb party.…
Boehner Re-elected Speaker . . . And You Got Played
– Newly elected Republican Rep. Martha McSally of Tucson also voted for Boehner. … The real decision was made six weeks ago, at the House Republican Conference. … Boehner is actually the most conservative Republican speaker in 50 years.…
Schism: Team Hillary Arguing When To Make 2016 Announcement
– … The liberal superPAC American Bridge has been countering Republican attacks on Clinton's behalf but the cover has not … The Democratic National Committee is beginning to take on a larger role in an effort to protect Clinton and the party brand but many … Jim Webb of Virginia has announced an exploratory committee, but has since dropped off the face of the earth.…
Bushwhacked: Top Romney Strategist Boards The Jeb Express
– could be Jeb’s national campaign manager if the former Florida governor wants to get more serious about 2016 (via NYT): David … Bush’s national effort, but his hiring also indicates that Mr. … Bush is likely to compete aggressively in Iowa, where hard-line conservatives are a force in Republican contests.…
Adelson Visits DC to Reboot Effort to Outlaw Online Gambling…isits-dc-to-reboot-effort-to-outlaw-online-gambling-n1949406
– Sheldon Adelson received a private briefing with Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee in the second week of January … Adelson's private meeting with GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee further complicates an already disjointed Republican conference … of the Government Oversight and Reform Committee.…
Monetary Politics: The Biggest Money Player In Politics Is The Fed…ics-the-biggest-money-player-in-politics-is-the-fed-n1948614
– Aldrich chaired the National Monetary Commission. … The Republican Party national platform of 2012 called for the establishment of a monetary “commission to investigate possible ways … Last winter the commission received a unanimous resolution of support from the Republican National Committee.…
SOTU - Reax
– (The following is courtesy of the Republican National Committee) NBC's Richard Engle said that to agree the world is a safer place…
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